I Have A Prescription For Hydrocodone And Been Taking It As Prescribed But Recently Took Urine Test Which Came Back Positive
UpdatedI have a prescription for Hydrocodone and have been taking it as prescribed. Recently I took a urine test which came back positive for not only Hydrocodone, but Oxycodone as well. I have only taken what has been prescribed to me, and do not take anything else. I do not know how Oxycodone showed up in this test. Any information, thoughts, theories would be greatly appriciated.
Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opiate and, as such, has been known to cause false positives for other opiates, as well.
Since Oxycodone is also a semi-synthetic opiate, they are very closely related and it's highly possible that one could show up as the other, or both on urine drug tests.
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I'm sorta in the same boat, have been in pain management for several years.....I'm on oxycontin and percocet......I had a drug screen show as Loratab and the clinic say they would not see me anymore, is it possible that the meds I'm on would show as Loratab? I'm only taking prescribed meds, do I have any recourse with the clinic? Should I get a lawyer?
Ask for another urine test from your pain management doc. If not pay for one yourself. I am not fond of pain management clinics myself. In order to please the DEA they will terminate anyone for any reason they can. It looks good on paper and it keeps them out of the radar of the DEA. Its a cruel world out there these day.
Marie, in reference to your problem, it would be the same as what I already said in my other post.
The synthetic or semi-synthetic opiates can sometimes test positive as other ones in the same class on urine drug tests.
The Oxycontin and Percocet you are on both contain the narcotic Oxycodone and the Lortab that they said you tested positive for contains the narcotic Hydrocodone.
However, you really do not have any recourse, since no doctor or clinic is obligated to treat you, unless you are in a life-threatening state. They may drop you as a patient, at any time they please.
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I see a pain management dr every 3 months. He was writing me 120 roxicodone every 30 days and dating them that day, then 4 weeks, then 8 weeks. I filled them every 30 days, no cheating! I took a random drug screen and he said he was dropping me from 120 per month to 90 because I didn't have enough roxi in my urine to validate 120. I am not selling them or anything, I just take them when I need too. I20 per month is what I am comfortable with. I have so many health problems & this is the only med I take. Sometimes I may take 6 or 8 the first 2 weeks and then by the last 2 weeks I am really low on meds. I have to take another test on June 16. How many pills do I need to take to pass this drug screen to show 90 per month and still take them more on worse days and less when need be. Please don't reply and say "just take 3 a day" because I can't. I hurt more on some says and less on others. It is sporadic. I don't want him to drop me in June! He will if I don't show 90 pills per month in my system. There has got to be a way to divey up the meds to take right before my app't 6/16 to pass this drug screen! He uses Ameritox and it is very sensitive to drug metabolization. Please help!!!!
I am long term patient on 40mg oxycontin sr x 2 daily & on average 3 panadeine forte daily, as well as 5 mg valium as required, recently undertook urine sample which revealed no drugs at all in my urine other than minute amount of valium. I do take drugs as prescribed but had been without script for 5 days would this make difference or not. Subsequently I cannot be prescribed any form of pain relief -is there any form of recoure open tome ie 2nd opinions as I truly believe this cannot be an accurate test without further explination
Face it,the pain clinics have all the power when it come to who and how they want to prescribe too.Its all a big scam,welcome to pain care clinics.
I am in serious pain all the time, some days worse than others. I am prescribed Oxycodone 10mg every 6hrs or as needed. Sometimes I take 1pill and 4hrs later I'm in severe pain and I take another, but then wait 12hrs to take another. Somedays, I only take 2-3 pills, because my pain level isn't as high and somedays I take more because I had to go somewhere and walk a lot, etc... My question is, I was given an Ameritox drug test yesterday and was wondering since I only take the amount of Oxycodone prescribed in a day, will it show that sometimes I take it an hour or so earlier and then wait 12hrs to take it? How sensitive is this test? I've visited their website, but it doesn't specifically answer my question. For those of you in REAL pain, know that sometimes you have to break the pain cycle to get the pain under control. I never run out of my Percocet and always bring at least 5-10 pills back into my doctor at every visit. Please someone answer this question that knows a thing or two about Ameritox Drug tests. Thanks for your time.
Sandy, in that respect you have nothing to worry about, these tests can't tell when you took the medication.
There are two different tests that can be done, the first type just looks for the presence of the relevant medication, to make sure you are taking it.
The second type looks for certain levels of the medication, which would be the amounts they would expect to see in someone that is taking it regularly, to make sure you aren't out selling your medication on the street.
