Klonopin Brand Name (Page 11)
UpdatedI've been unable to find Klonopin (brand name) at any pharmacy. Although I've taken this medication for several years, this is the first time I've been unable to find it. I've been told the manufacturer (Roche) has it on backorder. Some say it's no longer available. I cannot take the generic as I get a serious migraine. Does anyone have any suggestions where I might get a Rx filled?
I started taking the "new" Klonopin Brand towards the end of October, 2014. It is definitely NOT the same as the original. I suspect it was slowly being changed over the past couple of years. I think the narcotic part has been eliminated. I do not sleep the same and have strange side effects on the "new" Klonopin. As someone above mentioned, it's similar to generic Klonopin that never worked on me before. Because my insurance should now pay for Klonopin Brand, and the prescription is written for a long period of time, suggests to me that my suspicions about the changes are correct. Rots of ruck!
I have insurance and it will not cover the named brand. How long have you taken named klonopin? Why do you continue to get it if you are so opposed to it? Klonopin is not a narcotic. It's a benzo which is in a whole other category. There is no formulatory change. That would against the law for them to have in writing the exact ingredients if it were not so.
Generic Klonopin doesn't work anymore. I am going to try Klonopin brand name. Is it now available?
Yes it's been available since October 28 , 2014 .
i also have not been getting the results i use to get with brand name Klonopin, i have been on this medication for 25 years and something has changed. it does not work as well and i cannot go to sleep either. i called Roche and complained, they took my information, but i was told there was no change in the drug. i disagree, not working the same for me. my anxiety and panic attacks are not being controlled as in the past!
I contacted the FDA and filled out a form, Please anyone else that has noticed the change in the medication (not controlling symptoms as well), please do the same, so we have the medication working as before, we are still having to pay the high prices for the Brand Klonopin and we should be getting what we pay for!
Here is the link: fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/default.htm
Kim states that the generic doesn't work and wants to try the named brand and wonders if it is available. Everyone's system is different. I don't think there is any difference in the formula. Has anyone else noticed any? It was on backorder in 2011 for 7 months and when it resumed I had the same results as before. This time when it was on backorder in 2014, I didn't notice any difference in it. It is expensive for the named brand and if it really works for you then it is well worth it. I would try another generic if I thought it would work as well as the named brand but I have not been able to find one that is consistent.
I've never been able to take the generic... gave me major migraines. And, yes, I do not react the same to the brand since it became available again last year. I'm waking up in the wee hours of the morning.
I would be interested to know who has noticed any difference since the redistribution back in October of Named Brand Klonopin. There are a lot of people who've been on named brand 10 to 20 + years and have noticed no difference in it. I haven't noticed anything different but just thought I would get an input. What is the best generic? I can't handle the inactive ingredients in the generic from Purepac, it's a hard shell and I am looking for a generic that is soft and dissolves as easily as named brand.
In December 2013, Roche closed their manufacturing plant in the USA. Genentech ("part of the Roche family of companies") was supposed to start producing. Genentech only began supplying in October 2014 so there were months without brand klonopin available.
Sadly, the "new" "brand" klonopin that is distributed by Genentech is made in Mexico. For a while, the 0.5mg tablets were made in Switzerland. I talked to a pharmacist and now all 3 strengths are made in Mexico (0.5mg, 1.0mg, and 2.0mg).
I have nothing against Mexico but noticed immediately that the 1.0mg tablets that Genentech distributes are not as good at calming my mind as the 2013-Roche 1.0mg tablets were.
For a while, Roche/Genentech continued to produce the 0.5mg tablets in Switzerland. I believe Roche/Genentech used these 0.5mg tablets to gain FDA approval. Now they have moved all to Mexico and are doing something WRONG - either in their starting ingredients, their synthesis or their additives.
They work better than the generics which depressed me and left me anxious. But the Genentech product leaves me anxious. For example, I have trouble sleeping; my doctor suggested taking twice as much Genentech klonopin which I tried. It had no more effect than the previous dose.
I have heard that the FDA only tests 1 dose of a new drug so I suspect Genentech got approval with the Roche-proper-made 0.5mg tablets and that NONE of their products would now pass FDA approval.
My body can tell the difference. There are also slight changes to text on the tablets so you can tell the difference...if you still have any of the original Roche-made pills.
No other tranquilizers work for me and I am very disappointed in the apparent lack of quality in the Genentech-distributed klonopin tablets. :(
I agree that the brand Klonopin that's been available since October 2015 does NOT affect me the way the original Klonopin did. I don't sleep as deeply as before and I wake up around 3:00 a.m. Then I have trouble going back to sleep. During the day, I feel as if I haven't had enough sleep and my brain definitely can tell the difference. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you for your posting!!! I've felt the same way since day 1 I started taking the Genentech 1mg klonopin. I too cannot take the generics at all but this is not the normal, real klonopin. I wanted to write to the FDA. I wonder if doctors could help us fight this.
Reading what people have said previously, Genentech originally had the 0.5mg tablets made in Switzerland (sounds like Roche-proper), and has been making the 1mg and 2mg tablets in Mexico with ingredients from China. I think the FDA only evaluates 1 dosage of a drug before saying it's ok, so I think they evaluated the old Roche-brand-real stuff. Then I tried to get some 0.5mgs tablets only to find that they have now moved all production to Mexico. Thank you again for your note. I think a lot more people are sensitive to the change in this medicine than they thought there would be. Thank you!
