Klonopin Blue Vs Green (Page 4)
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I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled rx today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better?


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Judgement surrounds people that are unfortunate to live with chronic pain. As an RN, I find it literally sickening to hear the words, "they are just drug seeking"....I am an advocate for proper pain control and make it clear to all Physicians. How would they like to be writhing in bed with pain?

Dory, you are absolutely correct. I was seen in the er by a nurse practitioner with a superior attitude. I had (have) kidney stones passing and my lower back and sides have been killing me for a while now. She wrote me a prescription for Tylenol 800 mg....I asked if she could give me something stronger (I wasn't exactly asking for opiates) and she got all cocky and told me that's all she would write for. (I guess it was my blue hair...). When I went to my Dr. for a follow up with his nurse practitioner she said she could and would not write me a prescription for pain. I asked why and she said the nurse noted on my paperwork sent over from the hospital said I was a drug seeker....I didn't know whether to laugh or be angry....so now I'm basically living in my recliner, even sleeping in it, because it's the only place I can get comfortable...I have a daughter and it takes all I've got to care for her....all bc of a judgmental NP. I think you are amazing...keep helping people and standing up for them!

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Are the blue and green Klonopins the same milligrams?

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I also want to add that that as a chronic pain sufferer, I was prescribed Oxycontin a few years ago. I am now a full blown addict. My whole life revolves around being home to get my pills because if I don't take them, I am dope sick. My own pain management doctor told me I wouldn't be able to manage to stay off the pills if she helped me wean myself off of them. My natural pain receptors have been destroyed so a paper cut feels like a bone saw. I worry about surgery because how will they control my pain or keep me under? This is Hell. Do all you can to avoid narcotics. Please listen to me!! I am 51 and I have no life.

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My pharmacy changed from the green teva to blue ones and they suck I get no relief I'm going to a different pharmacy this coming month

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You might want to check that out, it's helps relax you yes but it's a benzo and helps mainly with aniexty and other disorders but never prescribe for pain and hospital do give them to relax your muscles sometimes..

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KILONOPON IS NOT FOR PAIN... and ur an RN??? They are benzos

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Anxiety leads to physical pain, Klonopin DOES work for pain, Mental and physical works together I do not care what person disagrees, they are wrong.

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WOW!! Look at all these medical experts lol.. One dude said "If you havent taken klonapin then start with 2 mgs.. If you have then take 4-6 mgs.." Are u f***ing serious? They would OD or pass out at the wheel.. Some people, smh... Sounding like ****s.. If u need info, beware of the ppl you listen to. Everyone online is an expert in something lol.. Try talking to a REAL doctor face to face instead of asking a bunch of "know it alls" that sit around on their computers all day.. Everything you read isn't true.. To all of the REAL medical experts, this does not apply.. Start on 2 mgs, smh.. You tryin to get this person addicted??

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Well 1st I'd like to say: google your states medication guidelines. In Virginia pharmaceutical companies have been given the green light to put anywhere from 0.6 to 0.9 instead of the actual 1mg dose. I found this out when i had been given a certain xanax that worked very well, these were light blue & not always but mostly football shaped...then i was given these dark blue round tablets that in no way at all we working as they should, that's how I found out about the pharmaceutical option to put at times 0.6mgs for a 1mg pill, no wonder they weren't working it was pretty much half of my dose 3× daily. So i took the 1st rx, seen it was crap. Next month i go to my pharmacy & evidently they had ordered an entire shipment from the dishonest (legally or not) company so i ask my pharmacist what he knew about it, he said the same as the rest of the world believes, same mg no matter who makes the meds. I had him fill them, just in case i got lucky, no such luck. So my pharmacist & i have a detailed convo about this situation, he Google'd the info, amazed that it was legal to do at all. He took my filled rx back and called another pharmacy that had my regular pharmaceutical provider's medication & sent me there until he sent back / got s*** straight with the crappy no conscience pharmaceutical company. He has never used another company since, and i even got an apology! Watch what you're taking from the pharmacy or otherwise. You never know what's legal, illegal or just plain bulls***!

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The blue ones do not work near as good as the green ones. They blue ones seem to make me have cravings. .5 mg of green ones in the morning last me for the whole day until the following day. Have been on them for five months. Started out at 1 mg was prescribed 1.5 mg per day I am now down to .5 mg that those works better for me. When I was on 1 mg kept waking up in the morning with my heart racing fast for 30 to 40 minutes until I got up

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Hi sarah I always took the green but one time they gave me the blue mfg name qualatest they did not work well for me but other like them better

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Wrong clonazepam is also muscle relaxer and some what does help with pain..

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These meds are for anxiety not pain, what are you even talking about?

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I use klonopin for sleep, as well. Once I take them I don't remember falling asleep.

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1) Are the blue ones you take, clonazepam (generic) ?
2) Do you know the manufacturer?
3) If not, what is the exact shape and markings on the pill?

Green makes my sick. You said the blue ones are better for you... could you help me? Thank You!!

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I love when they tell you you shouldn't be in pain. Did you just have back surgery with the fusion of titanium rods and screws. Hell no he didn't. So I told him let me know when you do, then tell me I shouldn't be in pain. So I found a new doctor.. This doc is great. Never really questions my pain level. I guess he reads his patience charts and under stands the pain..

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I am so tree with numerous diseases which are painful. Pain clinics are a joke and rip off

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Yes it would hope cuz in a way benzos are muscle relaxers the pain could come frome stress and anxiety built up for a while saw a doctor got xanex for that and also for anxiety

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I think the dark blue ones vs the green tevas. Blue ones are way better like the K cut pins. If I take 3-4 green ones I'm good. Acting normal and all. Take the same amount of the blue C-1 pins and I'm on a different world. Its now the next morning and I can still kinda feel them WoW...

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People need to get their facts straight. Clonazepam is used for pain -- nerve pain. It is especially used for atypical trigeminal neuralgia also known as ATN or TN2. Some doctors use Gabepentin (neurontin) but the 1st line of treatment should be Clonazepam starting at 0.5 a day and then later 1 mg tablet a day taken at night. It is also used for anxiety as it is a "benzo" and is used to treat seizures. Places that specialize in ATN is Brighams Medical Center in Massachusetts and UCONN Health Center in Farmington, CT. ATN is most often misdiagnosed. In the case of ATN/TN2 it can be used long-term.

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