I Need Suboxone To Show Up On My Drug Screen (Page 2)
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I have been taking blue Xanax for the past couple of days and my Suboxone Dr, who I am scheduled to see on Friday, does regular drug screens to make sure that only Suboxone is in my system. I've gotten one of my friend's urine to use on Friday. Only problem is, they don't take Suboxone! Can I sprinkle some crushed up Suboxone in their clean urine to show up that I'm clean besides Suboxone? If I just use the clean urine, he will know that it's a hoax because I've been testing clean but with Suboxone and there's no way I can go without taking it. But I can't just pee my own pee, because I was made to sign a form when I started treatment with him that states that an individual who tests dirty for Benzodiazepines SPECIFICALLY will be booted out of his clinic and cancelled as a patient. So, can't I just crush up a little Suboxone and put it in the clean urine or will that not work? Help!

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Michael68. ...... what were your lab results?

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So please tell what were the results? Dying to know the outcome. I just handed over my clean urine sample with a tiny bit of suboxone strip added &in waiting room sweating bullets while waiting on results. Ill message again as soon as I've got a POSITIVE -4SURE- DEFINIT answer for eveyone that finds themselves in this horrible,scary, &shameful position! Nobody is perfect, we are all only human... The only thing I was trying to hide is a friend gave me5 of her AAMAZING diet pills (she recently lost 65lbs &looking great ) after i popped the first one in my mouth she proceeded to tell me they were 40mg Ritalin... That's a highly addictive and highly effective ADHD medication that DOES cause weight loss &increase in energy. Anyway i guess I'll know if it works or not really soon. Im praying & stay strong &good wishes to u all!

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So what was the results from the lab cause im waiting on mine to come back to just wondering what to expect cause i tested positive for oxycodone which i did not take however i did put about a quarter of strip of suboxan in my urine

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I pray that you are right. If not, I pray that the doc will be understanding of me running out early. I think he will since he did go ahead and increase me before the urine was even sent to the lab, but he might not be so understanding that I only said it wasn't lasting but I played dumb when he asked why it didn't show. I should've said then I had run out a week early or something.?i pray he doesn't cut me off, my life was just finally starting to come around and settle down. There will be no more pot smoking, never was my thing anyway and I was stupid for doing it and putting myself up for this risk. I hate the life of addiction and the deceit that comes along with it. Tired of playing games and want it all to end. If he cuts me off, though, I am doomed because I need the subs for both the addiction and pain management. He is one of very FEW docs that will prescribe and who also treats like a medical condition, not just detoxing, and files his visits with my insurance. Really hating that I screwed it up. :((

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that's very true but accations rise. I have script for my xenex becauce of seizers and she don't like it but I ran out and my dad gave me a colopen and she said insurance reasons I can only take what I have script for and I don't abuse either so we all run into problems at some time doesn't mean we don't work the program

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Sure there is you can get one of the internet and used them and they work!!!! You don't know what your talking about! Read up on it , go to your local drug store.

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I want to know this to I am prescribed xenex but I had to take some else and if it shoes I have the same problem

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I tried to pass a in office drug screen by dissolving a small piece of suboxone strip in urine that came from my friend's father and it didn't work. I am now waiting on the results to come back from a lab and I am really afraid my doctor will find out that I tried to cheat the test. I only did it because I had been taking marijuana for a few weeks and I was told that adding the strip to the urine would work. I am not, and never have taken marijuana on a routine basis and only did it for a few weeks to celebrate getting my divorce, otherwise, I wouldn't have had to cheat the test. I did tell the Dr. That the two subs a day were not always enough and that I sometimes take three a day and end up being short before refills, so he did increase me to three/day and gave me a month's worth, but without the refill he normally adds on. My refill is dependent upon the results of the send out lab results. I have been going to this Dr for almost a year now and he seems to like and trust me. I wish now that I would've told him that I had ran out about a week early before when he asked for a reason for why my urine was clean, or better yet, refrained from the pot smoking.....it's not worth it and I am clean from any other types of controlled substances. I understand the send out will test for the metabolized product and I can forget the positive results that I wanted but will the Dr be able to tell it wasn't my urine? The urine donor doesn't take narcotics, but he is elderly so expect he takes other medications, can or will the send out Lab detect non-narcotic meds? Is it possible for the doc to believe me if I told him I had simply ran out a week before due to increasing to 3/day and I was just too afraid to tell him during the visit? If I get out of this, there will not be another scare like it, because I will take my suboxone and NOT marijuana! Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

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yes. i do it all the time. it even gets sent to a lab. u only need a little.

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I was wondering if this worked for you? I did this last week and I will find out tomorrow if my results from the lab came back good or bad!! I just want to be prepared for whatever the outcome may be! I am in this same exact position and did this exact same thing. It worked for a long time but now they decided not to do the tests in front of me and instead send it off to a lab. Can yu tell me if this worked for yu please!!!

