How Long Does It Take For The Withdrawals To Go Away After Taking Suboxone
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Hi, I was put on the 8 mg. strips at 3 per day in Oct. 2012..I used 3 per day for a couple of month's.. I quickly tapered down to 1&1/2 of the strip's per day..I got so tired of being on it so I began to stock pile it to withdraw on it at home.. I got down to 1-2 mg.s per day for about the past month and began yesterday (Monday) withdrawing..It's now Tuesday (July 9,2013) and still feel like I did yesterday.. No vomiting nor the big "D" but sweating, lethargic, chilling, feel achy, etc.. How long will it take for the withdrawal's to completely go away..PLEASE answer ASAP & THANKS....Oh, don't scare me about it because I'm all ready an emotional wreck..

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Re: mary (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I was on 2- 8mgs strips a day,for six months.i got locked up for 8 months,my withdrawal from the subs did not start til days. Jus tryna. Warn u how to be ready in case. It took 30days to feel normal again

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It takes forever. Like at least twice as long as it does to withdraw from regular opiates. I’m sorry. With pain pills withdrawals take about a week & the third night is the worst. Subs are more like a month.

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Re: Ben (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone is way worse than Subutex. I felt awful on Suboxone then switched to Subutex and felt way better! No brain fog, sweats, or depression. All that crap was from the naloxone. That being said, I've been on this drug for 14 years and I've tried to detox off it years ago. It's awful! Way worse than regular opiates because it lasts so long. The best way is to taper super slow. Get down to 1 mg a day for a while then start taking 1/2 mg a day for a few months. Then start doing 1/2mg every other day. For a few months. Until you can go a couple days before you need a dose. At that point you can start to go 3 or 4 days or until you feel uncomfortable before you need to take a tiny dose (I'm talking 1/4 mg if you can get that small). You will need to stock pile some extra pills before you do this in case.

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Careful, ambein is kinda unpredictable. Good luck.

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Stop! I'm begging u. Stop. Detoxing off this is worse than opiates and u are gonna eventually want to detox because this s*** dulls everything.

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It took me about 6 days before my Withdrawal really kicked in. I hate to tell you this but It was probably 50 days before I felt somewhat normal (physically). Bupernorphine has an incredibly long half life so sometimes it can take 7-10 days before you really feel the DT. I was on 4mg a day for 4 years, life is so much better clean!

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You will be fine the withdrawls you MITE feel is cuz yyour memory is use to it. And in a week of not takin at all it will be over. Dnt worry and just remember the minor bad feelings are temp. Only and plz dnt take it cuz you get worried.

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Marijuana does NOT have PCP in it. It has THC. PCP is a man made chemical. Ever watch drugs inc on TV? The episode is called PCP in DC, google it. Yes PCP makes people go insane but really why would u say marijuana has that in it? That's wrong!!! Get yo facts straight mayne.

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Hello there everyone! I have been on Suboxone for about 2 and a half years and there is no doubt about it, I am addicted to it. Which was the very thing I was trying to beat when I got on the suboxone, my ADDICTION! If I would have known then, that it just would have been easier to just withdrawal off of the pills I was taking, I would have done just that and been done with everything! I think the thing that bothers me the worst is the ANXIETY! I am trying to taper myself down because my doctor seems like he would let me drag the suboxone use out forever! I am just wondering if I just start taking like 1 or 2 mg a day am I going to experience bad withdrawal symptoms like I just went cold turkey or will I be okay? I think if I had some idea, my anxiety wouldn't be so bad! It is just the thought of having to suffer through those horrible withdrawals is what freaks me out and makes my anxiety shoot through the roof and then I just want to sit there and cry! Even though I know that will not make anything better! Thanks for listening!

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If u take 1 mg of suboxones for a month take half a mg for 2 weeks. It's about a week of b*****yness. Cannabis really really helps.

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Try Ashwaghanda. It works really well. Also buy tyrosine. Those two are a must. Take the tyrosine in the am and the Ashwaghanda both am and pm.

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Stay clam but it may take a while and I wo ask your Dr for some anti anxiety medication to help in the mean time.

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My depression is about to kill me and I have no where to turn. I try to find support with my family but the sad reality in life is that most people are in it for themselves and when someone see's you struggle they never want to reach out their hand. That's how I feel. I'm completely destroyed and have given up on myself and this life. 10 years clean and in a matter of seconds back to the misery. I do not and can not go through this again. I do not understand why people I have helped many times in the past have turned their back on me. When I have never done anything bad to them. I only hope this finds someone and they do not give up as I did. Your life is worth it.

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It would come up on my panel tests for approximately 10 days after my last dose. It lingers for quite a while.

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There can be residual Suboxone in your system up to 14 days. Some will say 72 hours however I found that drug panel results can still be positive for Suboxone at day 14. It is recommended not to take Naltrexone for at least 14 days. When I detoxed I did not even start withdrawals until day 7.

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I'm not on suboxone everyday, but do take it now and then. I was wondering how long will it stay in your body? Say if I took one today, would it be in my body next week?

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After 14 months clean I was still dope sick

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I was on 2 subs a day and my doc gave me lunesta and xanax too. So it aint that hard if you know hiw to get what you no longer doing that but yes, docs will do that.

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It took me 6 weeks to feel halfway normal after subs. I was useless for 6 weeks. I'd rather go through opiate withdrawals for a week. It is possible to get off them, but just be prepared. I jumped off at 1 mg and was only taking 4mg a day. I took for a year. So since August 22nd 2015, I've been successfully clean of Suboxone. I'm still not 100%. But being clean is liberating.

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OMG, thank you!!!! Subs are the stupidest medicine ever invented!!!!! I'd be CLEAN rite now if it wasn't for stupid suboxone and how hard, if not impossible it is to get off of them and still function. Anyone who considers themselves "clean", but is on subs, ur still feeding ur addiction and are faaaaar from clean yet

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