I Need Suboxone To Show Up On My Drug Screen (Page 21)
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I have been taking blue Xanax for the past couple of days and my Suboxone Dr, who I am scheduled to see on Friday, does regular drug screens to make sure that only Suboxone is in my system. I've gotten one of my friend's urine to use on Friday. Only problem is, they don't take Suboxone! Can I sprinkle some crushed up Suboxone in their clean urine to show up that I'm clean besides Suboxone? If I just use the clean urine, he will know that it's a hoax because I've been testing clean but with Suboxone and there's no way I can go without taking it. But I can't just pee my own pee, because I was made to sign a form when I started treatment with him that states that an individual who tests dirty for Benzodiazepines SPECIFICALLY will be booted out of his clinic and cancelled as a patient. So, can't I just crush up a little Suboxone and put it in the clean urine or will that not work? Help!

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Oh, right-- cause taking another drug to nerf the anxiety of tapering off of hard opiates means you obviously arent really TRYING to get clean. Besides, the doctor doesnt give a f*** if you get clean; it's a racket. All doctors that I've been to for the past 3 years never lower the amount they prescribe to try and force you to taper off-- in fact when I told my last doc I was taking less each day to try and ween myself he threatened to cut me off for not following his instructions.

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Thank you for your reply to that question...I am in the same situation...but can't they check the levels in your urine to see if your taking all of what you are suppose to be????

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Hi there is some drs who will write you nerve if you need them with suboxone.But anyways yes that will work I know for a fact my freind does it everytime she goes,it ethier works or the place dont really test the urine and I dont see that happening!

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I have been clean and sober off drugs and alcohol for 2 and a half years. For a long time I have been on suboxone without a doctor due to my financial's. I am on felony probation and I have a drug test on August 4th and if I pass I get early release from probation and my record expunged. I finally have insurance and a good job. I plan to see a doctor soon. My problem is when I went to treatment they tested me for suboxone and thought I had a doctor. Will my probation officer test me for it as well? Im really in a bad situation here I'm planning on just weaning off but I need to know what to do. Will it show positive or not?

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you need to mind ur own business you were probably the the worst junkie so who are you to talk

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Everyone that posted stupid messages about stepping aside to let people who acutally will abide by the rules are dumbasses. nobody is perfect and just cause he asked if it would work you dont have to say that crap. people relapse its part of recovery. obviously you have alot of learning to do about addiciton and recovery yourselfs

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in wv-- i hvae ins so i get my script for 20 dollars... i asked the pharmacy how much it would be without insurance and she said 340 dollars!! it goes on the street here from anywhere from 20-30 bucks!!! so i think ur getting a better deal

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some cold medicines show up as a benzo in a drug test, atleast thats what i was told by my dr.

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has it worked for you?

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I hav been taking Suboxone for 4 years now and I've been taking Xanax on the side to help me sleep, unprescribed of course. Today I went to another doctor and he prescribed me Ativan to calm me down and help me sleep. What I need to know is, will my suboxone doctor be ok with the ativan or will I have to get the special test to differentiate the benzos everytime I go. If it comes down to it, I'll stop taking the suboxone and get a good nights sleep with the Ativan, I wanted Xanax but he wouldn't give it to me because of my history of addiction. Does Ativan work as well as Xanax? Please, I need info fast!!! Thanks

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Congratulations on the best post written in a long while.

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Ok, that's a little wordy, so I kind a got lost, but here goes...
I have a little over 5 months clean off dope, but still doctor dip. Times is tough, I was layed off over a year and need to live.

Anyway, I have a urine stash, gross, but whatever. It has the right regimen for me to CMA. After about 3 uses with the sample came it back positive for COCAINE!!!! It was the same urine I'd used before with no problem.

This is a serious program. I get the bill from the lab for over $650 to send to my insurance company. It can tell the difference between xanax and valuim; percs and viks; oxycotin and oxy irs. It's NO JOKE.

Is this something I didn't know about??? Can urine that sits form chemicals somehow. I don't get it!

I'm very sorry to hear if you lost any oppurtunities to help people and better yourself, that's much worse than this case. I get ONE chance to sign a form stating I will not use again. Problem is I used that sample before getting my test results.

All good things come to an end and I've recently gone back to work, so I will survive. Losing a job oppurtunity is far worse.
Also, you sound like you have your head on strait and a good support system. Congratulations on your life changes. It's never easy.

