How Many Clonidine Pills Would Be Considered An Overdose? (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was just informed that my family member just took 7 Clonidines. Is this an overdose? Please answer as soon as possible.
Re: Cece (# 17)
Imagine when u think u got it all figured out in life. I'm 48 & very pretty. Not conceded. But yet I feel all alone. As well, my husband of many years turned to crack. I lost my place of living. My son has to leave his friends, his jobs, and I was reading how sad it is u have no one in life to help u. Just use and hurt u. It truly is an evil world.
Re: Nickole (# 11)
No sleep medicines ever helped me sleep.
That is, until a public clinic doctor prescribed it to me for off-label use as a sleep aid. The 400 mg. dose is considered by most to be a high dosage. But, a few years ago, I was prescribed 900 mg. When I found a job with insurance benefits, I returned to my private psychiatrist, and I asked him why he never prescribed Seroquel for me for my severe insomnia for decades. I asked him if he didn't know about it, or, if he didn't think that it would solve my torture of insomnia. He replied that he knew that it would work for me. I told him that I couldn't understand still. He pointed at my belly, and said, "I didn't prescribe it because I knew it would make you blow up like a toad (weight-wise). And, he was right. I gained close to 40 pounds after I started taking the Seroquel.
Re: Nickole (# 11)
Boy, did you evet hit the nail on the head!
No sleeping medicine has ever worked for me, except Seroquel. But, the tradeoff is that it made me gain almost 40 pounds of weight.
Re: Cam (# 50)
I have a bottle of 60 0.1..
I hope my mind gets better feeling hopeless..
I taken 4 and was fine, so go off that. I don't have much info about Clonidine, I'm just prescribed it.
Yes it is to much it will most likely have her in a zombie state
Any drug is potentially a drug of abuse or perhaps misuse if it is being taken in ways other than how the prescribing health care professional has ordered.
Dr. Rational, If you have to ask how obesity and the joint commission are related, the manual was updated in April of 2017. You are a doctor right? Also, sometimes helping people means telling them the truth about what healthy, safe, and not so healthy behavior is and sometimes this involves weeding through the BS to get to the truth. It sounds like you are butt hurt by proxy. I did mention whether there was a tone in my post or otherwise that these individuals should bee seeking the consult of qualified health care professionals, so if you happen to be offended by my post, I don't really care.
What kind of doctor do you have? Why aren't you on oxybutynin 5mg 2 times per day? They are for sweating. You should be seeing an addiction specialist to stop abusing drugs.
Are any of you people ACTUALLY going to seek the ACTUAL medical advice from a board certified health care professional, or are you grooming each other on tips for how to abuse your prescriptions. If your doctor says take Clonidine 0.1mg daily at bedtime.....that is expressly what he wants. He would write a script slash order if there are gray areas or off label uses for the med. If he doesn't...I don't know. How bout you schedule yourself a doctor's visit at the clinic. The emergency room does NOT count as a wellness exam. Based on some of your posts I can imagine many of you frequent the ER for preventable self directed health problems. Stop asking Dr. Google, stop comparing your health to everyone else's health, and for the love of God stop taking everyone else's pills, stop giving your pills away, stop trying to titrate your OWN dosage by asking other unqualified *****s that you don't even know about how much you should be taking. Stop asking each other for medical advice. I am pretty certain in fact I would bet my entire paycheck that a doctor knows a little more than any of you people. After reading some of these nonsense posts I am wondering why none of you have perished for the choices some of you are making. I get a little tired of the joint commission breathing down all of these doctors necks because of fatties, drunks, drug addicts can't get their damn s*** together.
Is 4 clonidines considered an overdose taken all at once? I'm feeling really bad right now and I'm scared.
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