How To Get Off Suboxone (Page 35)


Im Marina Im 24 years old and a mother of 2 beautiul little boys. From the years 2006-2007 i was heavily addicted to Oxy 80 and eventually started doing herion. I got help in sep.2007 at a methadone clinic, it worked for as long as i was on the methadone i had NO relapse's. In June 2009 i was completly off of the methadone that first day that i was on 0Mgs I went through extreme withdrawls i went through things that i would never wish upon my worst enemy! i stayed that way for a day and a half and decided to go to a suboxone doctor. He put me on 32 mgs a day which i thought was pretty high of a dose but he explained to me that methadone withdrawls was worst then any other withdrawls. so i trusted him. Now when i go to see him every month i pretty much beg for him to start the weining process and start lowering me and he pretty much refuses. After months of being on 32mgs a day he finally started tapering me down slowly, i never really thought any thing of it till now but i realized he's keeping me on the suboxne for as long as posible so that he can get my $200.00 a month. all he is, is a legal drug dealer bc now im highly addicted to the suboxone. I recently had to go a few days with out my suboxone bc i didnt have the money to see him and i went through hell. i thought methadone withdrawl was bad OMG there is no comparison. i wanted to either use which i havent done in years or rip my face off lol its funny now but it definatley wasnt funny a few days ago while i was feeling that way! So i spoke to a good friend whos going through the same thing and he told me that they just came out with a new pill to get you off suboxone. I just want to know if that's true. I tryed googleing it but i cant find any thing. If you have heard of this new pill please respond or if you even have a good way to get off soboxone as painless and posible... thanx

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They do this all the time now. Psychologist prescribe Suboxone for depression, this is common place now. When I started I was a Ginny pig and they experimented on me and I signed paperwork for them to do so. I got very ill the first couple of times so they brought me into the office for an hour each morning and watched me. I had a bad reaction to it. It made my ankles, feet, and tongue swell. I also felt really sick. They watched me for a month, after that I was not having any reaction except every now and then my ankles. The great part was , I was no longer depressed and I did not want to die. I was able to sleep and eat and hold food. I got use of my colon. Ack as well which I had lost and dropped to 89 pounds. Life was getting back to normal . Well it will never be normal without my son.!! Now for 3 years I want OFF and cannot. I'm in search of a doctor to help but I've been on the for 12 years . I do hope I can do this with a doctor that understands the drug.

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Doctors in the USA also have to have special training and a certificate allowing them to prescribe Suboxone. When it first came out as treatment for addiction, and I believe it's still the case, they have a limited amount of patients they can give it to at any given time. These doctors are supposed to be addiction specialists. I have never heard of a doc giving this for depression! That pisses me off, and I do believe you would have a case against the doctor, not the drug company! I don't believe it has been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of depression. There are so many safe, non-addictive options for depression, it's irresponsible to give something this addictive when there are non-addictive options! That doctor should be reported at the very least. Many years ago, before we had antidepressants, they did give opiates for depression. But those days are long gone.

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jntxs, Lala08, Tina, and others... Instead of complaining about how we've been hard done by and talking about ridiculous pipe dreams of suing suboxone/doctor lets grab ourselves by the balls and do something about it. The world owes us nothing. We got ourselves into this problem. It's easy to blame others for our situation because facing reality is hard. There are so many people on here reading our posts with frustration. The answer is right in front of our eyes. There are people that have done it. We can do it too. Lets do it together. Keep each other honest. Share our UA's so we can weed out the gunners from the doers. I've been off it twice but have let excuses, poor judgement and a lack of heart lead me back on it after using again. We all have our reason for using, depression, addiction, the doctor made me etc but if your fair dink lets do it.

