I Want Off Suboxone (Page 2)
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I started taking suboxone almost 11 weeks ago. I was only taking 4mgs and today i went down to 2mgs. How long will it take me to taper to nothing and not have withdrawals? Please help. I am so sorry I ever touched these things.

33 Replies (2 Pages)

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DCcc I'm glad the Kramtom is helping you a bit. I don't have access to a head shop nor do I feel safe to drive right now with this extreme fatigue. Called my doctors office today to see if I can get something different for the rls and sleep! They said to call back tomorrow when my doc is in and maybe prescribe ambien! Ummm hello I've heard horror stories of ambien!!!!! Like people getting in Their car and driving or standing on the front lawn naked or writing things to people or calling people ! I don't need that ! Plus I was a sleep walker as a kid! So I'm going to have to tell them thanks but no thanks ! I'll let you know what they decided to give me cause I can't go on with no sleep like this especially since I heard people have a hard time sleeping for months after! Anyways hoping your doing well! Talk with you tomorrow

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Marleybt- thank you for sharing. Yes, I have all those natural pills for the Thomas Recipe. I think it's all in my head that they don't do anything bc they are over the counter. It's just my mind saying "these suck". I also have Kratom powder and I feel like it should help making the tea bc I hear such great things about it. Again, all in my head. I don't seem to feel much better with these and I wish they helped. Good job on being on day 6. I don't sleep even with subs. Lol! But yes, that is one of the worst W/D symptoms! You'll get through it. It's all about being in the right mindset, I believe.

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DCcc, you will get your energy back! Once those natural endorpins build back up you will be feeling better and better! I'm walking everyday like literally forcing myself to work out cause I know I need the endorphins - natural ones! Get to ur vitamin store and buy GABA to calm you down if you have anxiety and L-Tyrosine and b-100 complex as well as b-12 sublingual. This will help put some more energy into you! I'm on day 6 and I'm just still a little tired. Sleeping at night is the worst time for me. I fear nighttime, not enough meds that could put me to sleep and keep me asleep! I really think for me that has been the worst part of this suboxone withdrawal! I'm past the other symptoms. I hope your managing through this with at least some support

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I feel the same way. I hate them. They make me lethargic, not wanting to do things I used to love to do, just want to sit home in my room and watch tv. I have a 9 year old and am divorced. He is on vacation with his Dad for two weeks, so I can do that. These have ruined my job, my love life, dating, and being really energetic for my son. I hate subs and wish I never went to that doc. It's miserable. I am not the same person I was and I'm scared I never will be again. I was so happy and energetic, outgoing.....

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Ddcc, please try to get down to at least a quarter of a strip and do it fast this helped me actually withdrawal faster, I just toughed it out til last dose. I was at 1mg and made the jump to .25 in one week I was sick as a dog, even when I took my dose it was like taking nothing. So I suffered like that a whole week! Then after my last dose I felt sick imediatley. Even the week when I was taking bare minimum I had restless legs and couldn't sleep, runny nose, sneezing, cold chills wherever I went, it's summer time and I was having chills. Anyways I'm on day 5 and I actually went out side and sat there on patio for one hour, the sun felt so good on my skin! Not to mention vitamin d. I plan to go for a walk tonight to get energy endorphins up. Something that's helping me is something called GABA - aka gamma-aminobuyctric it's from GNC it's suppose to help calm nerves and anxiety, then I take l-tyrosine and b-100 complex and b12 sublingual, and eat bananas and drink Gatorade. Lucky for me I've gained weight through all this, I've been able to eat but I have a high metabolism. Anyways hope I hear from chickisoverit to see how she is doing on day 5. Will post tomorrow on Day 6 I may feel worse who knows. The worst part of the day is night time. Not enough Valium, clonidine, over even gabapentin can put me to sleep, so tonight I'm trying Tylenol pm instead. Give myself a break from this other crap. Although I do have to take clonidine because I've been on for two years for high blood pressure, (runs in family) and. To help sleep. I was cutting my dose down to just a quarter but now I'm back to one full pill a night with withdrawl. Was told you can have withdrawl from clonidine, so don't just stop taking it, blood pressure can spike. Anyways hope everyone is getting through this like me. I'm here for anyone who is just starting. I'm on the internet all the time since I'm bored out of my mind. Sorry for the ramble.

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It's best to get down to the lowest you can go even if you are feeling withdrawals I feel like doing that helped start my withdrawl process that much earlier! I'm on day 5 of my last .25 dose and it's bearable now' the worst is the nights I wake up in cold sweats soaked and my heart is pounding can't sleep at all! Even meds they gave me don't work at all!!!' The rls is soo bad! During the day I am just bored and lethargic ! I try to go for walks daily! That seems to help and load up on vitamins! We can get through this !

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You are lucky, because if I don't take it within 24 hours, I feel like hell. I want off so bad. I'm tapering now to 2mg a day at this point. In a week or so, I'll cut down more. Maybe to 1 1/2. Good Luck. This stuff is the worst.

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Wow do this is quite impressive! I wonder if it's because you were not on them as long that you didn't have such a big withdrawl! I'm on day 4 and it seem to be getting better each day but the energy is so low! I stand up and feel like I'm gonna fall over ! I'm in the right mindset! So I know this won't last forever but I've been reading how on days 5 and 6 is when it really hits in hard ! Hope it doesn't happen I want to improve daily ! I want to get back to a normal life free of this stuff! Any feed back on what you took to help would be great! Thanks

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It will take a month or so to feel normal.

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It's really hard to say because it varies. Other factors can effect your detox: age, overall health, diet...I took 2 mgs a day for 2 yrs and at about day 50, I'm still pretty sick. Not physically exactly, PAWS. I actually would not read up on this subject because sometimes in our minds, we exaggerate things. I'm glad I didn't read it because I wouldn't have quit just yet. Now I'm too far in & I ain't doin that again! 1. For starters-taper! I was on 1/32 for 2 mos.

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i just wanted to say that i stopped taking suboxone 14 days ago and i was fine through that whole time. i took suboxone for 1 year and i took 16mg a day. i tapered down to 4mg in just 7days, and then i jumped off the 4mg.
the only thing i have experienced in these last two weeks was lack of energy, there was no other symptoms. I was also DEAD SET on quitting. thats the big thing. its a mind game.
i honestly think you will be fine if you was only on it for this short of time. But, if your not really ready to quit, it may get rough,

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ive been taking about 2mg maybe less for about 2 years. havent taken it in three days trying to quit cold turkey. the only withdrawel symptoms ive had was no energy very little insomnia and a little anxiety eapecially when trying to sleep. how long will this last and when willvi start feeling normal again.

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Hello, Karen! How are you?

Regardless of how low you taper, you will likely still experience some minor withdrawal symptoms, once you finally stop altogether.

Has your doctor provided any instructions?

It does contain a very potent narcotic, to you do need to taper off of it as slowly as possible. Is this the only medication you're on?

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