I Have Caught Cvs And Other Pharmacies Lying About Not Having Oxycodone In Stock, Shortage 2012 (Page 4)
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Well today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a handicapped tag and a four page long mri report for my neck, mid, and lower back. I just found out I have central and foramina stenosis in my lower back, yea!! He then asked me if I had been having trouble filling. I said yes, it seems a lot of pharmacies are lying about not having it in stock. I said it is easy to tell on how they look at you, treat you, and if they check their logbook which is required for all schedule two Meds. I then gave him a chance to not lie and said "so you mean you filled the last of your stock yesterday." Since he lied to me again I decided it was time to call his district manger. The info I told him was correct but he decided to lie so its not my fault if he gets fired. U am going to let his district manager know the whole story, and let them know that if something is not done I will contact the news about discrimination against a legit pain patient for them not to get their Meds and have a normal life. They won't want bad press that is for sure, esp since I have a handicapped tag. I am in their system for filling the exact Meds I brought in, they have my discount card on file also, and my whole family uses their pharmacy so these ate the thongs I will tell district. Any other pharmacies who lie I will do the same thing to. So it seems the shortage going on here in Georgia and Florida are manipulated by the pharmacies and the distributors. Mckesson isn't shipping them out to rite aid, wal mart, sams, and Target. They are afraid of getting fined like a few years ago or getting in trouble like cardinal, cvs, walgreens, publix, and krogers distributor. Cardinal is still shipping from Mississippi and north Carolina, but not from Florida atm. The rest of the country is not having any problems, just Florida and Georgia. Since I have a lawsuit going against Allstate from my car accident(not my fault) and we are going after a doc who read someone else's mri to make his conclusion and type a bogus report to my insurance so they will not reimburse me anymore, we ate going after him for slander or defimation of character since he wrote I sell my Meds, maybe I can add cvs for pain and suffering and descrimination. This is absolutely rediculous these days. Sorry for the rant but people selling them ate making a killing these days and legit patients are going broke from price gouging or gas prices just so we can live a somewhat normal life. Makes no sense how out system works.

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I really do not understand how after this long of time you haven't been approved for a much needed surgery. If this was an acute injury from a car accident, when they took you into the ER, why wasn't it done right then? Truly baffling. I know they can temporarily approve you for medicaid for a specific procedure and all costs associated with it. Seems that would be smarter than having people addicted to narcotics. And things are about to get much worse for people on pain meds from a Federal level and then at state level. Had physicians that were dirty, not been so, and so greedy this entire situation wouldn't even be being discussed. Don't get me wrong, "drug seekers" have always been around. But because there are so many, an entire population, created by dirty physicians and pharma. companies. The biggest loser in all of this are people that are LEGITIMATE chronic pain patients. At the very least they could do steroid epidurals or something. I've had so many of those I've lost count without any anesthesia, I might add, because I can't take verset?

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I live here in Florida and can tell U that for diagnosed chronic pain syndrome in lower back and degenerative disc disease and a torn s1nerve root we are not left a lot of options since medical pot won't really ever be legal here with have two choices pain medication or surgery not very much. We are denied all the time It took me 3 pharmacies n a trip back to the doctor to get my medicines filled

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Pharmacy personnel may have the 'right ' to refuse to fill our prescriptions, but we all know that they abuse this right. I've been seeing the same doctor for 15 years, and my condition has progressed over the course of these years, none of which is a pharmacist's business. My doctor is a very reputable man, whom I see every 4 months. I should not have to explain my situation, or beg just to get my prescriptions filled. One would think that pharmacy employees would be smart enough to know that a person cannot be on disability unless they are, in fact, disabled! There are people who will overdosed, it's always been so; when chronic pain patients are turning to illicit drugs, or choosing suicide as a result of this madness, then the real problem must be stopped. Big Pharma is behind all of this. Hydrocodone doesn't make money for the big drug companies, it is all about money! They probably want us to die so they can dictate and control everything. So say I, who (unfortunately) lives in the Republican state of Florida.