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I have been to 6 doctors here since I moved and they are all aware of this drug being given for depression, but I'm always the only one on it that they have for this purpose. Not one doctor that has prescribed it to me has ever asked "how do u feel are you depressed or happy or anything" not one of them. Every doctor I've seen has told me to stay on it and pay the fee and see me next month. I have told all of them I want off. They all say "well ill cut the prescription in half and u taper down and the next month jump off" what a joke. , I did just that the first doctor that told me to do it because I just didn't know any better. Never went off it. Well three months I went cold turkey! I'm tuff and stubborn and never have drank or done drugs so don't have a personal clue of what it's like to be addicted to anything. Well I do now! For the three months I was sick went to the hospital 2x 's thinking it was a heart attack, so did the paramedics and the ER doctors. It was withdrawals but since I'm a Seinor with no drug past what are they going to think? After the second ER visit it scared me so much that I have not tried to go off , but have asked two doctors which both have been unhelpful. Told me it's not additictive and just taper off I don't know what I'm talking about! I asked them have u ever taken the drug? Then how the hell do you understand what it's like and how can u continue to prescribe this drug without a way of getting the patients off of it. ???? "Legal drug pushers " comes to mind! There are two hospital programs set up just for Suboxone withdrawl . One in Minn.and Florida. They are both expensive and my medical does not cover them also they told me they would put me under for the emedite withdrawals but that they would not touch me because of my age and because I have COPD this drug affects your chest when you first stop. This costs $5 to $6 thousand just for the first procedure and then the rest I'm not sure but they treat u in and put of house for 1solid year. 3 months of physical and the rest mental addiction. If your used to feeling a certain way for 12 years I suspect I would want to feel that way all the time just out of feeling different. Nobody likes change. In any case I cannot afford this $ wise or health wise but some people out there this is a way off and out ! Use them go for it if you can , I wish I could !!!!

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Tina, what happened to you was horrible and sounds like malpractice. You are a senior citizen who may not know how to be proactive with doctors. Afterall, in your time they were "Gods". Go get the help you need from someone you trust. Ask questions, get answers. If something doesn't feel right, find a different doc. Let a good doctor help you get off the suboxone, then when you have accomplished this, then you can deal with those docs however you feel you need to. But for now, focus on getting off the drug with the help of a real doctor, who cares about you. Get your health back, THEN deal with the crappy docs who put you on this drug.

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Yes I agree, I have not found a doctor as of yet to help me. I'm seeing another doctor this week. I've gone to 6 so far and two were 1 hour to 2 hour drive away. My faith in these legal drug pushers are certainly at a low. I feel fine if I take the small daily dose age I'm on, but what is concerning to me , is any long term affects and of course the money of which is not in my small budget of course. Also what my health will become as I try to get off this. The stress on my lungs and heart scare me. Not one doctor has taken this seriously because they do not want me to come off. Maybe it scares them too and know if they don't participate in getting me off I will leave them and go to someone else and there off the hook then. No responsibility if sonething happens to me while I'm in their care. So far when the don't try to help me to get off I have changed doctors. Medical will not cover this because California does only recognize this drug for addiction and I'm down on my charts as use for depression so insurance companies will not cover any part. I'm stuck in this loop round and round I go. 12 years later oh my goodness . I still work and have to since my husband died and cannot afford to stop be sick take days off , I am alone and must pay my bills , I don't have family anymore so this has become a topic of overwhelming proportions ! Thank you ALL for listening and your wonderful feedback! I think I'm going to try one thing that a viewer wrote down and see what happens. I do also hope that people have heard my story and don't use this drug for many months only for a short while and just for withdrawals fore it will just become thier next cruch and a duzzie one at that. I wished I had had the info I do now back 12 years ago! Thank you ALL!!

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Tina I'm in Southern Ca., I'm a therapist, an addiction specialist and I may be able to give you a referral to a good doc who is licensed to prescribe suboxone and will pay close attention and help you get off of it. What city are you in?

