I Have A Prescription For Hydrocodone And Been Taking It As Prescribed But Recently Took Urine Test Which Came Back Positive (Page 3)
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I have a prescription for Hydrocodone and have been taking it as prescribed. Recently I took a urine test which came back positive for not only Hydrocodone, but Oxycodone as well. I have only taken what has been prescribed to me, and do not take anything else. I do not know how Oxycodone showed up in this test. Any information, thoughts, theories would be greatly appriciated.

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I had to take a urine test for a pre-job screening, I had a wisdom tooth infection and was prescribed hydrocodone. I knew I would come up positive for it but I had taken a few more than prescribed due to the pain and having a high tolerance to pain meds. Will they know i have taken more than prescribed? Will this cause me to fail the test and not get the job?

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I have been with my doctor for 5 years I have chronic back and neck issues along with various the billet ation migraines I am prescribed OxyContin oxymorphone restoril 2-2 milligram xanax per day along with a few other drugs now I have had an issue started last month a urine screening tested positive for cocaine which I have never touched I had to pay 150 to go see a drug counselor to stay with my doctor as of now and I have been on a probationary period of which they have been seeing me weekly and testing me as such now it's today it has been almost 4 weeks they have told me that I tested positive for vicodin and valium which I have no access to and wouldn't bother to take anyways because I am prescribed more than enough of my own medication to bother taking anything else I already have to take quite a bit of medication for my age I am just clueless as to how this could happen and am wondering if anybody has any suggestions or theories of how this could have tested this wayat this point I am starting to believe that somebody is trying to mess with my life otherwise I have no reasoning for how this could be happening to me any suggestions of what I should do or how this could have happened

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no because the 2 are exactly the same drug you are sfe

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I went to the dr for my monthly pain management app and I had to do a urine screening. I was given my meds and I thought everything was okay. I did not find out for 2 weeks that there was a problem with my results. I received a certified letter telling me that I was being released from the dr because of not following proper procedures and protocols. I take hydros everyday. Some days I take more and some days I take less than what I'm prescribed. I also had taken some percs prior to my urine test. The rx was an old one that the same dr had given me when I had surgery a year or so ago. I did keep it a long time but because it was mine and given to me by my dr I did not see the problem with it. Prior to doing the urine test I told the dr that I had some unusually bad pain in my back and I had took the perc and it would probably show up on the test. I guess that is what pissed the dr off. I'm going to see her for the last time in the am. I am a hot mess. What should I expect from her in the am?

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Betsy yes I am sorry but your Dr will be able to tell the difference, since morphine is more pure it will show up for sure but good luck.

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oxycodone, and vicodin are in the same family, it must just be a false positive test. I would ask for another one. Some hydrocodone come in 10mg and same with oxycodone so that is really stupid, stand your ground and tell Dr, they are the same drug and tell him that your not taking anything but what he gives you!!! Now oxycontin is a whole other story to explain, good luck.

