How Long Does .1 Mg Of Clonidine Last For?
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Im a 33 year old woman. I was just prescribed .1 mg of clonidine for OxyContin withdrawals. I have bend using Oxy's for about 2 years now. The clonidine seem to be working and I have weined myself off from 60mg a day to 20mg. But now the next step is to go off completely. I need to know how long they last in your system. I know it's at least 3 or 4 hours but not sure if any longer. I want to take my next dose before the withdrawals start. Plz help. Mom of 2
If u are 60 + years better off not taking clonidine. It was an awful situation for me got off pills. Went on patches and ended up with atrial fibrillation. The Dr said and read this caused it. Never before have I had this so I got Verapamil 120 today took off the patch and no more palpitations!! Wow
PS - Since dr thought I had atrial fribulation he put me on xarelto hoping I can stop it when my verapamil kicks in.
I take cloudiness 0.01mg 3x's a day and I can't remember taking last dose. Is it OK 4 me 2 take it again?
I feel like a migraine is coming on. My bp is 155/115. I did something stupid. I took methamphetamine a little over 3hrs ago. Can I take my bp meds Losartan 50mg and three 1mg doses of Clonidine?
Have been prescribed 0.05mcg of Clonidine for night sweats, once daily before bed time. I took the first dose last night and I don’t think I can commit to this medication at all due to side effects. One hour after falling asleep I awoke but felt fine, just sleepy - but about 3 hours later I awoke feeling terrible. I’m already on Nexium 20mg twice a day and Lexapro 10mg a day.
I realise the side effects may not continue if I stick with it but I’m feeling certain that it is interacting with my Lexapro. Experiencing agitation/fidgeting, anxiety, nausea, burning skin sensation all over body during the night only, tingling sensations, light headedness, muscle fatigue and my breathing feels shallower. I feel like I’m going to get told off by the Dr for not sticking it out, but I’m on Lexapro for anxiety and this is causing me too many issues mentally.
Went into hospital due to a reaction to lipitor.
Been binge drinking to deal for 2 weeks with the sickness.. but have had a drinking problem leading up to this! Doctors prescribed clonidine.. among changing my other meds.. been released from hospital for a week now.. trying to get back to just a couple glasses of wine a night while on clonidine but not getting better!! Can I still from while taking clonidine? I'm still not able to walk okay.. I'm lucide most of the time and still not myself!! Don't know if I should stop the clonidine or what? Really concerned.. any help would be great! Thanks!
Clonidine Withdrawal After Three Days On 0 2 Mg My Doc Says Just Stop This Rx 30 Pills Took 1 Pill A M But No Energy And Tired. How long will these lacks of energy and tiredness last?
Lee, I hope things are better for you and everybody on here. I was given clonidine at dr bec of blood pressure. After reading potential side effects, I got concerned. Have to be be careful with blood pressure meds and all meds, potential side effects are concerning for some.
Be sure read potential side effects on internet before taking any prescription.
Living life,
If being used for hypertension with no other meds 48-72 hours following your final dose.Since you were on such a minimal dosage and for a very short period of time clinical withdrawal and side effects should be limited. In either event I'd highly recommend you seek medical counsel for optional therapies or alternatives to treat your condition.Hope your feeling better soon.
32 year old woman prescribed clonodine (.1mg). Took it for 10 days, did not have good side effects so I stopped taking it. How long will it take for this medication and its withdrawal side effects last?
I was hospitalized for hypertension 240/120 and I take clonidine .2 tablets and 50 mg of atenolol. While in the hospital for several days they wanted to add three more medications for hypertension but I said no after reading about each of them from my iPhone. The clonidine causes my head buzz and my tummy ache. When they gave me the brand name Catapres I did not have those side effects. I believe they gave me the brand name in the hospital and my BP has been exceptionally great! But I received the generic clonidine and it has an aluminum backing from Walgreens. My BP has been much higher 160/140. Can you tell me why? Is there a difference in the brand and the generic? Oops! I have been on the clonidine tablet since 2004 from an ER doctor. Please help! I am so very, very appreciative of your help. Thank you so much and Happy New Year!
Actually most reputable treatment facilities that offer opiate replacement treatment offer clonodine as an adjunct or primary protocol for Withdrawl. ALWAYS ASK YOUR PRESCRIBER OR CLINICAL STAFF ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF CLONIDINE USE DURING YOUR INITAL TREATMENT CONSULT AND EVALUATION. It has helped many manage the symptoms of Withdrawl. Best of luck to all embarking on this journey.NEVER GIVE UP, help is available. Regards, Kenie.
Appears you need to see an Internist to follow you for High Blood Pressure. Clonidine is not the best med for long term treatment for this condition, and you do need closer medical management. There are some very good Blood Pressure Meds out there that will not make you sleepy all the time, and will help you start feeling better. Good luck.
so if i took 0.1 mg of clonidine at about 9:30 this morning and I plan to use methamphetamine tonight at about 10:30 pm would I feel the high ?
What would happen after taking 23 .01mg of clonodine
You will feel exhausted for awhile Def better then with drawing though... I have been on CLONDINE for about 2 weeks ! Miracle drug!!!! I don't understand how they don't offer this drug before suboxone or methodone ... Between the CLONDINE and withdrawing u are gonna feel out of it I'm just starting to feel back to me I'm 3weeks n
Ah clonidine, the double-edged sword. I was prescribed .2mgs twice a day for benzodiazapenes withdrawl. I was able to discontinue a long term habit of 30 mg per day of diazepam. Only problem was the withdrawal from clonidine was 100 x worse. Was sure I would die. Had rebound hypertension with readings of 215/115, stroke and heart attack country. Had a very 'wise' doctor place me on .6 mgs of clonazipam, know as klonipine per day. Now if you know anything about benzodiazapenes, this was exactly the wrong move. Now hooked on another stronger benzodiazapene, and feel like giving up on life. Moral of the story : clonidine can be helpful if used in very small amounts, over a very short period. This has been known since the '70's. God be with you.
I've been on it 1mg / 2 times a day with food.
4 days now......just feeling it. Assuming it gets better. They say 7 -10 days is what I'm told
Bad news is coming off is a hitch but. One day at a time
What do I need to do to get off it I've been on it only about a month and don't like the side effects sil
I really wish you the best mom of 2 I've usually feel 1mg of clonidine for 4 to 5 hours im 42 200 lbs in decent health. And to cut from 20 mlg of oxy to nothing is a little much id say try at 10 mlg if doable good luck.
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