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I have been on suboxone for 4 years after a vicious cycle of popping every pill possible. I've never relapsed. My doctor started me with high milligrams and has now lowered it. I'm supposed to take a 2 mg tablet once in morning, once at night. I began my own ween down process where I'm taking a half of one of the pills a day when I wake up. I must take it and then lay down again for an hour until it really kicks in, then I'll wake up and feel better. Since lowering myself, and even before lowering myself, I would sweat much that I'd be changing t shirts 3 times a day. I could be in a 60 degree air conditioned room and my forehead is dripping. The only thing I have to counter the famous cold sweats, which are terrible, is xanax. When I begin to feel that horrid sweating and cold sweats, I take a xanax and just sit and relax for a good half hour, it usually stops the sweats.
Sleeping can be a nightmare. Sometimes I get those cold sweats and just cannot sleep, I feel like I'm burning up, my wife says she can't sleep on my chest because it's so hot. I'm so lost. I know I have blood pressure issues, very high, but I'm on lisinopril for it. I wonder if the sweating could be from that...or is it the suboxone, or a mix? Basically it's those cold sweats that are ruining my life literally. I'm begging someone to please maybe help me out on this. It's like if I don't reach for that other half of SUBOXONE in the middle of the night, I will not sleep, period.
Mornings are horrible, until my Meds kick in, I don't want to see or talk to anyone for at LEAST an hour. I'm trapped in this nightmare. Between the sweating, and everything else, Lord help me. It's not regular sweating, some people don't understand's this, hot the cold, cold then hot, uncomfortable feeling, it even caused me to miss my nephews birthday and my NEICES sweet 16. Help.

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Dgr I think you probably just misread what I posted. I said that all the litigation talk is taking away from the forum. It's not really helpful for people needing support or knowledge. I was asking if I should stay away from both, and just try to stop taking by tapering. I have an extremely difficult time making it past a few days though. The longest I've made it is four, and it was difficult. Thanks for any insight.

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Everyone i an 100% true addict i would take any and everything i could but not illegal drugs my drug of choice was norco 10-325 anywhere from 30 plus 1000mg a day it was to the point i did it to not be sick and be in withdrawal if i missed them for a few hours i would start feeling bad i would still be on them if it was not fir suboxone it was to the point that my heart had stopped twice so i truly believe in suboxone my doctor is nothing like the ones ive read about on here he truly cares and monitor's my recovery very close he has even made me take addiction classes so ive learned a extremely amount about this and im really blessed to have learned what i know first i want to say if you think yoyr doctor is keeping you on these its your responsibility to talk to him and if he doesn't help then i would suggest try weaning yourself down on your own its not a crime to try and get off these in earlier post i have posted a great plan for getting off of them and it works i learned of this on here from others that have successfully done it and ive done it myself it is my fault i relapsed i was not as educated as i am now and i failed im getting ready to try again im not saying i will stay off due to the fact im human but at least i know its possible to get off them. If anyone needs i will repost the way off i will tell you its not easy i still had withdrawal symptoms but they were very mild try it the only thing that can happen is you fail so what its better to try and fail than keep on being in this situation i pray for everyone on here that you succeed and if there is anything i can answer just ask if i dont know ill ask when i go to class and find out its our own responsibility to take care of ourselves don't just trust what a dr says ask questions do research get a second opinion suboxone saved me now its time for me to finish by getting off them and being 100% clean and staying that way im much better than i was its a slow process now its time to wean off the suboxone thanks and God bless

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Lorenzo can you tell me exactly how you tapered off the suboxone. I really want to. and I want to try exactly how you did it so I can beat it. Thanks

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I am in California too. I would be ever so grateful. Palm Springs to be more exact. I don't want to give much information on this site. Again I'm looking for a good doctor to give me the kind of help I need. Watch my health and get me off without hurting my COPD or my heart, as well as not to go through as much dramatic withdrawals , I need to continue to work at my business so I don't loose it my house car all. You understand ! This is a big undertaking for me as well as any doctor that would help me I'm sure. But if it can be done I'm more than game to give it a big try ! Thank you so much!