Point/Question is: Can the same chemicals that detect drugs form in urine that sits for some time???? If so, I need a new tactic.

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No, no, that does not work. I promise. I'm not a dr, but I've seen this done unsuccessfully.

And to all the preachers, get a life. Someone asked legitimate question, not for judgement. With all due respect, fuc!< off!!!! Go help someone who asks. Hit a meeting and sponser a newbie.

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Need help first question is ive been taking suboxen for 8 months with no issues the last drug test i took came back negative for suboxne but i will still taking it. I just started tranning for a bench press comp and have been doing a keto diet and drinking about 2-3 gal of water a day would that cause you to not have it in your urin. My 2nd question is for my friend he has been also on the program but too 6 hydros a week ago i think on tue morn he has a drug test on next wen do you think that it will be out of his system
Thanks for all your help

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i need to know the same thing, I take sub films, and have a test at 6pm, can i do the same thing as the crumbs, and let the film dissolve ? Will i pass, will it work, yes i relapsed and not proud of it.

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I get the strips and was wondering if I put just a little of it in clean urine, would that work the same as putting crumbs in it? Please help me..I need to know by tomorrow...

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Why must all of you "Non drug users" judge?? You are no better than those who use and I do not even use drugs but I think you need to repremand someone so you go on these message boards to make these people feel bad about themselves. Guess what? They already do or they would not be seeking ways to hide their shame. Let us all try to stop judging and start understanding one anther. Otherwise we are headed for a world of more hate, violence, and discrimination!

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"this is my last chance" its about one screw up, those are contrary statements so I am confused. I hope you respond because I am so curious, why cant you get help for your anxiety? I have muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, arthritis, vasculitis, IBS you anme it and I had to suffer going to a program as the only means of getting opiates for a period of time. They are all plagued with people who use stuff they shouldn't BUT having sooo many problems I get it and quite frankly I want to take extra meds to forget how terrible this wolrd is sometimes. Im just curious after hearin gthis all the time, why cant your doctor treat you for and Im assuming anxiety with something else because benzos and opiates can cause respiratory failure(thats also why they're not allowed, they'll get their med license revoked, they're not just trying to be jerks) anyway good luck

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i have the same question. i have to pass a test tomorrow. this is my last chance and need my suboxone script. i will be kicked out if i fail. which i will. addiction is a freakin curse. not everyone has the will power to stop so soon. the subs help. its not even about beating the system. its about one screw up and if i get my script taken away what do you think ill be doing immediatly after? let me know if you get a good answer to this question. and quit the damn judgment people.

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I understand completely, there are so many sides to everything, I get it. When i yell about people lying Im talking about those who just want to be stoned on something all the time and have no respect for the process. Although if they want to be stone 24/7 then something is truly wrong with them as well. With me, Im on subs for the treatment of chronic pain and the dependency of being on opiates for years because of it. I know those a-hole doctors and by the way you should report him to the health dept of your state, practitioner investigations unit. Its illegal to kick someone out of the program and fail to taper them off. Its usually referred to as patient abandonment. Also, its sad but audio record sessions and encounters so that they cant claim one thing, like you being rude. I just figured that out the hard way. My doc gladly, w/o any hesitation switches me form vicodin which my pcp gave me, to subs. 5 months later hes freaking out and saying i need go to detox, im using this and that and so on. First of all my urines are always clean because I do not use or abuse anything and this man never raises his voice to anyone. I told him that I wanted to get the vicodin until I was certain I would not have a bad reaction to the suboxone and this is why i wish I had recorded him, He said that was fine just throw it out. Thats what I did because I was afraid if I had to go back to the vicodin my PCP would be like"ohh you took suboxone thats for substance abuse, im not gonna perscribe vicodin to you". Ohh boy, in the end she ended up being understanding and it is prescribe for chronic pain. But he point is my doc said one thing and then recanted his statement. The next month he flipped out again although I stopped picking up the vicodin and he was acting like we never discussed it, it was bizarre. I thought I was in the twilight zone. It turns out because hes a psychiatrist he is not supposed to treat me for chronic pain. so i have to sorta pretend I have a problem. Yeah I do, with doctors and ohh now I do need to switch back because the sub is working backwords, its actually causing me more pain but when i stop taking it, i get sick. But I cant tell him that he doesn't get it. Good luck with everything and please report that doctor.

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