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Are you insane ? #1). Microwave kills bacteria that should be present. DO NOT MICRO IF GOING TO LAB ! #2) The lab CAN AND DOES TELL IF SUB HAS BEEN METABOLIZED !! Trust me, been there, done that !! Gotta find a body on sub only and het thief pee !! Promise ! Been 4 yrs and I tried all the games at first. . .

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I feel compelled to respond to some of the rumors that are being perpetuated on this site. I am prescribed Suboxone primarily for addiction. If there is anything other than metabolized Suboxone in my urine, there are consequences. My first doctors visit after rehab taught me a valuable lesson in regard to the method in which my doctor tests patients. Knowledge is power. I knew if my own urine hit the cup, I would pop for morphine/codine and potentially barbiturates or benzos depending on what the dope had been cut with that week. I decided to fill a condom with dog urine and a crumb from a Suboxone strip. This proved to be a bad idea as I tested positive for bup and oxy. I was shocked and angry that my dog didn't share any oxy with me.

If you need Suboxone in your UA... Please make certain that it's been metabolized. Simply placing a few crumbs in chamomile tea won't work with my doc. I cannot speak to specific levels or quantities because my doctor hasn't told me if my UA's are being sent out. I'm assuming not as I'd probably be in a much worse situation had my samples ever made it to a lab.

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Yes it will work i did it yesterday. At my suboxon clinic 100% sure because i did it myself

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Hey guys I tried this last week and it did test positive for sub's, but it ALSO came back positive with benzos. I had been researching it online before I did it, and it seemed like half the time it works, and half the time it doesn't and weird random positives pop up, so I had a story ready which I told the Dr BEFORE I peed, saying that I was at a family members house, asked for aspirin, and whatever they gave me made me feel all f***ed up. My Dr was cool and said yep looks like they gave u a xanax or something, gave me a lecture about never taking anything from anyone not even your mother, and I was good. BUT I've never failed a test, never gotten in trouble, never f***ed up a count in the 2years I've been going there. So I guess my advice is that if you are going to try this it is a 50-50, and that is not a chance I'd like to take, so have some b.s prepared just in case because for as many people who are saying this has worked , there are just as many saying it hasn't. Be prepared with a good story, tell the Dr BEFORE the test comes back all shot to hell, and u might be OK. Obviously if you've had trouble in the past they may not believe you, but hey the test may come back OK, but just be prepared and know ahead of time there is a huge chance something crazy may pop up. I've never done benzos EVER, and its just me and my kids at my house no boyfriends friends no one has been there besides us in the last 3months, and they haven't been anywhere where they could even come in contact with that. If u read on the internet there's just way too many people claiming crazy results with this method for it to be a random mistake, on certain instant tests using this method will trigger false positives other than sub. Obviously you can not do this at all if its sent to a lab

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Hey was this to me ? Mine goes to lab every mo for ins paying for meds

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Hey i need ur help with some advice, can u please please please get back to me personally, i really need to ask u some, things about the reply u made about it being ok if they send urine to the lab with subs put in it...i have to go to the doctors tomorrow, so if u could get back to me by tonight that would be great! {edited for privacy}. I look forward to hearing from you, please get back to me ASAP. Thanks!

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Putting suboxone in clean urine will work ONLY if the urine sample is not sent to the lab. The labs test for a suboxone metabolite which is their way of telling if the meds have broken down in your system. My suggestion would be to find a friend that's on suboxone only and use their urine.

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As long as your urine is not sent to a lab you can always use clean urine and then put a little suboxone in it. You can't do that if its sent for a lab because they test your suboxone level and your suboxone metabolite. Which is how the suboxone is broke down in your body.

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Please someone answer if you know!! If I have a drug free friend take part of my suboxone strip, and I use her urine sample, will this be OK?

I have been on sub strips for the past year, and recently did coke like an i****, which CANNOT show up on my urine test. He tests in the office, immediate results, and I Want to make sure the METABOLITES of suboxone show up. My concern here is how long after my friend takes the drug, will it take to show up for suboxone , and how MUCH she would have to take? I am on 8mg strips but only take 2-4 mg a day. In the past, I have frozen my urine with suboxone in it and everything has been OK, but I'm wondering if it will be obvious that this person has such a low dose of suboxone in them and if that matters. Anyway once again my main concern is how long after she takes suboxone should I collevct the urine and if this will even be worth it??? I cannot be positive for any other drug and anyone on suboxone long enough will know I cannot go into withdrawals and I need this script. Please!

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Vivtrol is not naloxone it's naltrexone it was originally developed for alcoholics but they realized it blocked heroin as well

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