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u are definitely a pharmacy worker, love how u refer to seeing a legitimate dr for pain a "pain clinic", its people like u that look down ur nose at people getting a prescription for a narcotic filled. You have no idea what any of these people are going thru or what has happened to them that has caused them to HAVE to be on pain meds. I had a ruptured appendix, sounds like a simple operation doesn't it? well a yr & a half later of being in & out of the hospital, 3 surgeries later with 10 different visits of no less than a week at a time (1 being a whole month) of drain tubes, a blood clot, a temporary colostomy bag, going from 125lbs to 97lbs all bc the surgeon accidentally cut my large intestine during one of the surgeries & refused to admit his mistake. now I have a botched stomach, nerve damage, muscle tissue damage, which i just had a hernia surgery from weak muscle tissue, dr says i have a 90% chance of getting more bc of it, i have neuropathy, bulging discs that im not sure is from all this being laid up for so long & a weak back or what, i did have a fall in my kitchen from passing out from being so weak after one of my hospital visits. i had to have about 20 bags of TPN, come home with a portable IV & my husband had to administer my meds around the clock, had to have daily shots in my stomach & home health assigned to come to my home. My chirpractor swears i was in a bad wreck just by looking at the xrays of my back & neck & suggests surgery. not only is it a physical battle to get thru each day suffering in pain but its also a mental battle, most of us "pain clinic" patients suffer with depression & anxiety from not being able to live our life as we once knew it. I would never even take an aspirin before all this, but now I HAVE to take a narcotic for the pain, an aspirin would be like eating a tic tac, it doesn't touch the pain. I am only 44 now, all this started 2 yrs ago, Im told I will be on pain meds the rest of my life. so please, pharmacyguy27, please stop judging ppl just by how they look or how they act. when I go to the pharmacy to fill mine i dont walk in all hunched over, crying in pain & doin the poor poor pitiful me look, but that dont mean that that's not exactly how i feel, some of us are just better at hiding our pain more than others. I get that there are bad drs & bad patients but try to figure out who's who before u start judging.

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Coming from a pharmacy worker I will tell you this: This is a law so you can stop b****ing, a pharmacist can refuse to fill any prescription they feel isn't appropriate or could be potentially harmful. If you have a legit physician writing your RX's you shouldn't have any problem getting them filled but I'm guessing you go to one of those "pain clinics" that have visitors from all corners of the country and write for oxycodone 15mg and 30mg like candy.

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They won't do that procedure for thoracic patients as it can cause permanent paralysis. Geez. People think they are know-it-alls.

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I already knew that..i was directing the answer to the ladie over the heart attack comment cause doc took her off a med he told her she cant stop as she could have a heart attack.

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dml55, the information that has to be reported to the state Prescription Monitoring Program varies from state to state. All states require Schedule II & Schedule III be reported to the PMP. Some states require that All prescriptions filled be reported to the PMP database. So depending on the state you're in you may not have to go to the same pharmacy for a pharmacy to be able to look up all of the meds that you have had prescribed.

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It really helps if you get all your meds from the same pharmacy. They can check and see what you get and where. It is too bad that the ones who do sell their pills make it worse for us that need them to just get through a day with as little pain as we can. So if you stick to just one pharmacy your luck will improve. I have worked as a pharmacy technician for 30 years now and with what I take for my 2 back fusions you would wonder how I function at all but I do. So good luck and really really try to use just one pharmacy.

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Chucko, it is up to each dr if they give you anything to help with withdrawals. It is also up to each dr when they dismiss a patient for breaking the rules. There are No Laws that govern this. Under Federal Law, Pharmacists have the authority to use their professional judgement when dispensing prescriptions. That means that they can refuse to fill any prescription if, in their professional judgement, the prescription is questionable. The AMA does Not govern Pharmacist.

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Scooter , there are no laws that state that it can't be less than 30 days. Although ususally, they won't let you get a Schedule II refilled less than 28 or 29 days from the last pick up. Insurance companies also have policies regarding refills on Schedule II and how soon they will pay for them. What was the reason for the insurance company denying the Prior Approval ? Are you sure that her dr submitted the PA paperwork and it had all of the needed info ? It is best to go to the same pharmacy and to call a week ahead of time and talk to the Pharmacy Manager and tell them you will be bringing a prescription in on such and such date for xyz and you wanted to be sure that they had it. It is also might be a good idea to ask when their order comes in and call the day after that to verify that the med came in. It is a good idea to make it a point to introduce yourself to the Pharmacist and Pharmacy Manager when you're in the store filling the prescription and talk to them about calling them a week before you get the prescription next month in case they may need to order it. Does she have to have a Prior Authorization with each prescription ?

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In ohio if you get flagged as in testing dirty or no meds in you..they shut you down now..they dont care about withdrawl and their not giving u anything for withdrwl and thats that..they dont giv a whott if you have a heart attack and ohio law supports this because of the overdoseing going on...its nationwide now..so in shorts its do it right the right way or its shut down...your case is differnt i see..but this is just some input as to why the crackers..as to a pharmacy saying i can tell by looking..hes gonna get sued bad one day cause he thinks hes a hero...he dont need to be in this field of work.. If i were you id speak to the ama about the god licenses he thinks he holds before he kills an inocent person. As well as the corp office he works for.

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Im in northeast ohio..i have two friends at cvs they said they order based on continued customer needs based on a regular customer count..if your a walk in and they have forty normal needers and no extras.....they wont surender their normal customers stuff..if you tell them to add you as a monthly..they have extra..Try to see if theyll add you.

