How Long After You Stop Suboxone Do You Have Withdrawal Symptoms? (Page 54)


My 63y/o mother survived chemo and radiation for throat cancer but was unable to stop the morphine 15mg twice a day without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Her MD put her on Suboxone 8mg/2mg once a day in June. She even took half the strip on most days and the doctor was very pleased and anticipated that she would be able to stop altogether in November. She unfortunately had a stroke 14 days ago and has been in the hospital. The first 7 days she was confused from the stroke but now she is weak and forgetful but is no longer disoriented. She told me tonight that she thought she needed her Suboxone. She said she thought she was going thru withdrawal. I was floored. She is not having any outward signs of withdrawal: no back/stomach pain, no nausea/vomiting, no sweating or tremors. Isn't 14 days long enough for the Suboxone to be completely out of your system and for withdrawal symptoms to have come and gone??? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: SheriAmore (# 1060) Expand Referenced Message

"I NOW know that I'm going to take the VERY least dose needed daily for my pain."

If this is true, how did you run out of Suboxone a few times already? You say your new to Suboxone, but know how you feel on day 3 or 4 without it; and you use it for chronic pain?

I'm confused, could you please explain better?

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For anyone needing a taper schedule, here’s one that saved my life and left me with no withdrawals. I took the 4mg strips because they’re twice as large and this allows you to cut them into micro doses. Obviously, these dates need to be changed for your schedule. I was on Subs for 6 years. If you don’t like suffering, try this. It shocked the hell out of me. Best of luck to all and don’t ever stop trying. Until you do it... and you will!!

Suboxone taper/plan

For years I was on 24mgs a day. This year I began reducing 1mg every week until I reached:

5/28/17 began 5mg/day (3 in am & 2 in pm)
6/07/17 begin 4mg/day (2 in am & 2 in pm)
6/14/17 begin 3mg/day (2 in am & 1 in pm)
6/21/17 begin 2.5mg/day (1.5 in am & 1 in pm)
6/26/17 begin 2mg/day (1 in am & 1 in pm)
7/02/17 begin 1.5mg/day (1 in am & .5 in pm)
7/09/17 begin 1mg/day (.5 in am & .5 in pm)
7/16/17 begin .75mg/day (.75 in am)
8/01/17 begin .50mg/day (.50 in am)
8/26/17 begin .375mg/day (.375 in am)
8/31/17 begin .25mg/day (.25 in am)
9/06/17 begin .185mg/day (.185 in am)
9/10/17 begin .125mg/day (.125 in am)
9/18/17 begin .06mg/day (.06 in am)

The last Suboxone I took was on 9/18/17 (.06)

*phenylalanine (DLPA) an essential amino acid that helps the brain to make endorphins again to rid yourself of PAWS.
*potassium for Restless Leg Syndrome
*neurontin for Restless Leg Syndrome
*melatonin 10mg for insomnia
*dramamine for nausea//motion sickness
*phenergan for nausea
*a medicine to increase appetite
*a benzodiazepine for 7-10 days for anxiety

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Re: SheriAmore (# 1060) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone is actually long lasting. Suboxone works for 2 days. So you can skip a day. Less works better than more. Since you are newly on it, you were probably sent to PM. It's sad that you are already taking more and running out. From being sent to PM don't they do drug panels and find your kid's THC in your system? Your next step is either going to the streets or being in recovery. You are admitting you can't control any medicine given to you. Where will your rock bottom be?

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Re: Sammy (# 1063) Expand Referenced Message

Hi! My doctor had told me in the beginning that I could take an extra one if needed & now he wants me to get Botox as well. I'll make it work because the only other option is terrible daily headaches/migraines. And no I wasn't sent anywhere, I've been under my Dr.'s care for years...I've had SEVERE daily headaches for 30 years, so this is nothing new to me...I'm of the mind set that I really wish I didn't have to take ANY meds but unfortunately it's the better option! I was just trying to figure out how best to take my Suboxone for best pain control so we're good. Thanks! As far as my son goes, his psychiatrist & psychologist both know that he uses medicinal cannabis.

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Re: SheriAmore (# 1064) Expand Referenced Message

Do they know you use his medical marijuana? If your doctor says you can take an extra one then how can you run out? I'm positive he didn't mean for you to go 3-4 days without it. If he said that why didn't he fax a few days worth in for you? Since you already know what withdrawals feel like, and just started on Suboxone, I agree with Lou that I am confused. What dose are you on and how long have you been on it? Only certain doctors can write Suboxone. Since this is your same doctor who switched you from probably an opiate for your headaches, you must have run out of those too which is why you were probably put on Suboxone, and you still run out. Like I said before, if he knew you ran out of Suboxone 3-4 days early who knows how many times and you didn't call him, this proves he doesn't know and doesn't give drug panels. Your headaches can't be so bad for those 3-4 days you have no Suboxone, especially in withdrawals or you would be at your doctors or the ER, but you don't seem to want a paper trail. Your actions sound like a drug addicted person.

