I Accidentally Took All 6 Methylprednisolone At Once


I took the six pills on my first day's dose all at once as I believe I was directed to do. However, this is day two and I didn't read the instructions and took all five of day two with breakfast. I am taking this because I have a lymph tumor on my parathyroid gland and trigeminal neuralgia that has been giving me acute pain in my face and mouth. My primary put me on the Methylprednisolone steroid and Gabapentin. I hope that this isn't going to cause me problems since I need to be alert and work.

5 Replies

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I personally take the prednisone packs all at one time just as you did. I take so many prescriptions (Gabapentin being one of them) that I have to schedule specific times, because some meds can't be taken together. Gabapentin is one of them that has interactions with other meds. Prednisone isn't one of them. I hope this helped.

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You definitely will not be drowsy on the steroid pack... I have taken too many on the 2nd day to, but don't worry, just take the 3-7 days as directed.... You will be OK...

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Top Answer
Yes, as the other posters have stated, there is no issue here.

You can actually take them all, all at once, each day, if needed. Some people do, in order to make sure they don't accidentally miss a dose. I've done it, when I was on one due to an allergic reaction and had a very hectic schedule that week, my pharmacist cleared it for me and it is actually listed as being acceptable by the FDA in the detailed prescribing instructions.

Since it can cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness and insomnia, which can be worse, if they are all taken at once, that's generally why the doses are split up throughout the day. You should be aware that this is possible and do what's best for you with your doctor's approval.

Methylprednisolone Dosing Information

Methylprednisolone comes as a tablet to take by mouth. Your doctor will prescribe a dosing schedule that is best for you. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Take methylprednisolone exactly as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor.”

What should you do if you forget a dose?

“When you start to take methylprednisolone, ask your doctor what to do if you forget a dose. Write down these instructions so that you can refer to them later. If you take methylprednisolone once a day, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one.”

Ref: MedlinePlus


“There are reports of hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, and sudden death when methylprednisolone administration occurs under 30 minutes in doses greater than or equal to 250 mg.”

Methylprednisolone has an oral bioavailability of 88% approximately. The half-life elimination of intravenous methylprednisolone is of 0.25 hours, with an oral half-life of 2-5 hours. It has hepatic metabolism and undergoes urinary excretion”

Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544340/#article-36238.s4


Methylprednisolone contraindications include patients with documented hypersensitivity to the drug or components, systemic fungal infection, intrathecal administration, live or attenuated virus vaccine, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, or in premature infants. Like all other glucocorticoids, methylprednisolone must be used with great caution in patients with peptic ulcers, heart disease or hypertension with heart failure, certain infectious illnesses such as varicella and tuberculosis psychoses, diabetes, osteoporosis, or glaucoma.”

Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544340/#article-36238.s6

I hope this helps!
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I've been on prednisone for about 20 yrs...it was amazing in the beginning, however ive since learned it's a short term medication depending on what your diagnosis is and is usually given over several days starting at fairly high daily doses gradually reducing over a short period of time...i had mild but painful inflammation in my feet and hands, i was finally diagnosed with R/A...

As time went by these short term treatments became more frequent and although my PCP referred me to a specialist i couldn't always make my appts. due to transportation issues and the distance needed to travel to see a specialist that accepted my insurance. My PCP and i were at wits end. Eventually my health became worse as i was on prednisone more n more...didn't have other choices at that time which eventually led to severe side effects...cataracts, unable to fight of infections, glaucoma, diabetes and more. Short term is maybe ok while you find a more suitable regime.

Unfortunately for me there were so many roadblocks to receiving the next step in medical care and although I was told it was a short term medication for what i was prescribed, there is no reversing the damage done. So my suggestion to anyone prescribed prednisone - it's great for life threatening situations and short-term use only...i wished I'd been better informed 15/20 yrs. ago because the cold hard truth us is it's caused me many life long illnesses that have taken years off my life and the pain and frustration my family n loved ones have been dealing with... there are no words...

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I took the 6 pills all at once too, just like it says, but now I don’t want to take anymore and need to know how I can wean off fast?

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