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Couldn't agree more, BL. Not only that but you have to wonder how much pain this guy is in if he's able to walk five miles for a script!

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The same goes for Queens NY.
Cvs says not in stock, it will take 2 or 3 weeks. One pharmacy told me to fill my prescription he only makes 2 dollars off it so he does not stock them.Last month 1/16 after walking to at least 10 pharmacys in pain I finally found one. So here is Feb. & on the 25th I go to he Dr. & already knowing that this will happen again. This time I will come back at them not looking like a puppy dog & praying to God that I will receive.

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phleb 16 , a pharmacist doesn't have to fill your prescription. I don't know what you're trying to prove. But, your friend may find herself not being able to get her prescriptions filled at that pharmacy or any other where you live. If you want a prescription filled, it is best to go to yoru regular pharmacy. Pharmacist don't have time to play your childish games.

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I am a young black man, 37 years of age, however, I look about 23, (even I'd) at times for tobacco products. I get a script for 60 oxy 30 mg's monthly. Even though I have my regular pharmacy, I decided to test the water's and see what I can find. I went to a pharmacy where a close friend of mines go. They just filled her script for 120 on the 22nd, I went there on the 24th. The front desk personnel asked the pharmacist are we doing narcotics? the pharmacist says "no, we don't have any". I said well I was recommended here by a friend who's a regular here and the fact that we both get our scripts 2 day's apart, she said I should come here. So then I say well how can there be no more in stock today, but every time my friend comes here there is enough to fill 120. The pharmacist says "well maybe she comes on the right days". I said ok and left. So here is my plan guys. I already spoke with my friend about the whole ordeal I experienced at the pharmacy she uses, and she agreed to hold her script for 2 days until I get mines and we both walk in the pharmacy together. And once inside, my friend will say something like do you guys have the a215 or M 30's oxycontins 30 mg, the other's hurt my stomach etc. So now they pharmacist & staff there knows, I know what my friend is getting, and then I present them with my script for 60 of the exact same meds as my friend and oh I cant wait to see they faces or hear there responses....

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To you to be your age and dealing with this I hope your family is very proud of you for being so strong. I have been on pain killers for so many years but my family don't understand and to them I am just a druggie even though I have bulging disc, spinal and bone spurs deteriating disc crushed vertabres and sciatica, TMJ, list goes on. At one time I was put on Fironal with codeine which I took for years but the bad part of them they had so much caffeine in them so when I started running out they would make me almost look loaded because it was like someone crashing. Yes back then I probably did mi's use them but now years later when I have all these problems and I need the drugs a pain management has me on Morphine that helps and it does not have the same effect. I can function fine and I don't even act like I am on any thing but I lost a brother to alcohol this year so my family took it upon there selves to find who I went to and tell them a bunch of lies that I was staying passed out. They thought they were trying to help I guessed thinking they did not want to bury me for overdose but they hurt me so much. They threatened my Dr and then he didn't want to see me anymore as I am waiting on disability and I am 59. Now I don't have the money to start another Dr cut I cant work. If only so people would realize their are people that abuse them but for the people that don't it causes so much trouble for them. I hope your family is very proud of what u r doing and I wish u the best of luck.

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I understand your reluctance to start treatment with an SSRI. Some people experience nasty side effects and it's difficult to stop taking them. I know my suggestions weren't the best but that combination is a tough one to get by most pharmacists - especially the SOMA. That drug is a red flag with the DEA and the pharmacies. If that combination is what works though I would try the Medicine Shoppe that's closest to you. As long as you take all of your medication there (controlled and non-controlled) many times they will work with you. I'll keep brainstorming to try and come up with anything else that might help you.

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Re: Post #362 - Seminole Man; thank you for the input. Unfortunately, I have, indeed, tried many other meds in the 15 years that I have been seeing the same physician, and my Dr. knows what has worked, in the past, and what has not. I do not drink alcohol, am on disability, and hardly ever leave my house. I am very careful with my medications; for instance, the Xanax is used for primarily cardiac reasons, the Soma for a serious neck injury, and the Norco for several degenerative (and otherwise) conditions of thoracic and lumbar spine, which causes chronic, severe pain, as does the neck injury. This is why I am on disability. I cannot even shampoo my own hair, because now, I have DJD in my shoulders, too. Other muscle relaxers have not helped. This, I know, because I was prescribed them. I am prescribed prn Nitroglycerin, and my doctor knows all of my history, and has been running intermittent cardiac tests for years. I am just wondering if we could somehow form a group and protest this 'cocktail' business. And, why is it even harder to get our meds around the holidays? These things are worrying me, non-stop, which of course makes the chest-pain worse. Honestly, I don't know what to do. And, I don't want to take an SSRI, because of the side-effects I experienced previously.

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