I Have A Prescription For Hydrocodone And Been Taking It As Prescribed But Recently Took Urine Test Which Came Back Positive (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have a prescription for Hydrocodone and have been taking it as prescribed. Recently I took a urine test which came back positive for not only Hydrocodone, but Oxycodone as well. I have only taken what has been prescribed to me, and do not take anything else. I do not know how Oxycodone showed up in this test. Any information, thoughts, theories would be greatly appriciated.

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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this is a simple one, your pharmacist ran out of hydrocodone and made the difference up with oxycodone and normally it probably wouldn't have been caught. but this is one of those unique cases where ethics plays a big role. luckily you weren't allergic to it, unfortunately pharmacist have to go bye a code of ethics they are supposed to be above reproach I hope your job is not at stake because who are they going to believe a pharmacist going by a code of ethics or a pill popper who more than likely run out and then bought some from someone on the street. Js...

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I get E mails about chronic pain issues and etc. A recent article confirms what Verwon said 4-50% of trstsbeing wrong ill look in my email so I can share this resource as this thread seems to be a victim of this pm U/a PAIN NEWS NETWORK did tests and found flaws in these tests. Yet another hoop to jump through as if being in pain 24/7 wasn't enough

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i too take hydrocordone/ iburophen (7.5/ 250 ) and norco ( 10/325) have been for years. over the last few months my urine test have been postive. ... this past month it came back NEGATIVE, why and how could this happen. nothing has changed in my life.... now i take my meds as prescribed on a daily basis. now i cant get my pain meds he has put me on something called "tawin"...Next month I'm going to tell him i want them back and i'm going to make a video diary of me taking them just to prove to him that i am this way if the test comes back negative again HE knows its wrong and I am not lying.

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The same thing happened to me, I am prescribed 10mg hydrocodone and 2 mg zanex, which is a different brand this month, they are blue I am used to taking the white ones, my doctor gives me a drug test at his office and I came up positive for oxycodone, and I don't take oxycodone in fact they are too strong for me, my doctor now is getting me a more accurate test, to let me retake, but he thinks I am lying to him? will this new test straighten it out or will my new medication mix still be positive for oxy's??

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I tested positive for cocaine and methamphetamine and marijuana and only take my norco 10mg and oxycodone as prescribed.... How is this false urine test possible? ....driving me nuts....waiting now for results of cheek swab......what can cause these false results? Second time in 4 months.

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I will NEVER do another urine test again. All of the false positive posts are scary.

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Everybody thinks they either ARE a lawyer or you should sue everybody that has ever wronged you...Jeebus...

Actually... Physicians DO NOT...I repeat, DO NOT have to wean you down off pain/anxiety medications if they feel or even suspect that you have been taking more than prescribed or selling or hoarding your pills. Physicians have a duty not only to the law but to the public at large including you, yourself. If they test you and find that you are testing positive for meds you aren't prescribed then continuing to write for you at any amount or increment puts you at further risk, because you are one bad cocktail away from overdose and/or death. And it could very well cost them their license to practice medicine. If I spent 10-15 years working for something (Medical career) I know I wouldn't be willing to throw it all away over a patient that doesn't care enough about me, let alone themself to not kill themself on my watch.

If you are testing negative for a prescribed medication, they have every right to assume that you are selling, hoarding or giving them away. Which means that you are causing a risk to others who may be allergic and not know, or may be reckless and overdose or drink heavily while taking it, which increases the toxicity of the medication etc.! If you are hoarding them then who's to say that you won't take mass quantities of your meds to commit suicide. Seeing how chronic pain and depression are so strongly linked, you can see how this could happen.

The fact is, the average person that is in chronic pain knows their limit of pain that they can/will tolerate. I spent 15 years on a substandard approach for pain control. I was told stupid things by providers like "no magic pills for you today" and "well you are too young to be on pain medication" "the only thing we can do is send you for MORE physical therapy" As it turns out, I wasn't "just clumsy" my whole life. I have a genetic disease that affects anything in my body made of collagen. This is literally almost every single body part. Muscles, tendons, cartilage, skin, eyes, ear drums, nails, blood vessels, teeth/gums, joints/spine, nerves and organs as well. LITERALLY everything but my hair...lol! Oh, yeah and the really fun part, is being extremely hyperflexible...contortionist/circus freak-show hyperflexibile. So all of the years of super-awesome physical therapy...yup...made my condition worse, including a knee joint that bends backwards 40 degrees!! I am in my 30's and have severe osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis DDD bulging herniated and torn discs, sciatica, heart problems, dentures, many other issues that have led to me being almost completely disabled. I know pain!! When I was being pushed around my provider, I went to the patient advocate and calmly threw a fit...I got myself a new provider that was compassionate and even though my disease is rare, my new provider was willing to educate herself about the disease, so that she could better serve me as well as herself for future patients. She ended up leaving my clinic and I was devastated. But when one door closes another opens, right?! Well her replacement just happened to go to med school and residency with a man who has the same super rare disorder, so she is very knowledgeable as is her boyfriend who was also in the same programs and he is an orthopedic/sports medicine doc.

If you feel like your physician isn't treating your pain adequately FIND A NEW ONE hopefully before you find yourself running out early. If I find myself in more pain than my medication regime allows, I go see my doc BEFORE I run out. I explain why I believe there is a difference this month compared to last month if I can put my finger on it. My docs would rather I see him/her before it gets out of hand, than taking too many and either hurting myself, or putting myself or them in a position where its to late to help/do anything. You may have to be willing to do extra therapies in conjunction with your pain meds, but at least you are getting them and ya never know...it might actually help. Most importantly you need to advocate for yourself, because no one else will do it for you!!

