How Long After You Stop Suboxone Do You Have Withdrawal Symptoms? (Page 56)


My 63y/o mother survived chemo and radiation for throat cancer but was unable to stop the morphine 15mg twice a day without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Her MD put her on Suboxone 8mg/2mg once a day in June. She even took half the strip on most days and the doctor was very pleased and anticipated that she would be able to stop altogether in November. She unfortunately had a stroke 14 days ago and has been in the hospital. The first 7 days she was confused from the stroke but now she is weak and forgetful but is no longer disoriented. She told me tonight that she thought she needed her Suboxone. She said she thought she was going thru withdrawal. I was floored. She is not having any outward signs of withdrawal: no back/stomach pain, no nausea/vomiting, no sweating or tremors. Isn't 14 days long enough for the Suboxone to be completely out of your system and for withdrawal symptoms to have come and gone??? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

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My Doctor told me that I would feel a little yucky, for about a month. He said that the withdrawal symptoms won’t be too bad. There are some medications available for help. Wether it’s Tylenol or Motrin, for the aches and pains and fever, or something for tremors or Restless legs/arms, something for depression or whatever else. She should talk to her doctor about the symptoms that she is having.
I really hope that this helps : )

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Re: Krissy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I was in subs for about 7 yrs and the most I have ever taken was half a day, most recently about a mg - 2 max, but stopped cold turkey today 6 days ago and I've felt uneasy until tonight, can’t sleep, anxiety on high, but have just really stayed busy. Why can't I sleep? wahhhh.

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Re: The truth about suboxone and more (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your post, it has been helpful cause I just got on Suboxone and didn't want to be hooked. This has made me realize there is no easy fix, as you said it's determination not to be hooked anymore.

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Re: Krissy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I’m shocked that you just jumped off Suboxone, did you taper first?

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Hi I've been reading what everyone is saying and im like wow I was always told that if u take suboxone that u can come off but then my doctor told me that some people can never come off. I've been on suboxone now 14 years maybe and at one point I was good at taking just 1/8 I would half a pill then half the half but now I catch myself taking 2 sometimes more and my doctor has my on 8mg/2mg and had me taken 2 a day but said it was ok to take 1 extra on a bad day but there for awhile I didn't take that mean and now it's like I'm take way more and really they don't give me energy they make me tried and sleepy now can someone tell me what can I do to start coming off them and is there anything I can take to help with the pain I swear my legs and back still hurts even on the suboxone was wow I'm ready to stop all together I mean with no insurance 680 dollars is alot and I can't do it anymore

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Re: Matt (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

It took me 7 days and I never felt a thing. I was on it for 5 years. Multivitamins, walks, hot showers and all that jazz helps.

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Re: The truth about suboxone and more (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Wow!! That is the total TRUTH!! I can testify to that 100%. Everything you said is the honest truth. I can say I’ve been thru everything you said, only but one, the opium. Instead, I was fed OxyContin. It started with 10 mg.’s 3 a day with norco’s and that ended at 12 a day and up to 6 norco’s a day per doctor's order. And then they (Kaiser) decided I was a drug addict and said I had to go to counseling, group therapy, physical therapy and taper off the meds. They are the ones who gave me the rx and then labeled me an addict. Thank you so much to our Big Pharma and our Government for making sure that the medical field has jobs, the rehabs don’t go out of business and we continue to use even after they make us go off. It’s a vicious cycle, but you can beat it and beat the system. I love the end of your response, about feeling like a kid again, free and clear of any drugs. Love your life and live freely without the poison they push on you!! Good luck and Best Wishes.

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Re: Deb E (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hello and I am glad you are making such progress I would like to come off 1.5 daily 2 yrs I . Do you remember when you stopped completely how long it was before you started having withdrawal? Thanks for posting Oscar

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I was on several different opiates happily prescribed by a pain management specialist. The sad thing was I had a horrific pain condition called reflex sympathetic dystrophy. I got sooo sick of being on narcotics and soma and lyrica dozing off at times. I went to a doctor to get off of it. He put me on 3 8mg tabs of suboxone which has naloxone. In it, which is an opiate antagonist. I never felt the need for the 80mg OxyContin 3x a day 8tabs norco dilaudid gor breakthru pain and soma. I worked a full time job and drove 40 miles each way to work. I don’t know why I didn’t die or kill someone else in my car. I went into remission from RSD 1-9 patients do, after four years on suboxone. I went off all 24 mg of suboxone in two weeks. My doctor keeps insisting I take 8mg and I won’t do it. Sadly I pick up the script and do not take it. It is a pain management drug, used in Germany rather than narcotics. If you had ever experienced the kind of pain I did, I sadly believe you would take the pain meds too. I have no choice but to see this doctor as I suffer with anxiety and he prescribed my nighttime meds. This is my experience. I thought it might help someone else along the way

