I Just Found Out The Fda Pulled Asthmanefrin Off The Shelves (Page 3)


I've been sitting here crying because the pharmacist just told me that AsthmaNefrin was taken off the market. I look on the internet and it's been recalled by the FDA because it has caused chest pain and has many complaints. This decision by the FDA will kill people like me because I get a paradoxical reaction to Albuterol and Levalbuterol. They work completely different. Different drug. If I go to the emergency because I can't breathe, they save me with ephinephrine, the same drug that AsthmaNefrin is. And look in any drug book, Albuterol and Levalbuterol has worse side-effects than Epinephrine. I have to have my rescue inhaler with me everyday. The Primatene tablets are horrible, causing extreme anxiety and don't mix with my antidepressant. I was on cortisone for years and now I can't tolerante at all. I've stayed healthy and my lungs are good using Singulair and AsthaNefrin. Singulair can't stop an asthma attack. This is really going to ruin my life! What am I going to do?

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Nephron's been moving its production from Florida to a new facility in South Carolina, so there'll probably continue to be scarcity of Asthmanefrin refills for a time.

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Dan, thank you SO much! I have been upset about this and couldn't find out what was going on. This is GREAT news for me!!

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Hello! I have some news for you that might be very good - if you go to ebay and search for asthmanefrin, it appears to be listed at the same price as cvs used to sell it. I just went to my local cvs to unfortunately find all of the refills in store were gone, and looked online to learn of the recall. i hope this helps! it seriously depresses me to see all the problems these various recalls and bans have caused asthma sufferers.

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It's interesting, because I've had no problem finding Asthmanefrin refills up here in Minnesota. In fact, it was carried in Walmarts for a time, then disappeared for what felt like at least a year or so from there, but I found a box that reappeared about 3 weeks ago on their shelf.

Of course, the starter kits have been unavailable for ages, but whenever I've needed a refill pack, I've been able to get it at any Walgreens in the area without a problem

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Buy it from Walmart, they probably took it off the shelves because it actually worked.

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Diana, Wheezy and Jackie M: Thanks for the info. It is not at any WalMart in my city or any other store. They told me they can't order Asthmanefrin any more so after the ones on the shelf were gone, I won't find it. I looked on the internet. No store outlet is selling it. They all say, "out of stock". So I called Nephron pharmaceuticals many times and no answer. My husband has been ordering it from Ebay and it's getting more expensive, which usually means, the product won't be available soon, and you don't know for sure where it came from.. Why aren't they telling us what is going on?? So sad for all of us! Terrible situation for me since Albuterol gives me asthma! I did find a prescription form of it a few days ago named Isuprel, generic name: Epinephrine Solution. Maybe. It is listed for kids and used with a nebulizer. I will ask my doctor. This is my only real hope. :(

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Hi Saphrona,

I conversed with you as one of the "Anonymous's" on Dr. Mintz's site. :-) The familyotc website still has AsthmaNefrin refills available. They are higher than Wal-Mart but at least they still have some. One box of refills is $36 and 4 boxes are $140. Hope this helps you dear! By the way, I ordered one box and it arrived in a few days.

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Thank you so much, Paul! I will check it out!! I will keep you informed about the prescription possibility in case Asthmanefrin becomes obsolete like Primatene Mist did. I have noticed that lots of people have written all over the internet, that Primatene Mist and Asthmanefrin work way better. Some people's quality of life is way worse without it. Who knows how many of us are out there struggling to breathe and suffering.

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Sabrina, try again on Walmart's webpage. I just ordered one for my husband yesterday because it is the only thing that really helps him at this time. Walmart themselves didn't have it, but it had to be shipped to my house from one of their retailers. It was more expensive than Walmart advertised but free shipping and delivery in 3-7 business days.

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Hi Saphrona! I was at my local Wal-Mart and noticed that they had THREE boxes of AsthmaNefrin refills in stock! Previously they usually had none, or one at most. The expiration date was Feb. of 2018, which hopefully means they are making new product? Even though I don't need a box right now I grabbed one with my grubby paws because one never knows when the heartless FDA will swoop down and remove it, making our lives more miserable. As an aside, I had my script for Pulmicort refilled. Pulmicort is a steroid preventive inhaler which has been out for years. The price (WITH my insurance) went up to $60 from $30 the last time it was refilled, only 2 months ago. The "ProAir" (albuterol, also called "ChumpAir") inhaler was $30. Or twice as much as Primatene used to cost at a tenth of its effectiveness. I have noticed that asthma scripts have shot up especially with the new "HFA" inhalers. Their greed is taking huge advantage over the American people, especially sad since this concerns health. How they sleep at night is beyond me. I was cursing the medical establishment and FDA in particular under my breath as I left the pharmacy.

