I Need A Referral To Doctor In The Indianapolis Area Who Will Prescribe Narcotics For My Mayofacial Pain Can Anyone Please Help (Page 2)
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I live in the Indianapolis area and am having a hard time finding a doctor willing to treat my chronic pain with narcotics. I've tried injections and physical therapy without success. Any referral would be GREATLY appreciated! Please feel free to write me back.

40 Replies (2 Pages)

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What/s Soma?

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I must have the best darn Doctor? This afternoon my Doc gave me 360 Soma, 120 x 3. I even had him lower my Xanax dose yet I don't care because I have many spares. The funny thing is he never used to like prescribing both of these, then the laws changed and I also got hit by a Truck. You would think it would be even harder to get Soma?

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Hope it didn't sound as if I was judging people, cause I'm not. I'm a chronically ill person who, as part of my pain management program, has been prescribed narcotics. When my doctor retired, I went through a totally crazy time finding a new doctor.
One of the doctors I saw prescribed Celebrex, Cymbalta and Lyrica for pain treatment. I was as the time already taking Cymbalta, and was having horrible side effects, she didn't listen and increased that dosage. Celebrex isn't for people who have any heart issues, which I do, guess she didn't read my chart, except to decide that the clinic was prescribing too many narcotics and she "was putting a stop to that". I can't take Lyrica either. I'm not even sure what Lyrica is suppose to do for anyone, it's been remarketed for so many uses, and no one reports it helping with anything that it's been used for. I was in terrible condition within days of beginning treatment with her. I was crying and couldn't stop. I was in horrible pain and she didn't care. Completely unable to function and couldn't sleep either.
Lucky, I have a friend who was able to get me into my current doctor. I've been seeing him for a little over a year now, and have actually made progress with my physical condition, not just managing pain. There are some of the pain management programs that do exactly that, manage pain. I feel much better with this doctor, because he didn't just give up on me. We work with improving me as many small ways as we can, along with managing my pain so that I can function.
I feel for everyone who has lost their trusted and loved doctor, because of a move, retirement, replacement, or for whatever reason.

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Kaylee, Read closely, people are looking for a doctor who will treat them with the medication that they want. Most doctors want to treat the patient with what they feel the patient needs, not the patient practicing medicine.
Most of the people are asking to do whatever has worked for them in the past, not looking to try out new pain management, that the doctor may feel is effective.

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I understand that your old doctor can not treat you anymore due to new policies surrounding where the patient resides.

However, what confuses me is that your old doctor did not provide you with a referral to a doctor in your area. That is really unusual. Were you on bad terms?

The best way to get a referral is not through a chat board, but rather through your primary care physician or a specialist familiar with your medical record.

Good luck!

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Hi there- I noticed he is a rheumatologist... I'm sure I spelled that wrong (sorry)...does he address other types of pain? I have chronic tension/migraine headaches and actually am not even looking for traditional pain medication...I like Esgic but would love to find a doctor that would prescribe it more than 15 at a time while telling me how much they hate it........or would prescribe Fiorinol to avoid the APAP...I've never tried either with codeine added, so I'm not sure if that would be better for me or something a doctor like Dr. Staley would prescribe?

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If you don't mind sharing....what were you treated for?

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I don't love there but know exzctly what you're talking about! Have you tried getting your previous doctor to call or write a letter explaining your condition and legit need for medication? Mine just did it for me but I live in Maryland.

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Howdy, Hydro help

I went to a pain clinic Dr. Silbert 317-290-2000 they are in Indianapolis he was WONDERFUL caring loving and listen to what Ur needs are and wanting I went to him when I first found out about my lumbar disc disease I really hated to leave him behind but he helped me while I was in Indiana hope this here helps ya out ya need insurance fer them to even see U so Good luck pray this helps some

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I agree. They perscribe meds to ppl that dont need them and they are paid cash under the table. Its really a lot BS

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He is pain management. You are required to do drug screens, but he is flexible and listens. With the new law passed about prescribing narcotics it's virtually impossible to find a PCP who will prescribe any realistic amount of hydro or Oxys.

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Is he pain management or family doctor?

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Ok, so this is the first time I realized someone posted on my forum:). Anyway, since last year it took a while including having to go on suboxone, which sucked but it was better than withdraw. Anyway, I found the perfect Dr. for me finally!!! It is Dr. Mimms and he is just south of 465 on 31. Number is 317-781-0067. I got in super fast since he just started and he takes insurance. I hope everyone who comes across this forum I started gets as much help and is as lucky as I am now! Peace out

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Try Dr. Harry Staley on meridian st. In Indianapolis

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I just eant a true,open minded professional to take my situation serious and be the Dr they were trained to be. run tests, observe, listen. medications are made for a reason, for patients who really need them. addicts need help Drs should be sympathetic, and further more the government needs to let pysicians do their job, and the government needs to clean up there mess before theres no world left!

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Please. I'm am goinv thru dt's. Its not fun. I need a dr that will fill my xanax soma and hydrocodone. Please help me. I'm going crazy. I've even thought of hurting myself. I haven't yet. Please help me. I have medicare . Or I will pay cash please. I need someones help please. I'm 47 . I shouldnt have to go to the streets to get my meds. PLEASE HELP ME. you can use my email {edited for privacy}. Please someone help me please.


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Hey Guys
Need to find a compassionate pain management dr. I am currently prescribed 180 10/325 loratab and oxycontin 80mg 2xs daily. I have 2-months left and so I am starting my search now.
I have insurance, but can also pay cash if that's all the Dr, will accept. I really want to find a legit Dr, not a pain mill Dr. One who is understanding, who is respectful of my thoughts. I have all my records of X-rays, Mir's, and surgery records. I have been using my out of state Dr. because he has been treating me for 10 years. He know longer wants to treat me do to the latest FDA wanting all pain management patients to be within a certain radius and the new are ""you crazy test"" that pain management Drs. have to have their patients deal with. I feel sad for the addicts who have no legit reasons for taking pain meds. They have screwed things up for us in real pain. And way to many PILL MILL CASH DOCTORS, I think they piss me off the most. So any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Please email at {edited for privacy} Thanks Jeff

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Eddy I dont believe I wss talking to you. And nobody was talking. I posted last week with no comments...so you know what you can do Mr. Ed

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@TigerGirl Why knock this Forum and twice? You are free to go elsewhere?

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Hey hydro... I've ask that question too. I've been on pain killers muscle relaxers soma lyrca and some others. I have some pain meds. I need my muscle relaxers and xanax. I dont think nobody cares in this forum. But I've been on mine for at least 15 yrs and can prove it. By being drs they should know you're not suppose just stop these meds. I've been up for 5 days and night. I have very bad severe chronic pain. Lots of high anxiety and muscle pain. Please if you hear of a dr in Indianapolis. Please let me know and I will let you know if I hear something but not likely in this forum. I feel like...nm

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