I Need Suboxone To Show Up On My Drug Screen (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been taking blue Xanax for the past couple of days and my Suboxone Dr, who I am scheduled to see on Friday, does regular drug screens to make sure that only Suboxone is in my system. I've gotten one of my friend's urine to use on Friday. Only problem is, they don't take Suboxone! Can I sprinkle some crushed up Suboxone in their clean urine to show up that I'm clean besides Suboxone? If I just use the clean urine, he will know that it's a hoax because I've been testing clean but with Suboxone and there's no way I can go without taking it. But I can't just pee my own pee, because I was made to sign a form when I started treatment with him that states that an individual who tests dirty for Benzodiazepines SPECIFICALLY will be booted out of his clinic and cancelled as a patient. So, can't I just crush up a little Suboxone and put it in the clean urine or will that not work? Help!

456 Replies (23 Pages)

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I really am going to try and make this polite as possible. I looked this up 2 days ago in need of a serious answer and this thread might as well be deleted. The information is so badly false and leads people to bad decisions. I used real clean human urine from a friend and dissolved 1/2 of a third of a suboxone 8mg strip in it. They performed an instant test that tests for bupe, coc, opiods, benzo, etc. I passed for everything and failed for bupe as planned with no issue. First of all to address the ignorance of suboxone turning into an opiate when absorbed into pee..this is ludacris and impossible. Next someone made a statement that suboxone has opiods. Def not true. There are synthetic opiods and in no way can they be shown as an opiod if not metabolized. Thats absolutely ridiculous. Misleading info is not fun to find so if u havent done it and seen actual results please dont even comment. As for the suboxone not metabolizing therefore not showing up as bupe, is obviously false as well. It did exactly what I wanted it to do and thank god I did not go with the majority of comments on this site. So please get your s*** straight before u answer someone who needs a straight answer bc their ass is on the line. I hope I help someone and wish u all well. U truly shouldnt have to be doing any of this and doing things correctly but trust me I know how hard it is to do the right thing all the time. Be safe.

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I have put a crumb of a sub strip in clean urine numerous times and have always passed. Those of you bashing us for needing to do this dont know our stories so keep your judgements and useless answers to urselves. My question is; will subutex dissolve in the urine when added. As for the remark that we are taking from those who really need the drug.......well, i smoke cannabis (not an opiate! Also not addictive) so blog your nastiness and idiocy elsewhere. Why even read our questions if you have no helpful or even factual answers. Testing for metabolites is a lie. Ive been in two diff programs and they both use a simple strip test for bupenorphine. Last but nit least, that dr who said that a test for bupenorphine doesnt exist is a pretty dumb dr!!!! They most definitely do exist! Very expensive but in existence for several yrs now. Even courts and probation depts have them!

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are you living under a rock? of course there is a test specificly for suboxone. more and more dr's are using it to make sure the patients are actually taking the medication. it's been in use for at least 5 years. you should know what you're talking about b4 you go giving false advise to ppl who need it.

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i have the same question. i have to pass a test tomorrow. this is my last chance and need my suboxone script. i will be kicked out if i fail. which i will. addiction is a freakin curse. not everyone has the will power to stop so soon. the subs help. its not even about beating the system. its about one screw up and if i get my script taken away what do you think ill be doing immediatly after? let me know if you get a good answer to this question. and quit the damn judgment people.

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I get the strips and was wondering if I put just a little of it in clean urine, would that work the same as putting crumbs in it? Please help me..I need to know by tomorrow...

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i need to know the same thing, I take sub films, and have a test at 6pm, can i do the same thing as the crumbs, and let the film dissolve ? Will i pass, will it work, yes i relapsed and not proud of it.

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OK so after reading everyone's comments I decided to do my own experiment. When I was at my doctors office I took a few tests BC the doctor keeps them rite in the cabinet in the room..stupid on their part but good for me. Its tests for bup, oxy, coc,THC, ect..I took clean urine and dropped a 1\4 pill into the urine and let it desolve over night and tested it the next day...and it came up positive for bup but negative for everything else. So this does in fact work!! I hope this helps someone!

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Yes it will work i did it yesterday. At my suboxon clinic 100% sure because i did it myself

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I was wondering if this worked for you? I did this last week and I will find out tomorrow if my results from the lab came back good or bad!! I just want to be prepared for whatever the outcome may be! I am in this same exact position and did this exact same thing. It worked for a long time but now they decided not to do the tests in front of me and instead send it off to a lab. Can yu tell me if this worked for yu please!!!

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so I have the strips and I have no other choice at this point but to try the clean urine and disolve a little peice of the strip in it Ill let you know.

