Is This A Fluoxetine Pill? (Page 3)
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A109 20 mg dark blue oval capsule
I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has had a similar experience with Walgreens switching from Aurobindo to Sandoz. We upped my prescription from 40 to 60 mg to manage additional anxiety I was starting to feel and things went in the opposite direction, with the depression returning on top of the anxiety. I'm thinking now the entire problem all along was the switch in makers of fluoxetine. I have been reading a number of negative comments about the Aurobindo label and positive ones with Sandoz, but hearing your experience has encouraged me to go back to Aurobindo. Fortunately, my prescription benefit is managed by Optim Rx and I can have my prescriptions filled by mail with Aurobindo. I'm also going to make it a point to let Walgreens know they will be losing my business on account of this switch!
Got Northstar the last time from mail order pharmacy and it is not working for me. Did a little research. TEVA bought out Barr and Pliva is part of the TEVA group of pharmacies. The local pharmacy carries Pliva. I will be getting the Pliva.
Just to give everyone an update and perhaps some insight and hope! Since my initial post I have gotten veeerrry sloooowly down to .25 mg 2x/day.
HOW? I started cutting off 1/4 of a tablet/pill and did that for 1X/day and take a full pill for the other dose, for about 6 weeks. Then both doses got the 1/4 cut off. I did that for about 6 weeks and then cut another 1/4 off one dose and the other dose was the "full 3/4" for another . . . and I kept going.
I been on this crap for over 20 years and the only thing it has done for me is make me take more because I went crazy without it. It hasn't solved an brain-chemistry issues it hasn't cured me of anything. The depression and other feelings came back a little bit with each step but I lived through it and it was not cumulative. I got "normal" feeling OK at each dose before I went down further- I did it slowly and I cleaned up my diet - that helped a HUGE amount.
I am now down to spitting 10mg pills so that I take 1/4 of a pill 2X/day. .25 mg vs 40 or more that I took in the past.
All the doctors I went to to help me get off the stuff told me to do it much much faster than what I did and that's what they are taught by the manufacturers. It does not work that way. If you go off it that fast there is a high possibility that you will go through withdrawal and get back on the meds.
Pharmaceutical companies do not have cures. They have CUSTOMERS.
I'm getting off the Klonopin too.
I have been on a low dose of Aurobindo for a year now, but Walgreens filled my Rx last month with Sandoz and I've noticed a significant difference! After a week and half of emotional extremes, mood swings and the inability to sleep, I realized it is the Sandoz! Had zero problems with Aurobindo, but can't find any pharmacies that carry it as Walgreens has stopped. Found Teva at Target, but contemplating asking my doctor to restrict any generics before buying the Teva if it is similar to Sandoz.
Only recently did I decide to check the lower right-hand corner of my prescription to see the manufacturuer of my generic Fluoxetine. For as long as I can remember, I have been on Northstar, which I now know due to the color of the pills/markings on the pills. I was on 20mg per day for about 5 years and 3 and half weeks ago, I was upped to 40mg per day because it seems as though I finally suffered from "Prozac Poop-Out". I just got a new prescription filled yesterday and come to find out it is the Aurobindo brand (green/orange 40mg capsules), a brand I have never been on. I just took the first pill of Aurobindo this morning (about 30 minutes ago), so we'll see what happens. Can anyone out there tell me, in their opinion, if Aurobindo is even slightly better than Northstar? I've been hearing a lot of negative things about Northstar, but like I said, it worked well for me for the past 5 years or so, until recently. I am also on Seroquel XR 150mg at night. My pharmacy is Food Pyramid (formerly Albertson's).
Thanks in advance.