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I know this post is pretty dated, but what you said resonated with me and is still relevant. It's getting worse too. I'm so tired of being treated like I'm not only a criminal but a dumb one at that. I too live a half life, everything is scheduled around when I can take my pills so I can accomplish a chore or trip to the store. The doctors are bad enough... but now the pharmacists have become the narc police. Being a manager in retail pharmacy, I've seen pharmacists treat patients so poorly... assuming they are abusing...making loud statements about the strength and it quantity of medicine while filling, stopping everything to confirm with dr, lying to patients about being out of stock and flat out b telling customers they are refusing to fill. The docs are strict and they are only the first hurdle. I had to take a break in my treatment from a very strict back specialist, with whom I'd established a reputation as a good patient and mutual trust because my insurance was cancelled and i couldn't afford to self pay for the next step. Recently gained coverage and had to start over with a new pcp. With my previous records in hand, including the two meds I was on (took months to find the best combo for me), notes starting that ib showed no signs of addiction or criminal abuse, all of my imaging and the diagnosis of 5 specific problems with me spine. He minimized my diagnosis to one problem, said he saw no reason for me to be on such drugs, and prescribed IBUPROFIN as well as neurontin which is not only NOT indicated for my type of pain, but poses serious risks of interacting with the anti depressants and anxiety meds i take. All I wanted was to restart the needs of been on, and only enough to see me through to my ortho and pain mgr appointments. But hes in the center of town where all of the abusers seek meds from...so I must be one too right? The bad apples ruin it for the ones who genuinely need the medication to, add you said, get the pain from a ten to a five just to live half a life. And in the mean time or characters are assassinated and we are freely, publicly humiliated. Even friends say...oh you get the GOOD drugs. Really? I don't get anything other than relief from my meds. Me taking a vicodin because I'm in so much pain I can't get out of bed is like a normal person taking an advil because they have a headache. Its high time(no pun intended) that the medical community get their collective s*** together and learn how to properly,respectfullytreat chronic pain sufferers, instead of trying to.cover their asses by prescribing anything BUT what works while using my brain chemistry as science fair project.even a nurse told me that a patient needing pain relief isn't considered a priority or treated as seriously as someone who is on something like cholesterol meds... ie: cholesterol meds are vital to someone's health while pain meds are.considered by the medical community in general as optional and not a priority. I don't get it... you wouldn't cut off heart meds or lie to a customer about being out of antihistimines? So why are we treated so badly? Because of the abusers. The liars. Hell we don't even get proper cessation if a dr drops us. Which btw is the number one reason people begin using heroin. And you know what else? Good old fashioned anti depressants cause dependence and require weaning. So why the double standards? Again it's the abusers, the liars and yes, even those of you, US, who adjust our own doses without letting the drs know the current strength isn't enough out of fear of the doc confusing seeking relief with drug seeking behaviors. And did you know... that even if you ARE addicted to your meds, you still have the right to treatment for your pain. If you Google addiction vs dependence you can find physician guidelines and a list of behaviors that indicate the differences. I wish these doctors would learn the difference and act more ethically towards those who must suffer chronic, debilitating pain for the rest of their lives without adding humiliation to the treatment plan

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sorry but yes I don't want to sound like a know it all but it has all happened to me, and I am an ex medical assistant. they will see the morphine in your UA un less they take it in the office, sometimes you can say well, it must be a false positive.

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Hi. I was reading replies to other question when I saw your question, so my answer might be too late to help. But my advice to you is the same as to other op.you tell your doc exactly what happened, and that you self treated by upping your pain meds for the kidney stone and then self treated with a Ann old Bourke if whatever you had. It helps if you still have that old legitimate script bottle to show him. If you are honest they are more likely to tsk tsk you and encourage you to only follow your prescribing directions add well as to contact them if the meds are no longer controlling the pain, in addition to seeing proper treatment for other issues like kidney stones instead of self medicating. They hear every excuse, real or made up, under the sun from people do be prepared to do whatever you must to reestablish trust with them. You may have to do random pee tests and pill counts depending on your contact and how strict your doc is, as well as your history. If it's your first offense, then they will address it with you and give you another chance. How likely they are to increase your meds depends on your condition, your history with them(urinslysis results, alwaysv wanting early refill, etc) and what you are asking for. They have to cover their behinds. It's normal to develop tolerance and need a dosage adjustment from time to time. If this your first offense and you tell them you used your pills to treat av different kind of pain they may not prescribe a higher number of pills. If you say "hey my normal dosage isn't effective anymore so i took more than prescribed and ran out early" your going to get a lecture and a reminder to do what I'm about to tell you, you always should do.. call them immediately. The doc might require a pill count or pee test (mine always does when adjusting dose according to my complaint)BUT by being completely honest and forthcoming you will establish trust with them and they are more likely to help you. These docs are very very careful these days, to the point of assuming everyone is up to no good....and not only need to protect themselves but they need to protect you from addiction and overdose. Trust me I've been through the wringer with my treatment..it took months of changing scripts and adjusting dosages to get to a combo which works for me. I also went through a period of taking too much in the beginning of the month and then running out. Its easy to do when you have that giant new bottle of relief in your pocket!particularly if you ran out early the month before. If you find yourself running out early every month, idbsuggest either sucking it up and finding a way to regulate yourself better or inform your doctor that the dosage isnt enough anymore. Your first and most important call is always to the pain doc. You must be your own advocate. And even if you flat out tell them you're having issues regulating yourself and following dosing instructions they will help you deal with it in an appropriate way. Remember their goal is to treat you, but they must protect themselves from people who abuse the system. Look around on Google.. I once read a great article that tells you the behaviors and signs of dependence (totally to be expected)vs the signs/behaviors if an addict. Sorry for rambling, this is a hot button topic for me...I have a very very strict pain/back doc. And even though I haven't seen him since last spring, he recently gave me one month of my previous scripts to hold me over until my ortho appt, when my new pcp refused to prescribe opiates even though he had all of my records that state I've been a good girl and my bed for them is legit. My pain doc violated his own standard of procedure to help me... after a pee test of course to cover his ass.... which he was happy to do because I've always been honest with him. I even disclosed that ib used marijuana recently in desperation for relief and they still helped me out. Good luck...