But, neither one of them can tell them the time that you took it, so they have no way of knowing if you took it early or late. As long as the levels are there, you should be fine.
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I am scripted at 4 vicodin a day. If I take 5-6 a day can they tell that in a urine test?
Pam, it depends on the type of test they do.
Some test just check for the presence of the relevant medication, to make sure you are taking it and not selling your prescriptions.
However, there are other tests that can be done that detect the levels of the medication. These levels should fall within a certain span, if the person has been taking them, as prescribed. If they are higher than they should be, then yes, they will know that you have been taking more than you should.
If your current dosage isn't handling your pain, you should talk to your doctor about it, rather than upping your dosage on your own.
Are there any other questions?
The same thing happened to me i'm prescribed Hydrocodone and oxycodone also showed up on my ua. If it can show up as oxycodone why check for that to?
My situation (or NIGHTMARE, I should say) is similar. Yesterday I went to my doc's office for the quarterly urine test, refill of my meds (Cymbalta, Kadian and Hydrocodone). The nurse came to me in the lobby and, oud enough that the dozen or so other patients could hear every word, said they couldn't give me my full scrips, that I would have to come back next week and see the doc, after they've received the results from the lab they were sending my urine sample out to, as it came back showing OXYCONTIN! I was flabbergasted. I have never been prescribed/taken Oxycontin! I told her that they must have made a mistake, and that I wanted them to retest me, right there, so I could prove to them that this was a MISTAKE. I take it very, very seriously that ANYONE, especially my doc/his staff, would even THINK I was being dishonest/criminal about my pain meds (recreational drug use, are you kidding me? NOT ME), that I take EXACTLY as prescribed, and I even give them a list of the OTC ibuprofen, low-dose aspirin I sometimes take in addition to regular meds, for breakthrough back and joint pain, or toothache (this year I have had to have most of my upper teeth removed) which I take Ora-jel for when it flares up. They refused, and, worse, told me if I DID have them retest my urine, that I would have to pay them for the 'extra' test (in the hundreds of dollars) OUT-OF-POCKET. They did this knowing full well that THAT would stop me, as I am on SSDI for the back/spinal injury and have to subsist on a meager income. I was mortified and in tears. This is NOT a trivial thing to me. I have been a patient there for almost 6 years, and feel I was mistreated and disrespected. Next week, any test they 'retake' will have NO BEARING on this 'false positive'/mistake because if I WAS 'guilty of taking illegal drugs, it woud be long gone by then. My whole point, at thetime, was that they REDO the TEST then and there, to PROVE MY INNOCENCE and THEIR MISTAKE. ANyway... I need to know if and why a false positive for Oxycontin could happen... I see there is a correlation to Hydrocodone (Vicodin) which I DO take, so am wondering how 'close' this correlation is and if the Hydrocodone I take could have caused this error. and, If so, WHY HASN'T IT HAPPENED BEFORE, in the almost 5 years Ive been on the same pain meds????
Jipsi, I am very sorry about what you had to go through. The sad fact is that doctor's offices and other medical facilities that are just testing for their own internal reasons, such as making sure someone isn't abusing their medications, are not required to U.S. certified tests.
They can partner with whatever lab turns out to be the cheapest bidder for their business. There are about 1200, or so labs in the U.S. and less than 100 of them meet federal standards and are certified. This means that false positives can occur between 4 and 50% of the time.
Hydrocodone is a synthetic opiate and on these types of tests, it has been known to cause false positives for other synthetic and semi-synthetic opiates.
And the reason it might have happened this time and none of the others, is because they may have recently switched labs. This is just a guess, but they may have recently gotten a cheaper offer to switch to a different one.
These false positives have been occurring more and more often, you'll find many similar posts on our site about others that have gone through the same thing.
Please post back and let us know how things go with the doctor?
I currently take hydrocodone 10mg-325 and oxycodone 5mg. My doctor said that my lab urine test came back showing something else in addition to these, but I am not sure what? I took a few 5mg hydrocodones and 3 of someone else's oxycodone 5mg/500 because I was out of town and forgot my prescriptions, would these show up as "something different" in my urine lab screen? Or maybe its one of those false positives? Please let me know if you have any info on this?
Angle, no neither of those should show up as anything different, since the active narcotics are the same as what you were already taking, Hydrocodone and Oxycodone.
Did you take anything else, even over the counter products?
I took an old pill from the past and looked it up, it was diazepam, would that show up?