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I just reread your statement and am not complaining, I am mad yes!, but I am informing and looking for information that I have not found as of yet. I am a senior and a very hard working woman that raised 8 boys alone in New York. I do not complain I just don't have the nonproductive time to do that. (I'm busy) I need more info. I cannot get accomplished what I'm looking to do. I also do not want to let anyone else get into my position fore I. A mother and always feel protective to others out of sheer habit and concern. Take this drug ONLY if nessary and ONLY for a short amount of time. It is very useful for getting off and avoiding withdrawals, although I have not had then , I have heard from many. But what I do know is this is a drug that has a terrible half life and that makes it very dangerous that most drug users are not aware of or every understand what that means ! By then it's too late. They are in it and the doctors will keep u there due to lack of knowledge and greed !!! So please please hear me and beware and act responsibility !!! Thank you for your presious time and effort. Tina

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Please send me your way of coming off of suboxone. Thanks

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The doctor that I like in Southern California is Dr. Tanagho and she's in Huntington Beach. Let me know if you are going to see her so I can contact her and ask her to give you EXTRA SPECIAL CARE. She can give suboxone and will help you get off of it slowly.
Tina, I don't have any problem with your share and I don't think you are a complainer. I get why you expressed what you did and it's information that's helpful for some people.

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Im on 2 8mg strips per day i first start by going down to 1.5 per day for 2 weeks then down to 1 when you get down to 8mgs per day you may want to stay on them for 3 weeks or more you have to go slow thats the key due to the fact of the long half life wean down atleast to .5mgs before skipping days do that for a few weeks until you can skip 2 days then 3 and so on till you feel comfortable to stop all together if at any time you feel like you need extra time on a dose take longer its a long process but it works also take vitamins and exercise i know that sounds like alot but it helds the healing process if you need more help just let me know i start the weaning process tomorrow it anyone want to start with me your more that welcome and ill post my progress. Thanks sprinkle

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Hi, I am weaning off of subs now and wanting to know what I am in for once I stop? I have been on it for 1 1/2 years and down to 2mg a day starting just the other day and besides some sweats and a little leg aches, nothing so far as I am tapering. Can anyone tell me what to expect or what I can do to minimize the the withdrawals? I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids and very nervous about what will happen once I completely stop? Thanks to anyone who can help.

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With long term use like that it can be very painful and hard but don't let that scare you. But I have experice with it and I can tell you u want to wing down as much as possible and it will make it much easier honeslty. it sounds crazy but if you can you want to wing it down to at least a half a mg to make it easy on yourself. I can give you some serious advice that would really help you if u want it. it will be tough being on it for that long to just put a complete stop at 2mg! Let me know im willing to help bc I struggled horribly but there is another side and its great!

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To everyone. Each person is usually different. But for me I was on it for a long time. If you have been on it for a year to 2 years it can be just as difficult as comming off the opiate you were taking. sounds crazy and your doctor might tell you different but your doctor hasn't been through it and sometimes doctors just want the money they get to prescribe it. My best advice for long term sub users is you need to honestly wing yourself down to the lowest possible dose you can. this sounds crazy but I started at 2 8mg strips at the beginning and to comfortably come off after being on it for so long I truly had to wing myself down to a dose as small as a half of 1mg (.5mg). and honestly the worst part will be putting a complete stop obv. because you will have none of it in your system anymore and that is what your brain and body has been used to for so long. But if you struggle with this its no joke you need to slowly but not to slow wing yourself down all the way to atleast 1mg or less to make it to where your not going to suffer horribly. It is a long road but if its what you need to stay clean then stay on it and wing down to the lowest dose possible as fast and as comfortably as you can. most doctors will not tell you that withdrawls are bad but they really can be. If you can successfully wing yourself down like I said you shouldn't suffer as bad once you put a complete stop to it. Hope this can help someone who doesn't have knowledge of it. but all I kno is my doctor was a liar about the withdrawls to me and made me pretty mad. but there rly another side. Good luck! This s*** is serious

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anyone who is struggling to get off of long term use of it, post a message saying you would like my help and id be glad to tell you and give good advice ive had experience a few times and it can be seriously hard. Let me know id gladly give advice. anyone else to just post saying id like your advice and I would be glad to help because its serious and you don't want to go back to where you were!

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