Is Lithium Responsible?
UpdatedFOUR YEARS AGO MY (OLD) pcpput me on lithium. Why? i 'had a friend' i suspected was suffering from bi polar symptoms and spoke with him about it. i ended up on lithium for a little over a year, until i woke up, briefly, one day and found a new doctor, female, too! Although lithium left my life forever, the depression it left behind is unbearable. Doc and I have tried everything, from prozac to effexor and now prystic. I can't quiot crying. All day long, sometimes from memories sometimes for no reason what so ever. Doc sqys my life isn't anything to jump for joy about, but agrees, somethinbg is seriously wrong and she suspect the lithium, now three years past, is to blame. i take alot of drugs, hpt, sinemet, RLS: pain meds for fibromyalgia and broken back and hips, klonopin for anxiety, My doc does not want to prescribe anything else without pyschiatrist. she said my hostory shosuld have created a psychopath, that it is a credit to my inner srength i am as normal as i am.
I CAN'T KEEP CRYING. PS xanax, i quit crying, but i am mean!
help me, where, what, how?
9 Replies
I am sorry to hear about your story. It is sad and I wouldn't wish such suffering on anyone. Based on what you have stated so far, being on several medications, etc, can only complicate things and make it harder to come to a conclusion.
Let me ask you, when you stopped Lithium - was it abrubt, or gradual?
The reason I ask is that there is some information out there that suggests that suddenly stopping Lithium is not advisable, and that it should gradually be tapered off [1].
Anyways, I send my best wishes to you, that you may find peace and joy, that life may become worth it for you! Please hang in there. Hope can come from the most unexpected places, just please be open to that possibility! If you have anything else to add which may be important information, please reply!
Source: [1]
Thank you, you are so right about help from oddest places. Yes, it was gradual. I spent time in a detox unit i August, worst exp in my life.. worked for a week then the angst abd pain became too much again. I agree too many meds, but i have to let my doc and pharnacy keep me safe, i cab obly read and watch for side effects to tell them.
it is so bad now, just reading ur response has me crying again
My best wishes go out to you. No matter what, please don't ever be hard on yourself! Don't worry about being on meds, or judge yourself in a bad way ... you are doing the best you can, and no matter how hard it can be, just know that one day, one way, this too shall pass.
Symptoms of depression or any other related problems may be caused either by physical/chemical changes in the body, or by mental/emotional issues which need to be released. Of course, mind and body are connected, but seeing a regular MD versus a psychiatrist would result in a different approach.
When you are feeling in the lows, maybe try to monitor your thoughts at and around those incidents. Perhaps certain things could act as a trigger, and just make things worse. The mind is so powerful, and whatever thoughts we hold onto will reflect in our bodies as emotions, and can also lead to physical symptoms. Remember that it is all connected. If you can, maybe try more than one approach. Seeing a therapist, a regular MD, etc. I don't know your medical history, but I'm just trying to post as many ideas as possible for you.
See what happens if you can direct your mind to more pleasant thoughts, and try to accept that change IS possible! Just because things are a certain way today does not mean that they will be that way forever. In this world we live in, change is the only constant - so use that notion to your advantage! Know that just because you may be unhappy with things right now, they are only there so that you can identify what it is you DON'T want in your life. So use that to your advantage... Now that you know what you DO NOT want, what is it that you DO want?
And just focus on what you want, and nothing else matters. I hope that you may find comfort and improvements!
well poop, i typed this really long response and ty'd etc and what not, etc and then lost it. floating around out there in internet void.
your advice has been absorbed and is welcomed. there is so much to my medical history doctors get a headache just documenting it. new meds seem to be leveling me up and then some little thing triggers my memoriy discs and it starts all over agin,an avalanche. of emotion.
thank you for responding.
Hi Connie,
You must ask your doctor for VENLOR (Venlafaxine) capsules, that is the only one that has helped me.
been there done that thanks
Connie, look on the web for Dr. Norm Shealy's website. He uses all natural means for depression, with great success rates, for people who are not helped by drugs, or if the drugs cause unwanted side-effects.
