How Long Does It Take Suboxone To Get Out Of Your System (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I had surgery due to a bad pinched nerve on march of 2013 on lots of strong meds, Ive been on the suboxone for 1 month 4mg under your tougne twice a day weaned myself down to 2mg a day...I feel like I'm getting myself in a worst spot...taking this stuff any longer.I stopped my last one on July 25th @ 7pm ....PLEASE SOME HELP ME I NEED SOME ENCOURAGEMENT

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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"Free From Subs"- Hey there. I just saw your post about replying to my post, but I haven't seen it yet. I hope it comes thru soon! I'm anxious to hear what you have to say. Your original post was so encouraging and I just can't thank you enough for responding! Besides the doc that prescribes the subs, there is only one other person in this world that is aware of my "stuck on subs" one in my life even knows I've ever taken them at my point is I'm kind of alone in trying to get off of them and any suggestions are warmly welcomed. Thank you! Hope I am able to read your longer reply soon. Oh, I live in Oklahoma...a long way from Cali.

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Free From Subs aka Tonya- Hey Girl, I finally saw your long post...thank you thank you thank you for your encouraging words! I would actually love to talk to you in a more private way...maybe email? I want to respond to your posts and I will, but what do you think of us emailing back and forth? I'm not even sure how to give each other our email addresses without this whole blog seeing...I'm so anxious to talk to you so let me know what you think about a possible more private way of communicating. Thank you SO much! Oh and from what I gather from your posts it seems like we might be women of about the same age. That makes things a little easier to relate to as well. You are basically my only hope right now girl!

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Free From Subs aka Tonya- I would give you my email address on here, but it happens to be my entire first middle and last name and I definitely don't want all these people on this blog knowing all that. I don't have a problem sharing it with you so we can communicate in a more private way...let me know what ya think we could do so we can maybe email back and forth. Thank you SO much!!

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Testosterone booster. There r many natural kinds like yohimbe bark extract that naturally boost testosterone. When u do opiates for a long time ur body stops producing the normal amoint. Screws up ur metabolism among other things appetite and energy level. It will help a lot.

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I have been taking sub for 1 year and i started out taking 3 4mg films a day then went down to 2 4mg films a day and stsyed on that dose pretty much the whole year. I was going to a dr. and i figured out that he had no interest in tapering me off so i started tapering myself off a couple of weeks ago. I got all the way down to one 2mg a day and yesterday was my first day without sub, i felt fine and stupidly took a loratab, i didnt feel anything of course but today i took some more tabs and im feeling pretty good, i can def feel them. Just wanted to let ppl know it just depends on your body.

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Hi noneya, I,m surprised you could feel the tabs. I agree everyones different. I never could feel tabs after subs, no matter how many I took. I,d have to take double what I,d normally take of roxy 30 and even then it just wasn,t the same. Be careful, this is where people get in trouble, taking way to much trying to feel high after being on subs.

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I also have been prescribed this drug/Suboxone 2 completely seperate, completely different lengths of periods of time. They had me on 16 mg a day though. Yes,2--8mg pills/strips a day!! First time of being prescribed them, was a 14-15 month period of time. 2nd time was for an 8 month period of time, Same dosage, 16 mg/2--8mg pills/strips a day. Found out the issue with my hair loss; I was losing 1 1/2--2 inch sections of hair in a matter of days due completely to Suboxone use. Instead of weening me off, I ended up cut off; due to the fact I was diagnosed with Hoshimoto Syndrome. Which is an auto-immune disease; runs in same kind of family with RA and Lupus. This one has to do with lymmph nodes and glands. It has allowed my immune system to wipe out my Thyroid. So moral of this story is.... Do Not even attempt to take this drug, if you have a bad Thyroid. Props to the person who has been on it for 6 years, because I weened myself down to about a quarter of 1, and then to about a 1/6 or an1/8. Then nothing and it was hell for me; when it was all said and done. Dang it if opiates aren't easier to come off of!!! So this sh** is basssackwards.

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Clonidine !

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Hello. TERRIFIED Blondie aka freefromsubs,

I just read your wonderfully hope inspiring post! I'm another person who has been dealing with a sub dependency for the past year.

I live in so cal like you, do you think you can send me that doctors information? I was taking 16mg a day, then weaned to 8 to 4 to 2 and now 1. I can't seem to go for the last bit as every time I try, I get pounded by insane withdrawals after a week of being clean. It's becoming extremely discouraging and I'm beginning to think I will be on this stuff forever.

You can email me at {edited for privacy}.

I hope you're still responding to this board. I need your help!

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Hi "AnotherStuck",
I just got your post...that's great that you live in So Cal, now you can go to my wonderful Dr:-) This website blocked your website, so I'm trying to figure out how to give you my email. I live in Riverside County...where are you? Even if you have to drive an hour or two it will be SO WORTH IT TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK! {edited for privacy}. Pls write me back asap and let's figure out a way to get you an appointment scheduled. I'll be waiting to hear from you, hang in there! You can be in his office and feeling safe and relieved this week!

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Headaches (migraines ) and stomach cramps normal. Good luck!

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Wow no idea subs messed with thyroid. I'm hypoactive and they can't nail my dosage down. Time to change endrocronoligist. (Sp).my current knows about the subs.

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3 year sub user, legal, Dr vista $15, 56 strip a month 30. got on while pregnant for a three month habit. Dr should have never put me on it. got one surgery in 15 days, stopped cold turkey off 8.only withdrawals I have is hopeless anexity. I have 5 vicodens, 45 norcos for surgery 10mg, wondering if they will help with surgery pain. my Dr said 24 hours sub put of system. I took 4mg before class section, and was okay on high doses of morphine, very high. You can actually push sub off recepters. not sure where this 4 week crappie came from but it is a pain medication like any other... it is a far tingling habit but it is wonder drug for anxiety and being off all drugs but it is drug itself. wishes luck. day one. man I had 40 percocets and another med but gave away. wish I had to help me now get off. Need a real plan from a dream who can get me off.

