I Need To Find A Dr In Calgary That Can Write Out Oxy For My Chronic Pain Of 18 Years
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Broke my back, broke my hip, both legs broke and my shoulder pain is through the roof. I need help. I live in Calgary. PLEASE HELP ME.

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Shelby.... If a Graduation Party is more important than dealing with getting meds for your chronic pain, it doesn't sound like you need them or your priorities are quite different than mine were. I needed to sign my child up for Summer School, and made them aware of it. They made sure I was out on time.

Maybe you aren't aware of the facility, it isn't like T.V. There were 16 of us, 2 per room. We hung out, sang Karokee, (Sp) went outside, had visitors whenever we wanted, some people smoked..if they didn't flaunt it; staff would even get it for them, I vaped in my room. We all went to another building to eat, and saw the shrink every 1-2 days.

I was on 80mg x3, Xanax, Ambien, plus others. They gave me everything but cut my Oxy to 40mg. They discharged me with an Rx for Oxy 40mg and an appointment with a Pain Management Doctor, who I actually called myself, and was told there was a 3 month waiting list.

So, yes, my LAST RESORT!

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What do you mean they will check me into a Mental health facility and keep me? I can't do that. I got a Graduation party plan. Fricken primary doc lied and gave me his home number and told me no worries. Um YEAH RIGHT. I called him at home and he says I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL U.. Me: "What do you mean you cant help me? You lied". Tells me to find a Dr or pain clinic fast. Yeah both take months in Greater Lans, Mi ;(

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Shelbyjo40...The Last Resort is to go to the ER. You tell them how you are afraid of what will happen when you run out of meds, the pain, and all of your medical issues. Tell them you'll go do illicit drugs for pain relief. They will quickly have you sign into the Cracker Jack Factory. They will give you your regular meds for the 5 days you're there on vacation. When you leave, they will give you a prescription and an appointment to a pain management doctor. (The doctor who usually has a 3 month waiting list). LAST RESORT!

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Have you seen Dr. Pollan in Attleboro, MA? If you did, what was your experience? As she changed my husband from Vicodan to Morphine. If you didn't see her, who did you find?

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Thank U Jenna for the information. The only thing that I have to add is, most of the patients that were put on legit pain meds need to see a Pain Dr who treats with the Pharmaceutical Part of pain like pain patients who's primary Doc has been prescribing meds for years and now the Dr has left his private practice with no help, no other Dr to turn to who will take on his patients, telling us to call him at home and when you do he says his hands are tied and to go to the ER or pain clinic. 1. It's not that easy and you need a referral. 2. Takes awhile get in and how do you get a referral as he is at home? I'm hoping he has a guilty conscious as people CAN NOT GET PAIN MEDS AT THE ER...NOR REGULAR MEDS. WE'RE TOLD TO TRY HARDER FINDING A DR but new pt appts take months. If anyone could help in the greater Lansing Michigan area, I would be ever so grateful.

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Dr.Susan Pollan, Attleboro MA
She is a PM Doctor on the side of Sturdy Hospital

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Barry, did you find a doctor in Minnesota that would help you? If so, could you share the name and number? I am in a similar situation, moved to Minnesota and can't find a good doctor that will actually help very legit and heavily documented pain issues. I would appreciate ANY help from you or anyone else. Thank you.

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Thank you. I'm lost, depressed. I've seen a pain Dr for 4 years and he said he can only keep the two weaker patients. Wrote me a script and said oh your primary should help with the two narcotics he's been helping me with. um my neurologist referred me and my neck is screwed for rest of my life. I don't know where to go in Minnesota! Can someone help me? oh and he said he's quitting next year, has 550 patients a day, and said he will give me good referral. My primary isn't a neuro surgeon.

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Please help need a good doc in mass willing to give you what u need for pain ive been on oxy 30s and cant work

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Don't know if you've ever heard of Suboxone. It was originally used to treat opioid addiction but was found to control pain as well. Some pain management clinics are now treating long term pain with it.
In the initial stage of use there is a "high" of sorts but once the medicine builds in the system the "high" goes away and pain management as well as physical withdrawal symptoms cease. Thus the original treatment for opioid addiction.

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Hi Cindy Lee,

I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through, unfortunately, no one can really know ahead of time what a doctor is or is not willing to prescribe. That is based on the doctor's discretion and not just on someone else's previous appointment (especially since many doctor's are now worried about losing their licensing for prescribing too many narcotics).

Some advice I can give you is to not specifically ask for any 'specific medication' when you see a new doctor. Just make sure to transfer or take a copy of all your medical records with you. Then, the best approach in my opinion, is to discuss up front and honestly what has or hasn't worked for you in the past. Most doctors will take it under consideration and hear you out if you approach them in this manner. I believe a lot of patients don't get the medication they need because they are approaching the doctor in such a needy way that they are being viewed as addicts or junkies with "drug seeking behavior" and not regular patients. So as awkward as that may seem, it is something to consider and be made aware of, because sadly enough, that is how many close-minded doctors tend to think.

In regards to finding a local pain doctor, I have listed below a couple websites specific to locating pain management doctors in a given area. All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results:
{link removed because site no longer exists}

You can give this other page a try too if you come up with different results for some reason or another:

Many of the results you find (in one or both of the links above) also list a phone number for that specific doctor; I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if they are accepting new patients; some aren't, but most usually are.

I hope this info helps and wish you all good luck on finding the right doctor!

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