I still have the original Klonopin prior to the so called " new " Klonopin. Honestly, I can't tell any difference at all. I can only tell if I do not take it that I become extremely anxious. I think they would have tested anything more than once. We don't know if they or if they didn't but I can not tell any difference in the way they look as the the original which I still have. If something is going on with it, then they need to charge the generic prices for them and not the extraordinary high price they do for these which is $220.00 for a 1 month supply.
Interesting you mention not sleeping as well with the new 'brand' klonopin. I too have been waking at 3am and anxious. Even when my doctor said to increase the dose (from 1mg, to 2mg) at night, I still wake at 3am. Very disapointing. Though I see for some people the new-brand works well enough. Wish it did for me too!
Someone called the new brand-klonopin "klonopin-lite" and that's what it feels like to me. So many things could have affected our response to it - what I'm aware of that could change it from original:
- quality/purity of starting materials (chemicals)
- the synthetic pathway (though ending in the same product at the end, you may add or remove varying degrees of impurities)
- how it is handled during delivery -- is it not kept at the right temperature? That could affect the medication.
I see that some people do not notice the difference between the original and lite versions of klonopin. I've been taking it for over 10 years and I do notice differences:
- I do not sleep as well now, even using more of the same medicine
- I am anxious whereas the original would calm my mind as well as slightly sedate me
- I have to take ativan with klonopin now to sleep -- some doctors will not prescribe concurrent tranquilizers but my doctor has known me for 15 years so understands what I go through.
I want the FDA to retest Genentech's version of the medication now that it is making all of 3 strengths in Mexico. I have nothing against Mexico but it is a change. And it was only after Genentech got FDA approval that they moved the 0.5mg tablet manufacturing to mexico.
Argh, I wish I were less sensitive to the slight change in how they make this medication. To write to the FDA (if the new klonopin doesn't work the same way for you), here's the link someone else was kind enough to post:
I have been on Klon for about 10 years..having been through the generic world of klonoopin for over 6 years(not a fun ride) and upon advice from Dr switched to namebrand..much smoother. I do think it maybe had less sedative effects than generic teva..but lasted much longer as I was able to decrease my dosage easily with good nutrition...and then had to switch back to generic teva..which I noticed the lil euphoria effect but did not last as long..........Went back to name brand klon about a week ago. Not the same medication..not sure why. Maybe they have made it less potent...some big conspiracy....to get people off off the benzos...joking aside. NOT the same med for me and it actually creates lots of anxiety and depression...I suspect nothing will be done about it as the public has a view about benzos as being bad news....the stigma. Not the same med......maybe my Teva works better while not perfect...metabolizes too quickly. The new clonaz....not strong at all..its if I didnt take it...
I will give some advice..these forums are very helpful in knowing that you are not alone. For me focusing on it too much espec when I am anxious..makes it worse for me reading about these forums. Getting through a big pharm company is almost like dealing with a communist regime...no info is coming out. I have read about formulation changes.........? How do we know for sure? Even so...it sucks..makes me look to God more...but I don't have a solution...maybe slowly wean off...is god telling all of us..enough is enough. Get off the meds..I'm not sure but relying on a synthetic is getting harder and harder......
I have learned there are lots of aminos..theanine..holy basil....that do help. But it is scary as hell thinking about getting off benzos...and its scary when meds arent working right..... in no man's land. Either way...is tough
Thank you for verifying, as another person very familiar with generic and real/original klonopin, that the new worse klonopin truly does not work for some of us. I also thought of a conspiracy to reduce tranquilizing activity but think it is more likely to be cheaper ingredients or a quicker synthesis than the original. I wish I could get the original again.
I had a few pills of original klonopin so I used 2 before an operation and it made a huge difference!
But I guess the FDA, once approving of a drug, isn't going to do anything about quality.
Thanks again for the information you provide!
I've taken name brand before they halted production and after it came back on the market. I never had to switch to a generic. I've not noticed any difference so far. I would like to try a generic but the one I tried a few years back had something in the inactive binders and fillers that caused a severe chemical reaction in my mouth, down my throat, and my stomach, it's like it burned the lining it was that bad so with that 1 pill I stopped and had pain for 3 to 4 days, went immediately back on name brand and all was ok. I tired the genetic purpac / activas with a R 34 round white and very hard shell to break. I just checked and name brand has gone up in price from $214.97 to $233.30 that's a shame! I'm upset about that as I have to pay out of pocket because insurance will only pay for generic. Which genetic has a softer outer layer that disolves like the name brand? I am one of those people who can't swallow a pill, like a phobia and I have to chew it up the name brand gives me no problems but if I could find a generic I could do the same that would WORK for as long in my system then I'd surely save a fortune.
You're welcome Julie. Maybe some don't notice a difference....I have some theories as to why may notice a change and some not in the new Klon. Lots of factors...too many to list. I did take some tart cherry juice last night....it does increase the melatonin. There is a place called "point of return"...they have supplements and a program for anyone who wishes to stop using pills of any form. It is a nonprofit organization. I'm not promoting this place per say...but have been studying their supplements..and buying some of them. For example vitamins to avoid in taking in a supplement if your benzos not working right...there are supplements to avoid..some B vitamins make you energized. Whey protein...supposedly in casseiene form. Avoid calcium supplements like the plague espec if you are nervy...of course consult with physician if you have low Calcium but we get plenty of calcium from added calcium to foods...more magnesium. Eat foods to increase gaba..almonds..walnuts.. complex carbs..beans beans beans.......
I want my real klonopin but maybe some tips to help...lol..sure you've read them somewhere...L theanine helps..And I'm thinking about going to acupuncture...but all of that costs money...
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