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Hello. I agree with you totally. I feel I went to a legal drug dealer. These suboxons are way worse than h ever was. O please help me. I'm so sick. I edd help..

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I know this post is a few months old but I wanted to commend your courage, unless it was totally your docs idea. I have withdrew of bupe/subs twice. First one was not bad cause I was only on 8mg for 60 days.

In August of 2013 I jumped off at 4mg after being on 12mg for 9 months. I think it causes dysphoria and opiod induced pain in some people on maintainence doses, which is why I quit without the medical "Optimum 1 year taper". It may be the only option for a small percentage of sub patients but I consider it cruel, dishonest, ignorant, and worst of all.a "rackett" to make money. Anyways my buperenorphine withdrawal. cost me my job and I almost put a .22 threw my opioid malfunctioning brain. Pure *medical ignorance seemenly placing opiate "addicts" on a level that would make an Indian pheasant seem like the King of England. Its a racketeering madness coruot dangerous method thats ruining opiate dependents lives as well as their families and the American integrety worst of all.

I have been on every opiate for at least 30 days, save oxymorphone, and cold turkey almost everytime. Usually cause the DEA scares the doctor into bad medical decisions. Besides cold-turkey 80mg/9 mo. methadone treatment Bupe is the worst, for me, by far especially emotionally.

My pain is real, from a Spinal Cord Injury at Cervical 3 and fractures C2/C4 vertabrae. my pain was managed immpeccably impatient for four months cause the Dr. had little "liability" Once I left physical rehab it was if the pain was supposed to just vanish. The doc had me on 3 80 oxycontin with norco and 15mg roxi forbreakthrough. It numbed me out but was way too much which was not that bad. When I was discharged he put me on a one month O.C. taper with 5mg oxy for bteakthrough and cut me off 100% from the 2-6 mg of xanax I was on for four months. Anyways, I hope you and others who read this will educate themselves on opiods for your and your families well-being.

So back to the Bupe bulls***. I was clean for 8 months thinking my moderate to severe chronic pain would ajust using my bodies endegenous opiods. After 8 months of living a depressing, unfullfilling, and helpless life I went back to my "Pain Specialist" or the DEA and hospitals b****. I explained my pain was not improving and that I didnt want the Devil's drug methadone and Bupe only helped my pain noderatly at best and caused serious emotional side effects. Almost as uf was a robot programed by the maker of subutex he said I can only give you Bupe and "maybe" tramadol PRN. I was desperate for relief so without a proper adult to adult conversation I did what most people do and trust everything the doctor does, although you both know what would work best for your pain from your experiance.

Almost done........Its been 3 months on 8/day. I went to him two weeks ago knowing I had to get off of this dirty, fairly weak, untried long-term drug. I gave him your idea of switching to a moderate dose of a full agonist opiod for 2-3 weeks and see what happends. My limited pharmacology background told me it would at worst cause me to withdrawal for 3 days from the oxy or whatnot.

Apparrently after 12 years of medical school and 20 years practicing primairly anesthesiology his brain couldnt compute what was the obvious best medical decision available. Instead he told be it was my addictive personality syndrome that created the idea and put me on a 60 day taper and assures there would be no withdrawal even though he has my jumping off point at 1mg. So now I have to use my unique abilities to lie and manipulate doctors so I can manage getting off Bupe without losing a month or more of my life.

If we can get a few of us that have open-minded, sensical, and most importantly humble Doctors to get off sub maintainence using short acting or long acting full agoinist opiods I believe we can convinve the DEA and their b****es in the narcotic prescribing medical fields that this should be the first option when getting off the quite Unknown opiod called Buprenorphine.

Just a last note I got 20 norcos and hope to have my doctor write for 60 or so more. If not Im never touching bupe again so MY best option would be to buy a gram if tar and make it last 7-10 days. Crazy to think that route is most likley physically and emotionally heathier.

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I've been on 1mg of suboxone for about 3 years I'm pregnant and have decided to quit Ive almost went 36 hours without it does it get any easier?

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So its 4 weeks that the doctor told you? Im gonna take your answer better it sounds more legit

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Man I need to talk about this with someone...thank goodness I'm seeing a dr on Monday. I've been fighting the good fight on and off H for three years and this last time ditched the cold turkey route and decided to give subs a shot. I work in the medical field and my job would not allow time off required for a cold turkey kick. I've been on a new sub med called zubsolv and I feel like I've been run over at all times. Every bone in my body feels broken, unless is exercise vigorously and even that only provides about half an hr of relief. I'm in so much pain my cravings for relief are skyrocketing. It's truly horrifying. Thanks for the insight you provided...I need to look into pain management if the dr I see in a couple days can't help me get off of this stuff without trauma to my body.

My life is getting harder in every way and other periods of sobriety have not been like this...I fear this med is dark in nature...just feels like everything is crumbling around me. At least I know I'm not the only person on earth going through this

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Im so glad to see u get off subs it's a hard road, I regret the day i went and got on them! But knowing that u got off of them even with help gives me hope thanks!

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Hi I am getting off subs as well and have thought about doing it this way. I have only been on subs for 2 months but started reading more info on how bad this stuff is and want off ASAP!! I was taking up to 12 lortabs a day And from what I am hearing the subs are way stronger. Thanks for any advice you can give.

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