Lantus Solostar Pen (Top voted first)


Is it possible for lantus to be burning during injection because of A small amount of insulin being left on the tip of the needle after priming the pen? The burn doesn't happen all the, time just sometimes. Lantus has been a great medicine and works wonderfully for me I'm just wondering what causes the burning that I sometimes get during injection? I always use room tempature lantus so that's not an issue. I Know its slightly acidic so maybe that's the cause. What do you think?

2 Replies

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As far as I know, it's just something that happens with injections, sometimes. My ex-husband is diabetic and he has to occasional sting when using Lantus, as well as other insulin. There really isn't much you can do about it.

Insulin prescriptions, of any type, commonly warn about possible injection site reactions or irritation, so it is completely normal.

Very glad to hear that it is working so well for you, though.


I'm assuming this was also posted by Lynette, whom I answered and already responded on the other post.

Does anyone have anything to add?

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I get a stinging,& burning feeling when I use my Lantus pen every night. Can you tell me what causes this?

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