Also, if a certain kind of music makes you feel sad, don't listen to it! I can't stand country music. I wonder how anyone can listen to that stuff without being extremely depressed! Also, some gospel music can be very depressing.
It may also raise your spirits to get a pet. Watching the antics of a new puppy or kitten has helped a lot of people.
You may also want to try excercise! Working out at a gym, doing fast, aerobic walking, bike riding, etc. You will be surprised at how that will raise your spirits! After my mom passed away, (who I was very close to), I started walking. I couldn't believe how much better I felt. Yes, I know clinical depression is not the same as being depressed about losing someone, but I think exercise can help, no matter what the cause of the depression.
I hope you get to feeling better, fast.
Remember to find something to laugh at everyday.
Might I strongly suggest these things: Go see a Psychiatrist and a good therapist, preferably a Psychologist with a PhD. Ask your PCM to run a comprehensive thyroid panel (lithium can sometimes cause goiters and thyroid disorders can cause depression). Ask for a B12, B6 and Folate level, a stool sample to check for parasites, and a general metabolic panel, including liver function tests because the liver plays a role in thyroid hormone production. If your insurance (or lack there of) won't cover it, straight up ask for an Rx for Cerefolin NAC (or second choice Deplin. Look them up on the web.) There are some new "off book" uses for that "medical food" in depression, Bipolar, fibromyalgia, short term memory loss and ADHD. Nuvigil is a good adjunct too for the Fibro, ADHD, Depression, etc. If you do have the milder form of Bipolar, those SSRI meds will do nothing but make you worse. I lived that hell for nearly three years until I landed in a civilian mental facility where someone finally got the dx right. It's taken a lot of trial and error to find the right med, but under the supervision of a Psychiatrist, not a GP. If you've ever had head trauma, yes a mild concussion counts, a functional MRI, might be indicated too. Funny, I read in a very intri book "Healing the Hardware of your Soul" by Dr. Amen,"Psychiatry is the only branch of medicine in which we don't look at the organ involved." Btw, reduced cost mental health services are often available through county or city programs or at Medical Universities. Make sure you don't have a sleep disorder, like sleep apnea too. They go hand in hand with the cluster of Fibro, depression, stomach problems, etc. Living with all of the above, as best as I can and looking forward to trying th Cerefolin myself. Good luck and God Bless.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I'm on Lamictal XR (so my insurance will pay for the name brand, because this is one drug where the generics don't work worth a hoot) and Topamax, as well as the Nuvigil. I also have to take Klonipin for anxiety/sleep because of PTSD. Like you, I've had a rough life, but I'm still alive and kicking. I try to find something good in each day, and remember that I'm a daughter of Heavenly Father that loves me no matter what. There are always people in way worse circumstances than me. That's not a Polyanna way of looking at things either, because I have been worse off than I am now. I've come to learn that when you get to work serving others, your burdens somehow get lighter. I'm a disabled Vet so I don't get to do a lot, but volunteer once a week keeping a sweet lady who has Alzheimer's company for 2 hours, go to tons of Dr's appt, try to take care of my house, go to church, spend time with my husband and feed the birds and squirrels. We just moved cross country away from my youngest daughter, who is now expecting, and my husband's oldest daughter & family and we miss them fiercely. The other two kids are a state away, but we're still isolated so depression is starting to creep up, but we will battle it with the exercise we can do, good food, the meds, prayer, keeping in touch with family and choice. You can over come, just keep searching. That's part of the reason we moved. I know it's hard not to critizize yourself, but my best guess is that you're doing the best you can with what you've got right now. Give your self a break.
Oh yeah, my husband takes just the Lamictal for his depression and it works pretty well. He doesn't have Bipolar.
I had another thought, your estrogen/progesterone levels could be out of whack, even if you are in your 20's. Bioavailable progesterone (from a reputable compounding pharmacy, but it is an Rx. I don't know if I'd trust the stuff from a health food store) helps that. Bach Flower remedies might help you too.
I hope I haven't thrown too much at you, but I've had a lot of experience, personal and profesionally. Best wishes and good luck to all of you out there.
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