Klonopin And Suboxone (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was recently prescribed suboxone and klonopin. So I was wondering if anyone out there has taken this combo and what thier feelings are on the subject?
It is absolutely a safe combination to take. My addictionologist has me on 16/mg/Suboxone a day + 0.5/mg/Klonopin 3 x daily. It's a conjunctive therapy, and works WONDERS for my anxiety. I have also not wanted to use opiates in 2 years... it's amazing.
I'm on 16 mg of suboxone a day and 3 mg of klonopin a day. Prescribed by the same doc. It is a great combo
I am also prescribed Suboxone (24mg/day) and Clonopin, and I have found it to work very well for my anxiety, although it is not as effective as Xanax or Valium. I am only taking it a short while, however, until a new long term medication kicks in, but I think that as long as your dr. is prescribing it and you are taking it as prescribed, you should be safe. If you are still worried, talk to your dr. about it. They wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you. Good luck! Jessie
I am currently on 12mg of suboxone, 2mg of klonopin during the day, and 3/25mg of symbyax (combination of prozac and zyprexa) at bedtime. This trio is awesome. I used to be depressed and down all the time that's why I abused opiates. Now, I have graduated from college, and have a good paying job. My anxiety is at bay with the klonopin, and the suboxone seems to help manage the anxiety too. Remember, the last thing you want to take are stimulents (caffiene, amphetamines, etc..) if you prone to panic attacks. The symbyax helps me get a great night of sleep without feeling drowsy in the morning. I recommend klonopin and symbyax to anyone with bad anxiety, and I recommend suboxone for opiate w/d's. It's a life saver!!!
I see an Addictionologist/Psychiatrist every month and have been on 16mg Suboxone a day along with 4mg Klonopin a day. Both are spread out over the course of the day. I spent 3months at a place trying to get diagnosed and finally did and that is when I was put on 4mg of Klonopin and prior to leaving I was put on the Suboxone. So listen to your Doctor people. If you do as they say then you don't have to worry. Now on the other hand yes you can die from this combination but that is only from abuse aka not taking as directed! So if you want to get better than listen to your Doctor. Oh and I highly suggest having a PHD Therapist and a very good support system. That is if you are out of denial :) If you're like me you use a Doctor with many years in the field and also an addictionologist. I highly suggest that. Oh and most importantly I highly suggest PATIENCE!
I am also written suboxone and clonazepam (k-pins), 8mg sub and .5 k-pin. They don't seem to interract with eachother in small doses. I've read that if you do alot of both. (being opioids and benzos) your heart-rate can get too low and be serious. But I think you would have to take alot of each in the same day to have a problem. Other than that, you're good. If you're in suboxone treatment though, just make sure that only what you're prescribed shows up in your urine. Or you'll get kicked from your program and go into opiate withdrawal hell, or spend a fortune on the street. Good luck
If it is clonidine then it is O.K. This is used with suboxone sometimes as an adjunctive therapy in opiate withdrawal. If it is klonopin or clonazepam then I would question the prescription because this drug should be used very cautiously, if at all, when taking suboxone. This is a case of two drugs that sound very alike, but are very different in their usage. Hope this helps. - Anthony
Ive been on anxiety meds for 11 years since i was a teenager, since , I found myself on methadone daily for abusing narcotics (oxy,d.etc). I have been on the methadone a LONG time but I stopped for almost a year and i was miserable. I came across suboxone and sad to say, I have taken high doses of both at once because the suboxone wasnt doctors orders; anyway I am sick of going to a clinic everyday, and I am trying to get my clonazepam rx to a week at at time and looking for a doctor who will give me suboxone a wk at a time because im more afraid of stopping the clonazepam
So I understand those who lose people but it really comes down to how much you take, I wish it wasnt so complicated, the same amount die combining narcotics with alcohol or just alcohol in general. They have to find some way to treat both some people really really need a benzodiazepine and need opiate treatment ???
it is fine to take it bein on suboxone i was on it now on valium the reported deaths are from it being abused if you take the right dose youll be fine
I took Suboxone, clomanzepam and soma and it worked great for me, no interference with the Suboxone for me.
