Ketamine For Depression? (Page 4)
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It was recommended by the members of a separate thread that one be started that directly relates to ketamine and it's use to treat depression.

If anyone besides myself would like to discuss it's use as a treatment for depression, feel free to post your questions, answers and experiences here.

This thread is an offshoot of a related one that discussed a treatment of Scopolamine for depression.

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Sounds very interesting...thank you for the information!

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Hello Barbie, I was JUST prescribed Rexalti....if you don't mind me asking, what other antidepressants are you taking? I'm on 300 mgs of sertraline as well.
You are happy with the results of Rexalti?
Thanks very much!

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Erik, Jannsen is doing trials on an sketemine nasal spray. When I last read anything on this (a few months ago) they anticipated getting it to market by 2019. Nasal is not as effective as transfusion, but it has proven to be helpful so far.

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Hello, how are you? Any updates that you know of about this? I'm in the Chicago area....I've had very little relief with antidepressants, and I'm looking for something to curb this major depression. Thank you!

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I agree with you Paula. You hit the nail on the head. It is a chemical imbalance. So many out there think that you can just SNAP OUT OF IT!!! I suffered depression due to panic disorder. These diseases can go hand in hand.
Unless someone has experienced anything like these diseases, they should shut their mouths and do what they do best.
At this point, l do not think that herbs are the answer. Their is not enough study done on them and so many do not have FDA approval.
I have recently tried Rexulti given to me from my therapists for both of my problems. You might want to try it. Working very well in just one week. I have more energy and a lot happier.

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It's legal in America for doctors to prescribe ketamine, but there are *very* few doctors in the country who do prescribe it for home use. America is strange when it comes to classifying controlled substances. Money and politics are far more involved behind the scenes than they should be.

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Thank you Sarah, for pointing out my typo. I'm quite surprised that Americans can access ketamine so easily, and if this is the case, why aren't more depressed Americans using it? In Canada, access to ketamine is very strictly controlled. It's only available via the black market.

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Joseph, I think you mean *without* a prescription? Otherwise, I'm afraid you're just incorrect. It's done most commonly for pain management, often as a cream for topical use, but also as a troche (lozenge) for fibromyalgia. I've been a patient at Massachusetts General Hospital's Depression Clinical and Research Program since 2014 (I was initially a subject in a clinical trial) and have filled ketamine prescriptions with two New England compounding pharmacies for intranasal and intramuscular use.

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There are many people that have a prescription from their doctor for compound ketamine. Cream for pain, syrup, troche/lozenges and nasal spray. Dr Giorgadze in Smyrna GA prescribes nasal spray, Dr Hanna in Florida prescribes troches, the type of compound varies from illness-depression or pain and what the doctor feels is best. I take troches in between infusions to help prolong the time needed for the next infusion/booster. Talk to your doctor. If you don't have a Doctor you can find one on ketamine advocacy network or google.

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Sarah -- no legitimate pharmacy will compound ketamine into any format with a prescription.

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Robert, the only way to get ketamine legally in the US or Canada is with a doctor's prescription. Veterinarians would be breaking the law by providing it for human use and it's not the sort of thing (though I'm sure there are exceptions) they would provide for an owner to administer to an animal. Doing so would risk their license.

Everyone should read the recent JAMA paper about ketamine for use in depression. Unfortunately, it can have unpredictable effects on blood pressure. Home use is risky without first using it with medical supervision enough to be confident in your understanding of how your body handles it.

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In your post you mentioned ketamine may be purchased through a veterinarian? Is that true? How would i go about getting it? $7 is far better than $3,000.00 the doctors are asking. I really really want to try this. I hear it works. That is good enough for me.

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I've been a customer for years now at ACC Apothecary. They have been amazingly helpful and patient, and their service is amazing -fast shipping, helpful counseling, you name it. I know they do ketamine cream, intranasal spray, and troche. They can't compound for injection, but they can do anything else.

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There are pharmacist that compound all types of medicine. Of course with Ketamine you will need a rx from your doctor.

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ACC Apothecary will make troches for you with a prescription. In the US, Massachusetts.

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Mirri -- good luck. This is not available in Canada. No doctor will do it.

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A troch is a lozenge. The ketamine is absorbed in the mouth. One would need a compounding pharmacist to go this route.

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Hi! What is the troche form ? I wasn't sure what that meant.

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to be added to this forum because I will be trying Ketamine infusions at a clinic in my area. I will be taking it for PTSD. I have been suffering for three years and conventional treatments- meds and therapy have not worked for me. I start the infusions in April. I will post the results of the infusion therapy and just wanted to be part of a forum as I feel like the only person going through this. Wishing everyone a good experience and look forward to meeting all of you. Thank you for reading. I will be following this thread. :)

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All compound ketamine is effective just at a different rate than IV or IM. I prefer the troche form of compound ketamine.

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