Leading Pharma Lorazepam Reviews (Page 6)


I am really confused about everyone's posts concerning the leading brand Lorazepam. I have been taking the generic form of Lorazepam 2mg for 25 years. I've used every kind, from Watson to the current leading one. It appears that the sugary taste is the primary issue for everyone here.

The amount of negative reviews about this company is absurd. They are no different than any other generic Lorazepam; they work the same. The only difference in this pill is the inactive ingredient, which contains potassium, and that's why the pill tastes like sugar.

However, my point is, if you are a long-term user of benzos, you would have all ended up withdrawing and possibly seizing if the pill really didn't contain the main ingredient. The ER doctor would have been the first to report this pharmacy if your illness had anything to do with it. A negative review does nothing to persuade a discontinued manufacturer to bring back the generic form that any of us got comfortable with.

A Lorazepam is a Lorazepam, and the Leading Pharma Lorazepam is the same as any Lorazepam. It functions just like the rest.

112 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Briards (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

'Effective" is subject to the patient.....Leading does nothing for some but is excellent for others. The active ingredient is there is all the brands I've tried...it's the fillers and % of fillers that seem to govern whether a brand is effective or not for each individual. I found the original Watson to be more effective than Wyeths original Ativan but that is just how my body responded. Don't accept anyones advice here (negative or positive) until you have tried the brand yourself.

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Re: Briards (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Watson is no longer available. They were far superior in their genetics of Valium, hydracodone, a nd lorazapam. My 87 years mom who tuck Watson Valium every once in awhile. Had taken her usual dose one night and she said she was not getting any effect from them. So I looked at her prescription and it was a different generic. So if my elderly mother did not feel a thing. I know there is a difference

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Re: Cleverwabbit (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Watson, Actavis no longer manufactured

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Re: DM (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

Wastson lorazepam (the original) hasn't been available since 2013/14......when Actavis bought them out they also bought the molds thus until Teva took over Actavis Lorazepam production, the old Watson molds were used so it still said "Watson" on them but if you compared it to the pre-2013 Watson, the letters were more blurry. I found the Actavis Watson to be less effective.....that's when I consulted an old pharmacist friend who gave me the info. I did find the original Teva lorazepam very good when I first started it..it was made in Israel......but that too changed...I then found out they were outsourcing exports to be made in the Czech Republic. (Sigh).

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Yesterday my pharmacy told me they are able to order Teva 2mg lorazepam so I switched generics (they’ve only had Leading for a year). I used to take Teva generic before Leading and only needed half the amount.

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Re: BMn (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

I definitely do not believe you worked as a pharmacist. Because if you did you would have been inundated with people, mostly anxiety sufferers saying the new generic doesn't work. They see it is generic and automatically think it won't work. The mind is powerful. If that was the case there would be millions of people having seizures and ending up at the hospital.

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Re: Abomb (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I agree, the generics are not the same as they were a few years ago. I have been switched back to Leading from Aurobindo, then Teva. After a few days of adjustment, the Leading are working ok for me.

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Re: Leebs (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

What happened to all the various chats regarding lorazepam? I haven't received any notices of any activity in any of them.....found an old link from last June which seems to be the most recent post in all the chats. What happened?

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Re: Richard H (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

Google happened. They started favoring garbage blog farms that use SEO tricks to rank well. Either that or recovery centers all of a sudden became very popular with their thoughtful blog posts.

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Re: Roy (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

I'm amazed that they ALL disappeared......didn't even get notification that you answered, Roy. It's sad because I know of no other place people can discuss their experiences without being censored.

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Re: Richard H (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

Okay...since forum was renamed Rxchat ALL emails from this forum now go into my "Junk" folder (no idea why I have a "Spam" folder too)....just moved them to inbox -but they are not the old typical emails stating "someone has responded to your...." Instead they list ALL forums on Rxchat and very few contain anything about lorazepam......please- Admin - go back to the old way..it worked so well!

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Re: Abomb (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Am ready to try lorazepam,3 mg TEMAZEPAM,20mg

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