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Re: The truth about suboxone and more (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

That was very helpful thank you i have been on soboxone for 4 year's now and I really didn't k ow how to go about it until I read this thanks again for your info tried talking to my doctor about quitting and that's getting nowhere they act like they don't want you to stop.

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Re: Jay Rudd (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Me 2008 I heard of this new pill that was orange, had an 8 and a pitchfork. So I was engaged and working but to get to work I would need 20, norco 10/325 a day, sometimes 30. My fiancé wanted to help me and support me so she took me to a suboxone clinic. Had to be In full withdrawal. (Weird being at a drs office drenched in sweat) but anyways I saw the dr, she saw I was in withdrawal and gave me a script of suboxone pills.....(right when they started coming out). I was told to take 4mg or half a pill, and she said put the half pill under you your tounge for 15 min and tell me how she feels in the office after 15. I felt like I never took an illegal opiate again. Or not prescribed. I lost weight , was way happier. I saved a ton of money! But the best thing is that withdrawal went away forever. So some people abuse these drugs, but I get subutex now, 2mg for when I feel I need it for pain or cravings which are long gone. Mostly for back pain, but if you use it correctly you can get off opiates and keep your pain to a minimal. Great drug if used correct. Oh ya I switched to the subutex pills (no naloxone) instead of strips.because of allergic reactions to the second drug in suboxone. But I take it maybe once a week when my back hurts, but it saved my life too!

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Re: The truth about suboxone and more (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I weened off suboxone ...took 2 weeks......go from what you are on and every 3 days try to take it down a mg all the way, or half mg (takes LTE take a lil longer. But once I weened down to .5mg of subs, I took Ibprofen and in 2 days, I felt back to normal . Hope this helps somebody. You gotta stick to your schedule . Good luck

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It’ll take a lot longer to withdraw from suboxone than it would have been if she just stopped the morphine.
It’s awful that doctors do this to people.
If you’re an actual addict who has cravings and stuff, ok, but if you’re just trying to stop taking opiate medication it’s mean to give someone a month of withdrawals at some point when it would have been only a week of she just stopped the morphine.

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Hi. I was recently in the hospital for extremely LOW sodium & chloride. I also take suboxone for my chronic migraines. Good thing I brought my meds in with me because according to the RN, this particular hospital pharmacy DOESN’T carry Suboxone. Do you know how many days she’s been off the Suboxone?

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Re: Krissy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I was on subs,2_ 8mgs a day for six months. Got locked up. It wasn't til the 7th day of no subs my withdrawal kicked in. It was terrible lasted 30 days before I started feeling normal.jus giving u t b e beads up,hopefully ur good and don't run into the problem like I had.

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Re: Krissy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

You must be the only man to quit Suboxone that God actually likes

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Re: Krissy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

My Suboxone withdrawal s did not start til day 6.i hope you continue to feel well,jus a warning you might not be out of the woods yet

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Re: Krissy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for this uplifting share,I myself have been on 8mg for almost 4yrs,I've been tappering down so far I'm halfway there. I take two,2mg pills I'm morning and next month I plan on going to just 1mg pill a day for a short time before going to nothing. Again thank you for you honesty have a great day!!!

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Re: Amy Renae (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Let me know if this works out for you. I was thinking about doing the same thing once I find a sub doctor just taking them for a week and stopping so please let me know if this works

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When I took Suboxone years ago, I forget what my dose started out as but I slowly went down over six months to 1/4 of the smallest sublingual pill they had at the time (2005) And I had with drawls for weeks, probably two weeks but it was about a month before I felt totally normal again. And let me just tell you that I have had to stop taking pain medication after a long time Because I moved or lost insurance or something, and those withdrawals only last about a week, and they get much better after the third night. I never ever ever recommend people take Suboxone unless they are actually an addict who has cravings. If you’re taking it just because you think it’s going to keep you from having withdrawals after stopping long-term pain medication, you’re screwing yourself over.

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