Is The Gabapentin Affecting My Eyes? (Page 5)
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I am now taking 7 x 300 gabapentin per day and am getting terrible eye problems: double and blurred vision, I am also sufering unnerving confusion, could it be a side effect of the gabapentin?
I take 12x300 every day, post hermetic neuralgia. My eye site is a bit blurry, but optician said not to bother with eye test while I'm on gabapentin. I'm always very tired and I have erectile dysfunction. I've been taking these for 7 years now. I also have to care for my wife, who has MS. Ray.
I took the Gabapentin for only 3 days, when I woke up on the third day I had all these lights in my eyes, I have since found out that they are called flashers or flashing. It has not gone away and it is spreading to the whole eye instead of the sides, unfortunately my eye doctor didn't know about them so treated me for dryness of the eye. I went for a second opinion and he recommended I see a neurologist so I did, he didn't know anything and wondered why the second doctor sent me to him. He did however take lots of notes and said he would study up on it. So now I have an appointment with another eye doctor who might have more to say. This is all wrapped around a work related injury. So I have not driven for more then a year because the light of day makes the flashing horrible, I nearly ran into people in the car. You can find this information online so why don't others know about this. I hope you do better than I in your quest.
Took Gabapentin for only 3 days, woke up the third day with a rash on my face and flashing lights in my eyes. I am allergic to lots of med so stopped. Flashes have continued and gotten worse over this year. Being treated medication for dry eyes by one Doctor. Went for second opinion and all I said was Gabapentin and flashing in my eyes and this Doctor said you need to see a Nuralogist ( cant spell) so have that appointment next month. I was injured at work and developed CRPS and that is why I took the Gabapentin, wish I had never touched the stuff. Can't drive, almost ran into people so couldn't take the chance so haven't driven since last December in the light of day.. Will go back to first eye doctor and see what he says about second Doctors findings. Has anyone had this same experience. It will help me document others effects so maybe Labor and industries will listen.
I have been taking Gabapentin, 300 mg. three times a day for a few months, along with Ativan, 1 mg. three times a day for a long time. I developed severe dry eye syndrome and it is so bad I am unable to do the things I love to do (write, quilt, etc.) I can't use the computer more than a short time and just ironing quilt pieces started the burning and pain. I am weaning myself off the Ativan and am down to 2 1/4 mg. a day but realize the problem started with the Gabapentin. I have just one eye so am really upset about this.
I 'm on 400 mill. of neurotin3xms a day and my vision and libido are definately getting worse. My left eye flutters constantly. When I was driving one night there were cunstruction cones that I thought I was in line with and I kept hitting them, I had to pull over. I didn't know this was a side effect. what else can I use for my chronic pain?
It think it wont be permanent. My labido is like a 13 year old and I'm on 3600mg. I'm sure once you stop it should come back right away. I would discuss it with your dr. Their may be a med you can take to increase your labido while on the med. I would have the dr change the gaba to something different if your lack of labido continues after trying a stimulator. Everyone's body is different so the med works different in people, you may even want to consider just going to a different med and seeing if labido returns. I'm 44 years old.
I lost vision in my left eye...haven't been able to see out for 3 months now
I have been taking Gabapentin 600 mg twice a day for about 6 Months. I have double vision when using both eyes and can hardly drive. Had eye checked just before taking drug and my eyes were fine.
I only took two 300mg gabapentin pills for two days; prescribed for peripheral neuropathy; after the second pill, developed severe blurry vision, double vision, contrast and light problems; missing fields of vision; right eye worse than left; knocked out my short term memory almost immediately, depression, anxiety, crying spells for no apparent reason and suicidal thoughts , this AFTER ONLY "TWO PILLS". Doctor discontinued immediately; but too late; it has been almost a month and eyesight has not returned to normal. I also have color contrast problems, eyes get fatigued, easily, and lots of floaters still to date. It affected my right eye the worst; which was my strong eye. I wish I could go back and not have taken this medication; I had a bad feeling about it to begin with. Helped neuropathy almost immediately; but took out my eyesight. not worth it.
I’ve been diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy. I'm on 4 x 300mg of gabapentin and I'm noticing blurred distance vision. I see fine up close but when looking off into the distance things are starting to look fuzzy. I'm also worried that this side effect might be permanent. I'm thinking about cutting down to 3 pills a day.
I am so sorry to hear about the damage to your nerves. I am slowly loosing my ability to walk as well. Due to scoliosis, I was fused from T3 to S1 in 2010. I have been taking gabapentin since then and have developed cataracts. My vision is blurred, especially when tired. But it is the only drug that helps with my nerve pain.
Hello, does anyone have any information on gabapentin, or neurontin and PRK laser eye surgery? Is there a list of medications that should not be taken before or during the surgery? Trying desperately to see what went wrong with my surgery. I can hardly see now. Only 3 months after my surgery I was asked about being diabetic and any medications I had been taking before my procedure ( the Dr was trying to figure out what went wrong). Any help would be so appreciated about any information you may know of. Thank you,.... Desperately seeking answers..
I started on the gabapentin a year ago and just increased my dose from 300mg to 1200mg. I'm not happy, very bad eye pain and migraines seem a lot worse!! The neurologist never told me any thing about these side affects , of course my concerned and I want to why this is happening after I when up a dose.
yes, I no longer have double vision,. I went to see how my eyes were affected by the gabapentin as well as prednisone and the Opthamologist gave me a good diagnosis. No affect from these drugs. But I stopped within 6 months, tapered the prednisone off and quit the gabapentin.
I also had 20/20 vision for distance and needed 1.0 magnification for reading only. Then after taking Gabapentin at 2400mg daily for 6 months, I have double vision, blurry vision, require 3.0 magnification readers and am now reducing the dosage I take to try to save my eye sight. I have severe spinal damage in cervical and lumbar areas and am taking Gabapentin with strong pain meds in an effort to tolerate the server nerve damage in my arms and legs. The Gabapentin was working quite well in reducing nerve pain, the problem is I don't want to loose my eye site since I can not walk. I am reducing the Gabapentin to see if my eyes return to normal.
I took gabapentin for nerve damage. I quit because of double vision. It really did nothing for my nerve damage. In fact I changed my diet to whole organic foods, vegetables, quinoa, millet, amaranth, green drinks and I was able to eliminate the need for all medications except one asthma inhaler which I only use 1/2 dose. Pharmaceutical drugs are dangerous and do not cure nor do they heal a sick body, but in the long run creates even more problems.
had the same double vision has it improved yet, mine is 6 days since stopping gavapentin
What about eye headaches as I call them. When your eyes just start hurting and the eyes ad surrounding area feel hot, not to the touch. When trying to read or look at something small even with reading glasses on. On Gabapentin and get the double vision as well
My daughter has been taking gabapentin for almost a year now. She is currently taking 300mg in the morning and 600mg in the evening. A couple of months after taking the gabapentin she started to loose the vision in her left eye when she gets a migraine. Has anyone else experienced this
I get blurred vision also with 2400 mg. I have noticed if I accidentally miss a dose the vision is better. HOWEVER, it helps my neuropathy so much I am willing to put up with this side effect.
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