Angel, Diazepam is a Benzodiazepine and should show up as that on a drug test, they are usually detectable in urine tests for about 6 weeks, after last taking them.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I took one loritab 5 'how long will it stay in you urine
Susie, the Hydrocodone, which is the active narcotic in Lortab, can be detectable in a standard urine test for approximately 4 to 5 days, after last dosage.
However, this can vary from person to person, depending on certain individuating factors, such as your metabolism, overall health, activity levels, fluid intake and etc.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Marie (# 2)
I have taken Percocet for years….I recently took Hydrocodone and my urine tested positive for Morphine…..I only take the meds prescribed for me…I’m 76 yrs old and my Dr threatened to dismiss from the Clinic"…I was so scared that my gout flared up from the stress.
Re: Verwon (# 4)
They’re not legally required to treat you, but they can’t abandon care on a whim either. This doctor was reprimanded by the BOM in NH. He had to pay a fine, which doesn’t help the patient, but it helps future patients who may be in this same situation.
Also, medical records are legal documents and defamation isn’t ok.
Call the lab. Demand a retest
Re: Marie (# 2)
Complain to the board of medicine and maybe file a complaint about the inaccurate lab to whoever monitors labs. I had a lab tell me I had 1500 cannabis numbers when it’s usually 200. It was an absolute error because I didn’t even have any weed that week. Sometimes the labs are wrong.
I changed pain clinics to a more Professinal Clinic. The Clinic I use to use was basically just a pill mill. My gut feeling was to get out quick find a new clinic. After doing so my new pain doc said I was right the doc I was seeing just got busted for Medicaid Fraud. I say find a pain clinic that is very professional and also has compassion. And other options on top of your medication. After 13 yrs in pain mgmt I’ve finally got approved for physical therapy. It’s helping a lot. I’ve been able to from 15mlg to 10 mlg Oxycodone 5 Times a day. When physical therapy is done I will go back to 4 times a day. Then keep doing the work at home I can possibly go 3 times a day. There is no cure for my pain I most likely will never be able to completely go off them. I truly believe it has more to do with the reputation of the PM Clinics and Their Doctors. I don’t try to get pills to just get them nor do I want to be treated as such. I feel so blessed I found this one. I don’t ever want to let them down. It’s frustrating to me that the people who abuse the system has made things so difficult for people who don’t and truly need their services. I know this is not answering your question but find a PM Clinic that’s not a pill mill good reputation. I love the change I made this year. I live in a very strict state of Utah so their are people who just want drugs no matter that they are affecting others who just need help to manage chronic pain. Good Luck To You. Go with your instincts. If they are trying to kick you out of the program sit down and have a good talk with the doctor. Be very open and honest. Communication is everything. Doctors & Patients need to be open and honest. I had to fill early this m9nth due to travel. They only gave me enough to get through my travel and next month I can pick up my full prescription. If your open and honest and you trust them they trust you you should never have any issues. If your not honest then maybe you have an addiction and it should be addressed. God Bless.
Re: Verwon (# 11)
I'm curious, are you a Pain Patient, or, by chance, a Medical Professional? I can't speak for everyone else, but do you honestly think that goikng to our doctor and telling them the Norco 4/day isn't enough, would do anything besides cause them to accuse us of being addicts and seekers? For me, my dose was reduced from 6/day for 12 years, down to 4/day. It's not enough, and they don't care. I've asked them which 8 hour period of the day I should utilize the relief and which time of day I should remain bedridden & suffer- because that's exactly what happens. It's (them) who've caused legitimate pain patients to make nice with local drug dealers and helpful them thrive. So in response to your suggestion that we talk to purge Doctor about it - its not reasonable...so now what?
Re: Jimmy (# 102)
For someone who talks so big Jimmy, you don’t know s*** about pain! Until you have walked a day in our shoes keep your opinions to yourself.
I have a urine test on friday today is wednesday i was crushed by a car and im prescribed norco 10/325. I was just tryin to take the garbage out and was in so much pain i took 4 to 5 a day for about a week i had to go a week with out any because of that so i took 1 on monday 1 on tuesday ive got 2 left until Friday if i took my last two tonight which is wednesday will it show up on a urine test friday at 11am
Im sorry i know this is a old post but hydrocodone is different than oxcodone one is a percocet and one is is a loratab percocet has tyelnol and oxcodone in it and the other has hydrocodone in it and tyelnol.but i guess the both can show up as opiats but if sent to the lab they can detec the difference.sorry for my spelling .
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