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Ok everyone, here's the scoop. I did it this morning and as suspected this does indeed work for a panel test. This morning had the wife pee for me, and placed a TINY piece of a 2mg film in with it. I tried melting it into a spoon with water first, but that didn't really work. Seemed to dissolve once placed in the urine though, so my rec is just put it right in there. I have a whizinator to keep it warm and use for delivery. I didn't do too much research, but I know that the intermediate (metabolite) is norbuprenorphine. My understanding is that often times intermediates can be hard or even impossible to isolate. Therefore, that is NOT what is being tested for. I can't say that a lab doesn't, but I honestly doubt it. My best guess as to why a lab could pick up on this? PPM. To indicate a positive on a panel test, there needs to be 10ng per ml. Where 1ng = 1 millionth of a mg. So if one were to put 1mg in their urine, they would have a 100,000 times higher concentration than required for a positive result, indicating to the lab that the drug was placed directly in the sample. Hence, you only need a tiny amount.

For all the ignorant ass.oles posting their opinions on the reasons people might need to do this, or how "we" are ruining it for others etc. etc. Please post elsewhere until you've walked a day in our shoes. Many of these practices could care less about ones recovery, and put addicts at high risk for relapse in my opinion in doing so. We do what we need to get by and stay sober, so kindly go f ck yourself or read a book. Also, many people clearly posted "scientific" nonsense with nothing to back up their "data". Again, think before you speak. I'm sure some people's lives could be seriously altered by your mis-information.

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I just want to clear this up for everyone. On October 9th I went in my clinic to drop. I was supposed to be clean from opiates and test positive for suboxone,well I was neither. I recently slipped (absolutely not worth it;total misery ) and decided to use someone else's clean urine, but the urine needed to b dirty for subs to keep receiving my script so I decided to research it online. There were so many answers saying it woukd work if I placed a tiny piece of sub into the clean urine and there were many answers stating by doing that you will test positive for opiates because the body didn't get to metabolize the dub the way it's supposed to. WELL LADIES & GENTLEMEN I TESTED POSITIVE FOR OPIATES! So the correct answer is NO YOU CANNOT DISSOLVE A SUB IN CLEAN URINE , you will test dirty. I just did this 2 days ago. A lil advice don't use. I almost lost the only life line I've ever had by Almost getting booted from the program and trying to fake a drug test is totally stressful, not to mention the only person we are fooling are ourselves in the long run. Getting clean from heroin is a gift. No throw it away.

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I am a med tech who is also on suboxone. I used to work at Labcorp, which is one of the top labs in the country in toxicology (drug testing). It is true that they can test to see if it is metabilized or not, BUT most Dr's don't do this because of expenses. They do a test strip to see the Ph to make sure it is really pee, then they check for a positive or negative result on about 7 different drugs. My only question would be "does the suboxone disolve in urine and how much to use".

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Thanks Damien for understanding. ..I do feel passionate about that particular subject. It took me so long to find a place with an opening in the foreseeable future, in that span of time, after desperately calling offices EVERY DAY, lost custody of my children, TWO jobs (one with a Fortune 500), a home, family, numerous healthy friendships...I could name so much more...but I did, I tried like HELL to get in somewhere, waiting to not wake up in hell everyday, to be sober and not hate myself for being weakened by a drug so much I couldn't even get clean for my children's sake. So yes, I understand, better than some even what the difference is between being an addict or wanting to just be HIGH, when you attempt, an honest hard attempt at sobriety and slip up...be honest, you're being treated for addiction, they expect mistakes but PLEASE if you're not ready to let go of getting high (i miss it too, but I'd prefer to live my life actually EXPERIENCING it. Good or bad, otherwise what's the point you may as well just roll over and die) then that's all I ask is give someone like me just waiting to get theirs, their family's, LIFE back.

That's not being judgemental. I know how low addiction can bring you and it will take you YEARS to get a VAGUE RESEMBLANCE of your previous life back. You have to literally take it day by day people, it's discouraging sometimes but dear God, when you compare your addiction to where and how far you've come, just remember what it USED to be like.

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I have to take a urine drug screen for my saboxone doctor and I want have any saboxone in my system cause I ran out. If I put a small piece if a strip that I get from somebody else in my urine will it show up a positive for saboxone on my urine test?

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Can I just state the I just did what u said for today. And I did it last week I'm in the same program but I smoke weed and can't have it show up. So I use a friends urine then I put about 2mg of suboxone in my friends urine that works perfectly they can't tell the difference the drug screen only looks to see if that drug is there. And since urine breaks down drugs it'll show up in ur metabolites also. Trust me it works I HAVE DONE IT MUTLIPLY TIMES. Nothin to worry about. Just do not use this method if u want to not be clean. I want to be clean but I can't get clean if they kick me out the program cuz I smoke weed to relax and use weed instead of painkillers or heroin so I'd say that you want to get clean and don't let these a**holes say u don't brotha keep up the work and get clean it's worth it brotha

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I love all the stories... but I'm in a serious jam. I put myself here regardless... but I need help and all I'm reading for the most part are just stories about why you're on suboxone...and some ask the same questions that 50 people asked. Did you happen to read anything on this forum yet?