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Sorry it wont loose any potency at all trust me, I thought the same thing a long time ago, I ran out of clonipin early and took a valium and that was a week before the test, then I thought what you did, and they still saw it and how much I took he gave me another chance tho, but when they go to California that is the best testing center there is cuz Dr office's have been doing false positives, but California they come up true as all get out. don't want to scare you but if they do it in the office you know you have a chance, but when they send it out there is no chance so be ready to tell your Dr why he found what they found, sorry just want you to be prepared.

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I would be honest with him, and tell him that some days you need more than instructed to control your pain and other days you need less. He might chew you out for doing so but by being honest, even at the risk of looking like a rule breaker, you're giving him the info he needs to treat your pain effectively. He might adjust your meds, prescribe something for around the clock relief and supplement with something for the break through v pain. But he can't help you if you're not honest and won't help you if you're urine test doesn't back up what you are claiming to be taking. My dr is strict... and when one urine test didn't immediately test positive (not big enough sample, I missed the cup lol) he gave me ten days of pills to last me while they sent the sample to the lab for better examination. Bottom line is, level with him. he's there to treat you but can't do that if you aren't honest with him about your level of pain

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scarred !! I had a Dr who screened me and they send to California, it takes a good week to come back, so by then sending it and it sitting in the lab a day or 2, it will loose some of its potency, anyway as long as it shows you have the drug in you does not mean take all 3 at once before your appointment, depending on the time of appointment if it is early, then it will look like you take 3 at one time daily and that isn't good, so take em the way your supposed to and it will still show the drug in your system, I had a false positive and it showed clonopin and valium, I have never taken a valium since my dad died 30 years ago he was young, so they re-did it, and it just showed clonopin. he didn't say Oh there is too much, or Oh not enough in your system. Just as long as it's in your system and nothing else, don't panic the tests they do in the office always come up false positive that's why mine started sending them to a clinic in California good luck I think your fine,

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Its obvious....we r all living in a police state im telling you.its ridiculous.

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no the hydrocodone and lortab are the same it may show you have taken more as there may be more of it in your urine, the lortab 5/500 or lortab 5/375 the 500 or 375 is just how much Tylenol it came with that's all

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yes your Dr will be able to tell the difference sorry, but lortab or hydrocodone are all in the same family as codeine except more pure morphine is in a category of its own good luck it may be out of system in 4 days but trace's will show look on line how long it last and depending on the Mg too you took.

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If u gt 90 pills a month that's allows you 3 pills a day so u need to save enough pills for a gud 4 r 5 days worth and make sure the 4 r 5 days before your appointment r drug screen u take r medication as prescribe. So 5 days before make sure u only take the 3 pills a day so u will have the right amount in r system

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yes, and did you know they are all and I mean all anestealogist true ask I hate them

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I go to pain management once a month for severe joint pain caused by years of gout and other problems . I am prescribed 120 10 lortab per month . However last month I had a kidney stone so instead of taking one pill at 8 12 4 and 8 I would take one and sometimes two during the night . I started running low so I would only take one when I was in severe agony . I ran out about one week ago so I started taking some 325 hydrocodone that I had left from about a year ago . I doneed to test POSITIVE in three days so can they tell the difference between the two or does it come out that you just have it in your urine . Also how quick are they to up your pill count if you need more . I don't want to say or do anything that will jeopardize my contract but I need help . Any response would be appreciated .

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im being tested in 2 days for drugs by new pain dr, ive been told to stop taking lortab because of potential liver damage so i took some morphine today to releive pain will dr see the difference between lortab and morphine in test ill be taking in 2 days?

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Your comment is fairly accurate as to doctors not having to treat you and can drop you.
However, when it comes to them prescribing narcotics that your body got physically use to ( I don't mean addiction and physically use to and addiction is different)
they just can't stop treating you cold turkey. The have to put you on a detox plan.
I suggest anyone on here who rinds yourself in a similar situation.

Call an attorney__________________

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