I switched form a 20 mg fluoxetine to 40 mg, which I began taking on 7-27-2013. I noticed a little morning indigestion; however, didn't think much about it... until yesterday (7-31-2013) when I had a severe bout of heartburn. I tried to think what might be causing the indigestion... took antacids and after several hours the pain was gone. THis morning 8-1-2013 I took another Northstar Rx 40 mg fluoxetine and after about 30 minutes the pain was horrible and I began to vomit. THis pill is blue and marked 40A/107. I called Northstar to report this reaction at 1-800-206-7821. I have NEVER had this type of experience with any medication, generic or brand name, ever!
Yes!! And only with the Northstar! I either open the tablets and mix the powder into juice or just make sure to take the pill in the middle of eating something and with lots of liquid.
my son was taking aurobindo/fluoxetine but this time they(walgreens filled it with teva instead which is better
Last I checked, Rite Aid carried Teva, Walgreens carried Aurobindo and CVS has Par. I will check at work tomorrow but overall, Rite Aid is the most flexible of the three when it comes to ordering specific manufacturers.
I get mine at Rite-Aid. I had to ask for it and they had to get it - but they did.
Pliva bought Teva. I haven't noticed a change at all. But I have been weaning off this stuff since this all happened. Might take me another year to get off the last 5 mg /day but I'm not going to be left open to this nightmare ever again.
I believe that RiteAid carries TEVA or Walgreens. I can't quite remember which one but I think it was RiteAid.
I am currently taking Aurobindo's version of fluoxetine. It seems to be prety ineffective. I'm looking for TEVA, but am having a hard tome finding it. Any suggestions? Thanks
My pharmacy filled my last prescription with the Northstar A-106 brand. It did nothing to improve my anxiety but instead made me feel like I had jumping beans in the legs. I was so hyper I couldn't get still to sleep. I also couldn't sleep due to the horrible heartburn and reflux. The first few nights, I was awake trying everything from hot tea, to drinking a bottle of maalox. Even after stopping this new brand, the symptons continued for about a week. I returned this medication back to the pharmacy and they ordered the brand I had been taking prior to this brand (Northstar -A106) .
Let me know if you need any help in finding a certain manufacturer. Between personal experiences and working in pharmacy at an insurance company, I can tell you pretty much what every pharmacy stocks and which stores might be more accommodating in ordering a specific mfg.
Once you switch off of Northstar, you should start to feel more 'normal' in four days or so, and much better in a week or two.
As an update, I'm taking the Par mfg of fluoxetine now. I don't feel it's quite as effective as Sandoz or Teva were for me. I'm going to discuss with my psychiatrist what changes I should make.
I hope all of you are doing well
I am a physician living on SSD due to Major Depressive Disorder. I've dealt with MDD for decades. I didn't think anything of it when my generic fluoxetine was changed from RanBaxy to NorthStar manufacturer about one week ago. Then past 4 days, I've felt like a have a mild case of the flu, my brain is "mash potatoes", and I have severe psychomotor retardation. (It takes me forever to do the stupidest little things, e.g., wash dishes, take a shower, etc.), and crampy constipation. Just yesterday did I put it together that it was my fluoxetine. Then I find this site on the internet!! Thanks for all of your input!
I am SO happy for you. I'm so glad I was able to help. It took a few days when I started taking Sandoz again to get the full effect but I am so glad to be back on that manufacturer. Just stick it out for a few days and you should be good. Keep me posted on how everything works out :)
My Walgreens said they could not special order it for me for whatever reason, but Rite Aid said they would and it would be $10 a month max because I take twice daily.
Jane, you are AMAZING. I thought I had called every pharmacy in town and apparently neglected Riteaid. I just called and they special ordered it for me and it will be in tomorrow! You may very well have just saved my life. I owe you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just have to call in tomorrow to make sure it came in.
Apparently I'm not done lol.
If you do not have insurance, check with your local Walgreens to see if they can special order the Sandoz manufacturer for you. The reason I'm suggesting Walgreens is because they have a Prescription Savings Club which cost $20 for an individual per year and then you can pay $10 per month for your fluoxetine RX or $20 for a 3-month supply (or that was the pricing as of when I last checked, probably four months ago). Something to consider...
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