How Many Clonidine Pills Would Be Considered An Overdose? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was just informed that my family member just took 7 Clonidines. Is this an overdose? Please answer as soon as possible.
Will this go away after a while ? Because I've slept off the dizziness but I'm still lightheaded.
How much did u take might I ask? I'm very sorry I hope u feel better I know how it feels to wanna take ur life
Actually they are commonly used to help treat addiction. Well more to help with some of the withdrawal symptoms. Again some like sweating, chills, restlessness, anxiety, etc, but not all.
Doctors kill people all the time. No wonder people can't stand the medical field. They lie cheat and steal a persons health away from them.
Re: T (# 16)
I can relate to feeling completely alone. I wish I could do something to help because I know how much pain you're feeling. Don't give up. She can't force you to move out. Get into a job and find an apartment or rent a room from someone. Your life will change soon. Don't give up. I'm praying for you.
Technically, taking anything above and beyond what is prescribed to you is considered an overdose. Therefore, if you find yourself or another patient having to take more, it should be contingent upon the prescribing doctor's approval (for your own safety).
Based on data from the MayoClinic, the usual recommended dose of Clonidine for adults and children vary depending on what ailment you're prescribed it for (i.e. ADHD or high blood pressure).
For adults taking Clonidine ER for hypertension, the usual dose is 0.17 to 0.52 mg per day.
For adults taking Clonidine IR for hypertension, the usual dose is 0.2 mg to 0.6 mg per day, divided and given two times daily.
For teenagers and children 6 years of age and older prescribed Clonidine for ADHD: Starting dose of 0.1 milligram (mg) once a day, given at bedtime / Dosage may be increased at the doctor's discretion.
Source: "Clonidine (Oral Route)". Web. March 1st, 2017
NOTE: In the event of a serious overdose, visiting a local emergency room may be ideal. You can also call the American Association of Poison Control Centers (who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) at 1-800-222-1222. This organization is said to support 55 poison centers from around the nation in efforts to prevent and treat poison exposures.
Hope this helps!
No blurred vision and dizziness major dehydration actually she's probably be dehydrated. For at least 24hrs she needs to drink Gatorade, not water (way too much water can cancel out all electrolytes and that can be fatal). I'm no doctor though.
I am prescribed clonidine and I only take 1 .1mg a day before I go to bed and it doesn't work. Should I ask my doctor to up the dosage?
I'm 15 and 100 lbs
But you should be completely fine. I've been reading about overdoeses on clonidine and you'd have to take much more than that. I was actually planning to down the bottle maybe a little less than that.
You might want to consult a local crisis center if your having thoughts of overdosing on clonodine...I get that ur parents family or friends at your age can seem indifferent but there's always someone that cares enough to listen if you reach out . Please take care,Kenie
My daughter is 4 and weighs 32 lbs her doctor just uped her dosage of clonidine to .03 is that to much for her ???
Ok I put a post up earlier my daughter is 4 and weighs 32 lbs her doctor put her dosage of clonidine from .02 to .03 at night to help her sleep because the .02 she doesn't sleep through the night she is adhd I was wondering if there would be any side affects to her health with the higher dose.Idk maybe stop breathing or something like that being she is so small if anyone has any help that would be great I was told one point for every 10 pounds I also have a 11 yr old son and he's on .03 that why I'm asking
I think I got my answer. I was just prescribed colonizing 0.1 msgs and it say two a day. Last time I was on this medication was years ago and n rehab. It was given with alternate doses of phenobarbital. They had to discontinue the clonidine after first day because my bloodbpressure bottomed out so am a little concerned about how will I know that there is the same thing happening?
I'm so sorry that your family has all passed away. I know that must be very very very painful. I hope you're still fighting for the will to live.
Have you been to grief counseling?
It all depends on what the mg was of the clonadine you took
Yes any time your meds are not doing what you need them too do always talk with your doctor
Reeree...are you still available or do you check this thread? I'm not sure how this site works, if it alerts you? I would love to hear more about your story and what you have learned since? I'm in desperate need of answers! I hope you are doing better!
Seriously? Clonidine is not a drug of abuse, nor does it have any recreational value. At all. Perhaps you should refrain from making random remarks on a topic about which you clearly know nothing.
Yeah, it doent hurt. But i seriosy hope you mean 0.1 not 1.1, that would be 11 times the starter dose. It normally only goes up to 0.6 in severe cases.
No, this is not an overdose. It will make you sleep a while. this is only 0.3 mg.
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