How Long Does It Take For The Withdrawals To Go Away After Taking Suboxone (Page 2)


Hi, I was put on the 8 mg. strips at 3 per day in Oct. 2012..I used 3 per day for a couple of month's.. I quickly tapered down to 1&1/2 of the strip's per day..I got so tired of being on it so I began to stock pile it to withdraw on it at home.. I got down to 1-2 mg.s per day for about the past month and began yesterday (Monday) withdrawing..It's now Tuesday (July 9,2013) and still feel like I did yesterday.. No vomiting nor the big "D" but sweating, lethargic, chilling, feel achy, etc.. How long will it take for the withdrawal's to completely go away..PLEASE answer ASAP & THANKS....Oh, don't scare me about it because I'm all ready an emotional wreck..

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I've been taking subutex for about 8 months now. I have been taking taking less than 1 pill a day -taking just enough to get me by 1/8 pill 2-3 times a day.I started taking subutex to get off 30mg roxycodone 180-250 month . Subutex worked w no problem but I'm worried about withdrawl from subs! Does anyone know -guesstimate is fine-how long it will take to get off subs ? I have only had about 1/10 of a sub all day and was wondering if I should continue on 1/8 a day for a while or would that make me feel to bad? I don't feel high from subs they just kept me from feeling like crap-I don't feel like I need them anymore and I don't won't to take them but after reading I'm afraid of going into withdrawl-any advice would be appreciated!

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iwas on loratab for about 5 years then went to morphine not by mouth if u no what i mean .for a year then i went to a methadone clinic and was put on 30mg and never went any higher within 6 months they tapered me down to 0 of course i had to tell them or they would have kept me on it i had slight withdrawls but i kept wanting something i started taking tabs again and was slowly getting hooked on them again i finaly relized its just me wanting something thinking i cant do any thing without taking my morning meds its a habit having a habit so i started taking soboxon again im at 2mg aday and been taking that for about 2 months i realy want to stop everything any words of advice should i stop cold turkey or am i always going to feel like i have to have something daily

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Yes you can take a very very low dose of benzodiazepines with suboxone

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well at 2mgs a day. you should take 2mg for 14 days then 1mg a day 14 days then one quarter a day 1 week then done. with that withdrawal can be very mild take motrin 800mgs twice daily this stops muscle aches and head ache you will due fine. the trick with suboxone is not to put a lot in your system. the higher the dose the worser the withdrawal. its that simple. its the everyday dosing that causes withdrawal. if you take 2mg daily for 3 days it takes 7 days to fully leave your system it has a half life. studying this drug all about it helped me when I got off it. I and my math skills and drug facts and a meds class helped me to recover from suboxone, I understood the drug I was dealing with, and how it was working in my body. I was scared but had to out smart the drug and my brain. the trick is with suboxone is you taper slowly so the brain does not realize the drug is being taken away this is very tricky. but I was always a very clever person I was able to trick my brain it did not even realize the suboxone taper. it was using the drug facts and my calculater. and remember the half life of suboxone I allowed for that as well. the two week tapers allows for for half life and brain chemical adjustment. I tapered every 14 days intervals. its more of being smarter than the drug. this is not easy. if any one is not as clever of this drug. it does not mean your not smart. you should just talk with a professional. I just myself don't always agree with doctors. sometimes we are the only ones who know our personal human bodies. and whats best for us. and I feel not all but some are simple pill pushers. I had a doctor tell me one time to keep taking the suboxone he said I was a addict if suboxone works keep using it. I mean really well in that reasoning why not continue using schedule one drugs. just because a drug as suboxone is legal does not mean its ok to use it for life or years. it is a controlled substance as is H as for example. and it has potential for addiction as an illegal drug like H. only suboxone is legal. and also think about this guys ladies out there marijuana is legal with a license but it is bad for you it has P.C.P in it which can cause a violent outburst, and seeing things that are not really there. and very extreme lack of feelings for pain. I once seen a man on PCP shot 9 times with a 45 semi and still walking as none of the bullets even bothered him. that nuts wow. drugs are a bad deal people believe it. and sadly the man did later die from the shots he received. the drugs basic killed him.

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I read ur post and u took the words right out of my mouth. Will I ever get back to the OLD me I have been on sub for 5 years I'm so over it

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I take 3-to 4 mg a day of suboxen because be 4I got pregnant I was on ddilaudidsi I switch to subs for a couple weeks no one told me I would go the wd. And I'm also 43 weeks how cN I get of them without wd?

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I'm on day 15 of no Suboxone, but I still have terrible w/d--extreme rls that's even in my arms, panicky anxiety, burning skin on my upper back, & of course, insomnia. The frustrating thing is that I was only on 1/2 mg, but for 1 1/2 yrs. I never took more than that b/c they were hard to come by. Anyone out there that was on a low dose for an extended period like me & went c/t? I'm fortunate enough to have access to Neurontin that I'm using. I'm also taking Benadryl, melatonin, & B-6 complex. My husband is a dentist & just wrote me an Rx today for Tramadol for the aches, which helps some. I'm eating well & staying hydrated. Surely, these symptoms will end soon, but I can take the truth if that's not the case. Just tell me how it is. I'm not taking them again. Ever. Thank you for commenting.

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chelle be careful with the Neurontin and melatonin and tramadol. tramadol has a nasty reputation for causing serotonin syndrome and these reactions are long lasting. look up serotonin syndrome theres lots of info on it. just an fyi. I didn't know about it and now have residual problems and I only took it for 2 days.

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Thanks, Karen. I'll look Serotonin Syndrome up. I've never heard of it, but it doesn't sound good. I'm aware of the side effects of Neurontin, but why is melatonin potentially harmful?