My situation is the same as a bunch. I had a slip up due to a close friend committing suicide a few weeks before another good friend was murdered. I'm really upset that I messed up bit I cant take that back.

I have nobody I can just get to take a sobo, without feeling making them really really sick with where my levels should be. I can get clean urine... and I.know a bunch of people asked this and I'm.pretty sure I believe that just adding a sprinkle to the urine will test pos for opiates. I've also read a few posts where they claimed heatingi it up in a spoon before adding it will work..??? This is my ONLY option and If I fail this urine... I'm screwed. My test wasn't supposed to be until next week, but my doc called and is going on vacation so I need to come in early...tomorrow. Im pretty educated in.addiction and recovery so I don't need any speeches about just taking it as prescribed and not using. This forum wouldn't exist if that were the case.

Thank you to.all who HAVE posted information regarding this matter.and not come here to tell people how they should live.why are you on a forum of this title anyway? To make people feel worse for their mistake? Stay strong people.. unfortunately I wasn't and now I'm in big trouble and need help. More help than I realize

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Okay, I was in the same situation (kinda). My story is that I got severely hurt while on duty in the Army, and was honorably, medically discharged. While still in the Army, after getting hurt, they were pumping me full of percocets. I never knew what pain killers were until then. So when I finally was discharged from the Army, I went to the V.A., to continue with my medical treatment, surgeries, ect.. Well, the V.A. was also giving me the same thing, "percocets". After them realizing that I had to continue taking them, they put me in pain management, and giving me papers to sign saying that I won't abuse, and sell them, and that I will take as prescribed. So after a couple of years taking them, I partied one night, and did some coke. I was supposed to have a urine test a week later, and didn't know if I would pass it or not. So I had a friend who took blues, and nothing else. I tok his piss, and poured it in my U.A. cup, and turned it in. A week later, I get a phone call telling me that my test came up positive for cannabis, and that they were taking me out of pain management, and sending me 1 more refill, and would not be getting anymore. So after a while of taking percs and blues, it was getting way too expensive. So I went to a outside Dr. to get on subs. She was $175, and refused to talk to insurance, or medicaid to help get them covered. I thought that was alright until I took the script of 90 sub 8's to the pharmacy. hem mo/fo's was $795 to fill.. WHAT???? So I called the V.A. pharm to see if they would fill it, which I've done before and got script filled with no problem. But they said not with them. But they did tell me that there was 1 more slot for the V.A. sub program that they just started. They got me in it, and seen 3 days later. After all kinds of questions, and urine test, the Dr. gave me a script for 1 week, and told me to come back every week for refills and another U.A. The 1st U.A., came up with cocaine, benzos, and opiates. He told me next time I should be clean. So week after week I went until I got put up to 2 weeks, to 3 weeks. I partied again, and pissed hot for opiates, cocaine, and benzos. He told me that 1 more time I was out. So my next visit was the next day after more coke, and blues. After coming to this site and seeing the 50/50% of people saying that sprinkling sub into urine worked, and others said didn't work. Well, it was my only chance. I used one of my kids urine, and sprinkled some sub powder, and took some sub powder and added it into water in a spoon, and cooked it until it boiled and then added it to the urine. I took that in and gave it to the lab. Well, I read that some people were saying that it would only work if it was just a quick cup test, but not for tests that went to labs, and didn't get results back for a week. Well, the V.A. don't have results back until a week, because there is a lab inside the clinic. So, I was terrified for my upcoming visit which was for today. When I went to see the Dr., I was waiting for him to tell me that they could tell that I altered my urine to be able to beat the urine test. But instead, he told me he was proud that I was clean. I was totally like OMG in my head. He gave me my new script and a appt. for a month away. I'm happy as hell, cause I did the same thing for the U.A. I gave them today. So, to let everyone know if it works or not, Yes it does, even if it goes to a lab. Sprinkle a tiny bit into the urine that is clean, and take a little sprinkle and put it in a spoon with some tap water, and heat it until it boils really good, then add it to your clean urine. IT WORKS!!!!!!

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Everyone that posted stupid messages about stepping aside to let people who acutally will abide by the rules are dumbasses. nobody is perfect and just cause he asked if it would work you dont have to say that crap. people relapse its part of recovery. obviously you have alot of learning to do about addiciton and recovery yourselfs

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Oh, right-- cause taking another drug to nerf the anxiety of tapering off of hard opiates means you obviously arent really TRYING to get clean. Besides, the doctor doesnt give a f*** if you get clean; it's a racket. All doctors that I've been to for the past 3 years never lower the amount they prescribe to try and force you to taper off-- in fact when I told my last doc I was taking less each day to try and ween myself he threatened to cut me off for not following his instructions.

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