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Hi, I bought asthmanefrin for the first time and bought a nebulizer machine to use with it, my question is that because the vials are only .5ml can I add distilled water or saline to it? And if so which one? Thanks

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Paul, Hi! Thank you for this information. You are right. It has not been discontinued. How weird and scary to not know what was going on for so long. But I'm so happy about it! I agree with you. All of this medicine costs way too much. It makes me furious that it's so hard to get a medicine like epinephrine, that has been around for over 100 years, that has saved MANY lives, including mine, just so you can breathe! WTH?. I went to my doctor, and he found some Racepinephrine, over the counter, but it was going to cost $120 a month at my pharmacy. I said, no thanks, I will get mine on the black market. Way too expensive. But to my surprise, I have been getting the Asthmanefrin as a prescription and my insurance is paying an out of network price of $25, which is saving me a lot of money! The pharmacy called me and told me they would be able to get me the Asthmanefrin and it was over-the-counter only and would cost $60 a month which ended up being $40. So when I went to pick it up, they said my insurance will help me pay for it. Never thought that would happen! So sorry you have to pay so much! Terrible! I am trying to get the word out about all of this. Take care and thanks again!!

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Hi Saphrona! Thanks for the info. I had no idea that AsthmaNefrin could be obtained via a prescription? Isn't it asinine what you and I have to go through to try and help our condition? But smokers can buy cigarettes - which only cause bad things to one's health - almost anywhere and anytime. Absolute lunacy. By the went, I went to Wal-Mart again and on a lark checked the supply of AsthmaNefrin. They added a box so now there's two. I already have 4 boxes at home in case they discontinue it. Amazingly the atomizer still works but from what I have read it will probably soon break, so I have to find a nebulizer type substitute on the internet. (Another slap in the face courtesy of the FDA). Also by the way, I noticed that the DrNaturalHealing site has been out of the epinephrine dry powder capsules for some time. I hope this isn't a sign that they have stopped making them or that the FDA is pestering them too. I emailed them asking when they would be back in stock but they didn't respond. :-( Thankfully most days I don't need the AsthmaNefrin as I use the expensive albuterol for mild wheezing to save the AsthmaNefrin for worse attacks. The albuterol does nothing for exercise induced asthma though. And trying to play tennis while using the atomizer between games is not practical. (Thanks again FDA!).

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Hi, Lisa. I am not sure about this but my pharmacist told me that it would be the same as with the Albuterol vials, which go in the nebulizer. They have 3 ml. of saline water already added in the vials. He told me I should add the same amount with my Asthmanefrin when using a regular nebulizer. I actually use distilled water. It works great. Good luck.

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I too am extremely upset that this product has been pulled. I have suffered from Asthma for years and do have a prescription for Combivent respimat. However, particularly during allergy season I rely on something extra to get me through the night and ibuterol, etc. makes my breathing issues worse. Asthmanefrin was perfect and exactly what I needed. I had no adverse effects after the first couple of uses and even purchased a nebulizer to use with the replacement vials since the unit that came with the original kit was not reliable. Is there or will there be a comparable replacement OTC counter any time soon?

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Hi, Linda. Asthmanefrin was not discontinued. I am able to get it through my pharmacy and recently, my doctor helped me get it with a prescription. My insurance is actually paying almost half the cost. My pharmacist says there are no plans to get it taken off the market. Albuterol makes my asthma a lot worse also. I won't use it. It gives me asthma and then takes my lungs days to recover. I hope you can find it. Good luck

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Thank you sooo much for the reply! I will try the saline and see how it works for me

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Hi All. This is a follow-up to my post from Feb. 11th. The drnaturalhealing site has the epinephrine powder capsules back in stock. Unfortunately there is still no update for their promised EpiMist product. The powder takes some getting used to as it can make one cough upon inhalation, thus one may not get the full dose. It is also pricey at about a dollar per capsule. The inhaler is small though and even us men can carry it in a pocket easily. I am not aware of anything similar to it on the market. If anyone knows of a competing product please keep us posted. Hope this helps!

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Hi Paul! Thanks for this information! It's been so hard taking the plug-in nebulizer when leaving home. This powder product is great for that! It's a crazy life being in this situation when Primatene Mist gave us so much freedom at a fraction of the cost. They still sell cigarettes and other dangerous stuff people might get and abuse, like mouthwash. :) What screwed up priorities the people in charge fall into. And why do we asthma sufferers have to wait for a drug company to come forward and save us? I hope you are doing well! Thanks again!

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If you need a nebulizer for Asthmanefrin buy the Omron brand. I purchased it almost 2 years ago and it still works like new. And, I am pretty negligent on cleaning it.

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