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chelle because melatonin is closely related to serotonin and too much of it results in serotonin syndrome. especially if your taking the tramadol too. just a bad combo. it doesn't affect everyone that way, but just be aware of it. good luck

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I was put on pain meds 10 years ago. The Drs had me on 5 percs a day and 6 roxi a day. I got tired of it. Two years ago I went on Subs I took 3 8mg a day for a while then started tapering off. Make a long story short I had myself down to 2 8mgs a week. I went to fill my script and keep tapering down but my Cigna insurance denied. I have had to appeal it. I have now had nothing for 8 days and am still withdrawing.I keep asking my Dr what I can do to help me through it and how much longer. I have custody of my grand children and a husband that does not understand. All I want to do is crawl in a hole and give up. It is not far that the insurance company can make decisions like that. I was not abusing it I was getting off. What can I do to be able to function. I went on the subs to avoid the pain med withdraws.
drs did not tell me this was going to be even harder. I pray continually and talked to church friends. Please Lord I am at my end. I am asking for Your help Lord. You are the only way. I honestly thought I was doing the right thing taking the subs and going off the pain meds.

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I'm so sorry to hear that, I have no experience with any of this myself . So I can't answer your questions. Although from what I've seen/heard. You're pretty close to being "in the clear" o would say hold on, & do not try going back on them! Google some natural remedies, to help sooth you, while you go though. Be encouraged! Trouble don't last always. I myself will be praying with & for you. *Hugs*

I have my own question as well, I was on 30mg oxys, for about 2 yrs. It became a real problem, over the last yr, or so. I began taking suboxone. everything in me is telling me to ride out these wd's from the pain meds. Even though I haven't been able to do so, before. Just can't handle the pain. Plus I have a little toddler to care for. So any ways, I found out I'm expecting, on my 2nd visit 1wk.later, and was switched to Subutex. Again, in not getting any real relif. But it is keeping the pain tolerable. 1st wk. & 1st day, I was taking 16mg. Knew that was too much after coming here. So I went to 8mg a day. Yesterday, I had 6mg. Today I have only taken 1mg (I believe, ) any wau. I cut the 8mg pill in half . Then cut half, in half.
So my question is now. Been on it a total of almost 12 days. Since I'm still very early in pregnancy & starting subs. Do I still taper & risk getting my body hooked on this too, or should I just completely stop?
I am in a lot of pain now. & I figure I will be because of the pregnancy, can't go back to pills. Don't want my baby addicted etc. I know I'm allllll over the place. I just need some answers.

Plus my doctor lied & said there was NO ,chance of this affecting my baby at all. Now I hear CPS gets involved etc. How can I trust the advice of someone that would lie to my face

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I've been on and off suboxone battling addiction I'm back on suboxone now and the first day was rough well the second day be any better because of the half life and how suboxone build up in your system

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I agree 100 percent. I wish I would have never started that drug also. I wonder if the suboxone really helps, orjust makes things worse.

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Wayne. I found the suboxone was better than taking the pain medicine. Of course it does not help pain at all but I had been on pain medicine so long it was not helping either. Damned if you do and damned if you don't . When I went on the subs I didn't. know there were opiates in it too. I am down to 2 8mgs a Week. I still get feeling the withdrawals when it is time for me to take them. I want off of them but not up to the withdrawals. I have not found the solution yet. But I can say I do feel better on the subs then I felt on pain meds. I still hurt but I can think and I am not out of it. If you can try not to take it every day. When you can go 2 weeks without give them up. I was stupid when I did this and now I have to have some even if it is just a tiny piece. Good luck. Rely. On your gut feeling and stop taking them when you are off them for 2 weeks.
My prayers are with you

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I just started to take 8mg sublingual film suboxone and it's been an hour now and I feel like it isn't working. How long does it take until it works? I am prescribed 2 strips a day, do I take them separately or together?

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Shay... I wanted to offer a little help. i am 354 days clean for vicodin. i took subs for the first 6 weeks. I hated it and wanted to get clean. I talked to my doctor about gabapentin. So i stopped the subs cold turkey and started gabapentin that day. I now take one gabapentin a day for my stomach. Everything in my life started coming back normal in like 4 weeks. My brain, libido, motions, sleep, stomach, literally everything in life has come full circle. I am bout to have a 1 year celebration for being drug free. I hope everyone reading this can try to get gabapentin, it really is wonderful. i have had no withdraws from tapering gabapentin. Everyone says it is addiction, i dont see how. it doesn't make you feel high or mess with you at all.

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Gabapentin was a life saver for me when I quit subs. It didn't totally take away wds but it was the only thing that eased the RLS at night. It also helped me regain my appetite and somewhat helped with the depression associated with sub/opiate wds. I would encourage anybody trying to kick opiates to get some gabapentin. Most Drs will prescribe it for this too because it is much safer than opiates. I've also heard that its addicting but I took it every day for a month and didn't feel any negative affects when I stopped cold turkey. I never would've gotten off if the subs without it.

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I'm on day 13 n I really want to just call Dr n get back on suboxine. Please help me get to say 14

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Hi. I know how you are feeling. I am down to 1/2. Of. an 8mg twice a week. I still get the withdrawals. My Dr gave me Clonidine 0.1 mg. I am just starting this. When I sstartedfeeling bad in the middle of the night I took a pill instead of the sub. I seemed to feel better and I went off to sleep. That is unusual for me I don't sleep well. See if your Dr can give those to you. It is worth the try. Good luck. I will keep you in my prayers. Praying also helps me.

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