Is This A Fluoxetine Pill? (Page 2)
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A109 20 mg dark blue oval capsule
Hi, Jane. I'm curious to know if you're still on Northstar, as I (as I responded to Stella) haven't been able to find it for months now. Although, to be honest, though I don't feel as great on the new medication, I have lost 15 pounds, which is nice... But I wonder if I could find incorporate the Northstar (if I found it) as a part of a combination that allowed me to feel better but keep off the weight (through careful oversight). Recently, I asked a few pharmacies about Northstar fluoxetine, and, as best they could find out, it wasn't being stocked anymore, which they assumed meant it wasn't being manufactured anymore.
Jenny - Smart mom you've got. I think my mom was the one who initially suggested the same thing to me, some years ago.
The closest I can find to Northstar fluoxetine, nowadays, is fluoxetine from Teva/Pliva (owned by the same company, and, thus, I THINK the same formulation, though for some reason I slightly prefer Pliva to Teva). I've found them pretty widely available. The 20mg capsules say "Pliva" and are white with green marks and writing on them, and the 40mg capsules are orange and light blue and say "Teva" on them. (Also, the name of the generic manufacturer (or an abbreviation) can usually be found somewhere on the bottle or the bag.) And the pharmacist will be able to tell you what they will likely supply you with, and in most cases, they can order a specific generic manufacturer if you ask them to and are willing to wait a few days. (You can do something similar with more-closely controlled medications, but you have to actually show face at the pharmacy with the prescription first - for fluoxetine, you can do it over the phone.)
I've also, over time and prescriptions, acquired some 20mg fluoxetine pills from Par, from Mylan, and also from Sandoz. I take mostly the Pliva, though I usually mix in a little from the Sandoz because it seems to increase my appetite less than does Pliva alone. (I open the capsules and take a tiny bit of powder from the Sandoz and about half of the powder from the Pliva. Then I reclose the capsule) Taking some of the Par powder along with that (and, I THINK, the Mylan as well - that's a tablet, so I break off a tiny piece. but the Mylan is still newer, and I'm still figuring out what affect it has) seems to make me more actually happy than just stable, but it also makes me hungrier than Pliva and Sandoz alone.
And I take this powder with water, because it burns my tongue if I leave it there too long. But I don't notice any problem with it hurting my throat or stomach. And, as I said in another post, I have lost 15 pounds since I ran out of Northstar eight or nine months ago and thus had to switch.
Walmart Pharmacy here just switched from Northstar to Aurobindo. I took the one from Northstar for 6 months and I felt wonderful! I have noticed in the past week all my old symptoms are back though. I was complaining to my mom about how I was feeling again, she reminded me that I had mentioned my pill looking different. I called the pharmacy and found out the had switched to Aurobindo. Definitely not happy about it!
Jane, when you switched back to north star, how long was it before you started feeling the change? I was on Pliva and when I changed pharmacies it got switched to Sandoz which caused a relapse in depression. I am now back on the Pliva (at a higher dose) but it still does not seem to be working. Thnx.
My pharmacy stopped carrying Northstar fluoxetine this past spring (2015). I have called around and can find it nowhere else. Since then, I've switched to a combination of Teva and a little bit of Sandoz. And, when I need to get some work done on something, a bit of Par. They don't seem to work as well on my mood, but I have lost 15 pounds.
Does anyone know how I can get northstar fluoxetine? It's the generic that has worked best for me and I've called every single major pharmacy in my area (Salt Lake City) and none of them carry it - help?
Not true...I have taken northstar 20mg for years and had no issues. Switched me to another brand and was totally disabled. Went back to northstar and now back to normal.
Hey guys check out this link:
The 80 percent to 125 percent rule is bogus. It's not true. Think about it, the fda would not approve drugs nor would you be perscribed faulty drugs. It's natiral to go through the reverse placebo effect when switching to a unknown brand. Your expectations are different, so the result will be too. It's all in your heads guys.
FYI, as of 12/31/14, rite aid can no longer order Sandosz 40 mg. I cannot take the Teva, so it's back to the drawing board.
I found by breaking up the pill or capsul and diluting it and taking smaller doses each week will help. Dilute with cranberry juice seems to help taste
I experienced severe heartburn with fluoxetine 40 mg when my generic was switched from Teva to NorthStar. Now that I'm taking Teva again, there is no longer a problem. In reading through these posts, I see a lot of misperceptions about brand vs. various generics. All generics contain exactly the same active ingredient as the brand and are therefore therapeutically equivalent. The only difference among various generics are the fillers (or inactive ingredients), which people may react differently to (in this case heartburn with NorthStar but not Teva). It is extremely important to understand that although different generics may cause different side effects, they are ALL EQUALLY ACTIVE in treating depression and/or anxiety!
It's funny (although it has been awhile) that most people hear have the problem where they were switched from Teva to Northstar and found a problem. Mine is the exact opposite was switched from Northstar to Teva and don't feel anywhere like I used to feel. Luckily, I called walmart and they have northstar 40mg again.
Does anyone know if Compounding Pharmacies will make smaller doses in order to facilitate getting off these drugs? I am taking 10 Mg Fluoxitine and need to get off and the withdrawal is awful. I want to slowly reduce the dose however I just learned that the manufacturer is discontinuing this dose and only selling 40 mg going forward..
Some TEVA lots have been recalled, If you notice a strong odor from the bottle then it's a good chance that yours is one of the recalled lots, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANYMORE OF THESE, Take them back to the Pharmacy and request a different lot number that hasn't been tainted. I am also on the generic
I have taken both Northstar Fluoxetine and their generic Zoloft. They are both awful! I have also tried Aurobindo which is equally ineffective and problematic, or it simply doesn't work. I have taken other indian generics, including generic Effexor xr, Celexa, and Lexapro, and found them to be pure garbage. Who knows what they put in the capsules over in India.
I will NEVER take these two generics again, along with most other indian generics for that matter. Although I have had problems with Teva generics in the past, I suppose I would prefer Teva any other Indian generic. Since their generic Wellbutrin was taken off the market a few years back, I think Teva has gotten better with their anti-depressants. Not the case with most Indian generics. I have nothing against Indian generic products in general, but it is no coincidence how thousands and thousands of patients have similar complaints about their products.
Like others have posted, I believe Sandoz is one of the best out there. I have also heard positive things about Mallincrodkt Fluoxetine, but have yet to try it. I do not know if they still manufacture Fluoxetine or not. I tried ordering Mylan but they currently are unavailable for Fluoxetine. I will ask my pharmacy to try and order Mallincrokdt next time around, but I am sticking with Sandoz for the time being. Do not allow the pharmacy to dictate what you take if it doesn't work or gives you bad side effects due to the product being an inferior indian or chinese generic!!
I have been taking Northstar for years for anxiety attacks. They switched it to aurobindo and my attacks came back and knocked me down and out of work for quite awhile.
I have the same issue...taking it to pharmacy tomorrow.....
Just got a new prescription for Teva fluxotine. 20 MG.Very strong chemical/plastic smell in bottle. Is this normal?
I wrote in back August 1, 2013. I switched from Teva to Northstar and had horrible stomach upset. I just wanted to let everyone know that I've switched back to Teva (manufactured in Poland for Teva by Piva Krakow 20 mg twice daily and the problem stopped. I still do not like any SSRIs but I'm working with my Dr and therapist to reduce and eventually quit their use at all. I called and reported the adverse reaction and a case was opened... so the FDA is aware! :-) Best of luck to all.
If you're in the Midwest region, Meijer just started filling w/ TEVA. Good health to you!!
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