TODAY a 25 yr old man died from a reported 2mg klonopin and unknown amount of suboxone. We found him this morning dead in his bed. Rigor had set in. Why take the chance? Make life a priority.
can someone please tell me if its ok to take klonopin while coming off suboxone. i have been on suboxone for 6 month and im ready to get off of it. if not, can someone please tell me how is the best way to come off of it...like right now!
It is perfectly safe to take klonopin or any benzo to get off of suboxone, as a matter of fact before suboxone came out the detox for heroin and methadone were valium (a benzo) also a sleep aid such as ambien will help. drink lots of fluids preferably water, and multi-vitamins. Try to eat even if you are not hungry because this helps build your strength. You may also want to stock up on Imodium because unfortunetly diarrhea is a side effect of detox. this is why it is is important to drink plenty of fluids. you may also want to stock up on ibuprofen for muscle aches leg cramps. These are all things to help ease your detox but you will still go through it regardless these things just help make it more bearable.
Hello i am a medical Dr, PHD. I have prescribed Suboxone 24-32mg's a day and 6mg Kilonopin. to many of my patients. and before that Methadone and Kilonoopin. To whom i am responding "it's bad for your head" please do not give medical advice.unless you have a phd in pharmacology.
listen just b/c you had upset stomach doesn't mean they can't be taken together i have 7-8 patients on both, and have published studies on it. My peers agree Please don;t give incorrect advice the guy could be going through a severe withdrawal. Matter of fact i prescribe the combination of suboxone, aderal, and kilonopin, and for a year or so it had worked wonders. The brain needs to be stimulated
DUDE you don't know what happened until a full autopsy and a detailed toxicology report is complete i know patience upwards of 30 patients on that combp some for three years, i am not sure what else contributed to your son's death, but i doubt it was a recommended suboxone and a low doze of Kilonopin.
No, you do not get sick if you take other opiates such as oxy, morphine or heroin with suboxen from personal experience you just dont feel s*** the suboxen sticks harder to the receptors in your brain so the other opiates bounce off. Naloxen does not enter your blood stream if you put the suboxen under your toung, however if you snort or try to inject suboxen it well put you in withdrawl within 10 min. If your on Suboxen it well make you withdrawl from that too.
I'm in chonic pain do to injuries, I need the pain pills and I did not take more than the doctor told me to take but I've taken lortabs 10 for over 5 years , the reason I'm on Suboxone cuz our doctors in my area don't want to write there patients a pain prescription any more do to the goverment laws they put in place ...so that left me no chose but to get on suboxan it suppose to help with pain but I don't think so , the government did nothing but make chonic patients feel like a drug addict and made drug pushers richer cuz now they put any price on pain pills , I heard as high as $30.00 a pill so who did the law help not me but sure has made drug dealers RICH
what papers???
I've been on Subutex (Buprenorphine only) for approx 4 years now, & all during that time my Addictionologist has also prescribed me 2mg Clonazapam for GAD and severe anxiety. I'm currently at 4mg Subutex and continue a long slow taper. I have suffered zero side effects from the two medications but every time he writes the scripts he reminds me that taking too much of a Benzo can have negative side effects when taken with Bupe. Too much Benzo intake, coupled with Bupe, may result in respiratory problems. There are many doctors who won't prescribe the two meds together- but I trust my doctor as he is both Psychiatrist and Addictionologist and has been practicing for a long time. He will not prescribe me any more than 2mg of Clonazapam and if I need further help with my anxiety he'll prescribe me the lowest possible dose of Clonidine (,1mg)- a blood pressure med- that does indeed help with anxiety. Point being, & my doc is strictly by the book, that if taken in low doses and responsibly, there's nothing wrong with taking Subutex/Suboxone with a low dose of Clonazapam. Hope this helps somewhat.
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