I Need A Referral To Doctor In The Indianapolis Area Who Will Prescribe Narcotics For My Mayofacial Pain Can Anyone Please Help (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I live in the Indianapolis area and am having a hard time finding a doctor willing to treat my chronic pain with narcotics. I've tried injections and physical therapy without success. Any referral would be GREATLY appreciated! Please feel free to write me back.

40 Replies (2 Pages)

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I must have the best darn Doctor? This afternoon my Doc gave me 360 Soma, 120 x 3. I even had him lower my Xanax dose yet I don't care because I have many spares. The funny thing is he never used to like prescribing both of these, then the laws changed and I also got hit by a Truck. You would think it would be even harder to get Soma?

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What/s Soma?

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@co Susie, are you asking what kind of SOMA? I don't know although it is usually always the same brand, the DAN ones. Doctors hate SOMA and it is not right that the law has changed. I remember the first SOMA I took in 83 and this young Pharmacist was so interested in why I was taking them, always though that was strange?

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Just trying to educate myself. I don't know what it is or what it's used for. Would like to know a little about it, if you have the time. Thank you

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SOMA reminds me of the old Quaaludes minus the active ingredient in that medicine. SOMA is an enjoyable muscle relaxer that makes you feel good, so good that Doctors and now the DEA don't want us to experience the feeling. However it really isn't very therapeutic and widely abused so Doctors have almost stopped prescribing it.

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Eddy, Heavens no!! Lets not give you anything that you may feel good with. We all know that's never allowed LOL. Thanks for the info.

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I contacted this doctor today and he charges outrageous so im worried im gonna pay this and get no scripts can you tell me what was wrong with you what you took to him and what you got?

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Who is your Dr and phone number please.

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I'm having trouble finding a Dr to prescribe my pain meds I have been on for 20 years! Did you find a Dr? I am from Greenwood, IN. Thank you.

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What State do you live in ? In Ohio pain management is easy to get into as long as you have medical reasons.

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HI, my name is john. I have been on opana, ir, and er for years. But now live close to the indy area now. My pain issues are legit. Anyone know a doc or clinic in the area that would continue my meds? Have been on same meds for years. THEY WORK. Dont mind other procedures also, but need the meds too so i can have a half way normal life. Please help!

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Dr. Lydia Ferrell, she is in the same building as Dr. Mimms, but he isn't accepting new patients at this time. She can be reached at: 317-781-0067. She will only prescribe 4 a day which is 1 less than I was taking of the Norco 10-325, but I am doing the best as I can with it. Better than none. And yes they do urine testing.

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Eddy, how are you? Email me {edited for privacy}. Just up here in Lafayette living life.

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Looking for a narcotics pain mgmt doctor in Indianapolis for my mildly intellectually challenged son who has severe headaches from 20+ shunt revisions, has many back issues, including compression fractures, but nothing a neurosurgeon can fix and steroid injections don’t help. Dilaudid is the only med that helps, but doc won’t or can’t prescribe any longer. He’s so miserable he wants to be put into a medically induced coma for relief. We need help!

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I have had neck surgery and many other issues that require pain meds. I have been on them for many years, I am allergic to the injections. I am new to the area and can't seem to find a pain management Dr. that will even make an appointment to see me. I get that there are many addicts seeking meds recreationally. I am not one of them. Some of us actually have real issues that require something to help us be able to function in a semi normal way without pain! Never had this problem before, so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I am on disability so I have Medicare and Medicaid as well. I just need a Dr. in Indianapolis. Please someone help me out here. Thank you!

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Re: EDDY (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

What doc do you go to in Indy? I need to find one who give me my pain meds I have been on off and on since I was in my 20's I am almost 50 now and the pain definitely gets worse with age.

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Re: SavedbyOxys (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I went to Dr momma. He severely over prescribed me and even gave me something w ghb in it I think it was called xyrem. He prescribes the big guns..just be sure you want to go down that road.

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I agree. They perscribe meds to ppl that dont need them and they are paid cash under the table. Its really a lot BS

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Soboxen is NOT a pain taper for oxy OR heroin.

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Eddy I dont believe I wss talking to you. And nobody was talking. I posted last week with no comments...so you know what you can do Mr. Ed

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