Indometacina Metocarbomol Betametasona
UpdatedI would like to know of any side effects from taking Artridol made by Rimsa
4 Replies
Indomethacin is strong nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant and the Betamethasone is a steroid class medication, this is used to treat pain, fever and swelling.
Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation.
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Is there anything else I can help with?
will it take away pain of arthrist.
Padezco de espondilolistesis , es una hernia lumbar L5 - S1 , que me ocasiona dolor ciático en la pierna izquierda. Tengo un año , me recetaron Indometacina , existirá otro para este tratamiento ?
Re: rocsal68 (# 2)
Yes it helps a lot! To me it’s a miracle. I’ve been suffering for 2 years and nothing has helped. This is so helpful!
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