You have no right to file a lawsuit against a physician for not continuing to write a prescription you want. They have the right to determine what script if any you need.

None of us are ENTITLED to pain meds regardless of tolerance. If you have a good relationship with your doc, then you can make decisions together. If your doc feels that they cannot trust you anymore, why would they continue to put themselves and their future and career on the line for you?

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Mess with my license to practice medicine, no more of the good stuff for you!" - Every physician that has ever had a trust issue with a pain patient

You cannot sue everyone, every time you don't get your way. And if you signed a pain CONTRACT you should have read it better, even the fine print! It always states that if you fail a drug test that you can get a re-test at your own expense (insurance will not pay for a re-test) usually at a lab of your choice, but even then, a failed test is reason enough for the clinic to fire you as a patient or still do some pain procedures, but no longer provide pain prescriptions in the future. And if you screw the pooch with a pain management clinic...good luck getting anybody to touch you with a 10 foot pole!!

Hope this is helpful!

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There is alot of info on this, it usually cross contamination during the manufacturing process. I know you asked this a long time ago and hope your pain is being controlled now.

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I have been on hydrocodone 10/325 norco for about 8 years now. Is it possible that that could show up as anything else other than that?? Such as Methamphetamine, coke or marijuana??? And also if a person took Methamphetamine, would that show up on a urine test two days later, if that person has never done it before?? Would that be enough to fail??

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It is illegal for a pharmacist to "make up" missing pills with another medication. They simply order the rest and give it to you later. They have a license to protect as well.

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I am prescribed morphine 15mg er and loratab 5mg also alpralzam and cymbalta for years same Dr. Never had a problem today my UA came back with oxymorphone? I don't even know what that is what would cause this?

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Opiates heroin all that garbage is all the same stuff so it's going to come out different depending on who's checking it in their office

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My husband recently tested positive for methadone. He has been in the hospital had surgery been on hydrocodone, oxycodone, and duladid along with Iv antibiotics and antipsychotics. What could have caused this he has never taken methadone other than what we see on tv we did even know what it was.

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They are considered the same (even percolating), all the same.

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Im sorry i know this is a old post but hydrocodone is different than oxcodone one is a percocet and one is is a loratab percocet has tyelnol and oxcodone in it and the other has hydrocodone in it and tyelnol.but i guess the both can show up as opiats but if sent to the lab they can detec the difference.sorry for my spelling .

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I have a urine test on friday today is wednesday i was crushed by a car and im prescribed norco 10/325. I was just tryin to take the garbage out and was in so much pain i took 4 to 5 a day for about a week i had to go a week with out any because of that so i took 1 on monday 1 on tuesday ive got 2 left until Friday if i took my last two tonight which is wednesday will it show up on a urine test friday at 11am

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Re: Jimmy (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

For someone who talks so big Jimmy, you don’t know s*** about pain! Until you have walked a day in our shoes keep your opinions to yourself.

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Re: Verwon (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I'm curious, are you a Pain Patient, or, by chance, a Medical Professional? I can't speak for everyone else, but do you honestly think that goikng to our doctor and telling them the Norco 4/day isn't enough, would do anything besides cause them to accuse us of being addicts and seekers? For me, my dose was reduced from 6/day for 12 years, down to 4/day. It's not enough, and they don't care. I've asked them which 8 hour period of the day I should utilize the relief and which time of day I should remain bedridden & suffer- because that's exactly what happens. It's (them) who've caused legitimate pain patients to make nice with local drug dealers and helpful them thrive. So in response to your suggestion that we talk to purge Doctor about it - its not reasonable...so now what?

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I changed pain clinics to a more Professinal Clinic. The Clinic I use to use was basically just a pill mill. My gut feeling was to get out quick find a new clinic. After doing so my new pain doc said I was right the doc I was seeing just got busted for Medicaid Fraud. I say find a pain clinic that is very professional and also has compassion. And other options on top of your medication. After 13 yrs in pain mgmt I’ve finally got approved for physical therapy. It’s helping a lot. I’ve been able to from 15mlg to 10 mlg Oxycodone 5 Times a day. When physical therapy is done I will go back to 4 times a day. Then keep doing the work at home I can possibly go 3 times a day. There is no cure for my pain I most likely will never be able to completely go off them. I truly believe it has more to do with the reputation of the PM Clinics and Their Doctors. I don’t try to get pills to just get them nor do I want to be treated as such. I feel so blessed I found this one. I don’t ever want to let them down. It’s frustrating to me that the people who abuse the system has made things so difficult for people who don’t and truly need their services. I know this is not answering your question but find a PM Clinic that’s not a pill mill good reputation. I love the change I made this year. I live in a very strict state of Utah so their are people who just want drugs no matter that they are affecting others who just need help to manage chronic pain. Good Luck To You. Go with your instincts. If they are trying to kick you out of the program sit down and have a good talk with the doctor. Be very open and honest. Communication is everything. Doctors & Patients need to be open and honest. I had to fill early this m9nth due to travel. They only gave me enough to get through my travel and next month I can pick up my full prescription. If your open and honest and you trust them they trust you you should never have any issues. If your not honest then maybe you have an addiction and it should be addressed. God Bless.

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