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Re: amberlilly (# 1052) Expand Referenced Message

Protocol is 6 months taper. Anything longer than that is for Pain Management patients. Suboxone is a tool along with therapy. The 6 month taper is so you don't get addicted to another substance.

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Re: Sammy (# 1065) Expand Referenced Message

What makes you think that I use his medical marijuana? I said that I have tried it a couple of times & it didn't work. If it had I would go THAT route & told my Dr. I just started in June & before that I was on long-acting morphine for YEARS...just fine. The switch to Suboxone was because of the CDC putting pressure on doctors to get their pain patients off opiates...I'm sure you've heard about that. Apparently, my doctor can write for Suboxone because he does. He also does U/A's which I've taken & done just fine with. And I can ASSURE you that the migraines I suffer from are quite SEVERE or I wouldn't have sought out medical care, I can ASSURE you that. I don't know why you're concerned but have a good day.

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This thread is about Suboxone WITHDRAWAL, where you posted for all to read and comment. You rambled on about my reply to you, yet didn't touch on the subject of being new to Suboxone (July) and have run out 3-4 days early several times and had withdrawl symptoms. Have you told your doctor, or done anything I suggested?

I think with so many people looking for others experiences on Suboxone, my questions were quite valid. But you said nothing about how you deal with your monthly withdraws or if you have tried to reach out to your dr. since he said you could take extra in the first place.

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Re: Sammy (# 1068) Expand Referenced Message

Okay first of all...I DID tell the poster how many days before I felt any withdrawal. I believe that was THE question. And I started in's now been 5 months & my problem wasn't getting more from my Dr. but getting it refilled on Day 28 not 30. And the Pharmacist called my doctor's assistant who said "yes her records say that she can take an extra one" & so it was filled. No Big Deal. I just saw my Dr. a couple weeks ago...I go every two months & this time he said 3 per day. I believe I wrote that I will figure it out/make it work. So I don't know what you so desperately needed to know that I didn't answer. Thanks for your concern.

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Just a piece of information from a five year patient on subs: I am having a brain MRI to determine the extent of damage to my brain as a result of long-term Suboxone usage. There are no public research studies available. I have been clean for 2 1/2 years. Preliminary diagnostics indicate major brain issues. Finding out this is not uncommon. My children are both surgeons. This drug is very toxic. Aug 17, 1969 “Woodstock” was not worth 50 years of playing with matches. Finally found a good Suboxone group and study. May God Bless All Of You!

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Hey everybody. After reading the last post I was wondering if anyone else was taking suboxone 3 times a day? I can only get it 1 time in the morning. Does it matter if I am taking the strip or the pill? I take the strip. My dr also makes me go every month for a drug panel and my strips.

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Krissy Serafini (# 8) --

U only lieing 2 yourself cause u ain't lying to me how many zanys u taking bro

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I suggest it is about10-14 days before sleep pattern returns. Mads left system within 36-48 hours. No trace within 5 days. Buth main Ossis. Take time for endorphines to replace the opiat fully.

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Re: Joseph (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

It should have ended over 6 years ago! Some dr's do it over a 6 WEEK taper.

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Re: Deb E (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I don't understand why dr's keep people on Suboxone for years. It's used to get off Opiates, not to trade one drug for another. Like I mentioned before, my doctor does a 6-week taper.

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Re: Silas (# 1058) Expand Referenced Message

When my son was trying to get off of Subs he said everything went fine until the very last dose, and he just couldn't make the last dose, the withdrawal was worse than ANYTHING he had ever taken. His doctor was very negligent. He was very excited about finding an answer to getting off the pain meds, but it was hell on earth getting off the Subs without a clue of what he was getting in to when he started taking them, doctor didn't tell him a thing about this difficult drug. It definitely helped the pain and he felt the best he had felt in many yrs., it is a shame the withdrawal is so horrible.

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Re: AmberLilly (# 1076) Expand Referenced Message

I have been off of Subs for 31 months now. I am still having issues related to their strength and structure. I still suffer from malaise and parenthesia. Very very few Doctors have a clue as to the lasting affects of Subs. Friday I am seeing a Addictionologist and psyciatrist regarding a brain scan that shows the damage from Subs. We could not find one article or any lititure about the lasting and permanent changes in your brain after use. I met a gentleman who was on for 5 yrs and off for 30 months and suffers the same as I do.

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Re: Beth (# 1075) Expand Referenced Message

Due to the CDC hysteria doctors are being encouraged to put they're intractable pain patients on suboxone, so they're the ones who are on it for long-term chronic pain control.

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Re: TommyC (# 1070) Expand Referenced Message

How can they tell if it was due to the Suboxone or the 50 years of partying since Woodstock? It was probably the 50 years, and you being an older man.

I don't think they can check damage of Suboxone on humans, maybe in a lab on animals, because everyone has taken all sorts of over the counter and prescribed medications. This would also include what you do for work, if you drink, smoke; there are too many factors.

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From experience, it can take up to 30 days to have withdrawals symptoms. It really sucks but the symptoms are less intense than opiates.

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