How Long After You Stop Suboxone Do You Have Withdrawal Symptoms? (Page 53)
UpdatedMy 63y/o mother survived chemo and radiation for throat cancer but was unable to stop the morphine 15mg twice a day without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Her MD put her on Suboxone 8mg/2mg once a day in June. She even took half the strip on most days and the doctor was very pleased and anticipated that she would be able to stop altogether in November. She unfortunately had a stroke 14 days ago and has been in the hospital. The first 7 days she was confused from the stroke but now she is weak and forgetful but is no longer disoriented. She told me tonight that she thought she needed her Suboxone. She said she thought she was going thru withdrawal. I was floored. She is not having any outward signs of withdrawal: no back/stomach pain, no nausea/vomiting, no sweating or tremors. Isn't 14 days long enough for the Suboxone to be completely out of your system and for withdrawal symptoms to have come and gone??? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.
I'm so scared i'm going to lose my job. I was introduced to subs 6 months ago. I was just piecing off it but then got up to about 3 to 4 mg a day. I really don't want to take them any longer. I'm on day 4. Stomach cramps. Diarrhea. No sleep. I have to be to work in 6 hours and only got 2 hours of sleep last night. I need advice.
After using Suboxzone low dose for just a month made it almost impossible to quit. Now 6 months later still experiencing withdrawal.
I jumped off on 12 mg, which was stupid, but my entire life was numb. Everything was starting to fail. I decided to go to a low-cost inpatient detox (250.00). I was there a few days, then went to visit family in Myrtle beach. The first 10 days were very on and off. I had Kratom at about 7 mg at a time, to ease stress. If you try and take a plethora of drugs to sleep, and they do not work, avoid it altogether. You will start losing your cool. Mentally, I knew what I was in for. I knew from my past it would be the hardest time of my life, but I made the change to be me again!
After 23 days, I'm sleeping 5 to 10 hours a night, which varies widely. But during the day I take hydroxycut and some pre workout powder and creatine. Get a boost of energy and get some exercise. Have someone drag you, if needed. I saw my sub doctor yesterday. He was concerned of relapse, but didn't push the issue. I wanted to get vitals and a blood draw. I also got something for sleep and pain. A 25 mg Seroquel was all it took for this point, at least. I have gabapentin for muscle/nerve pain. It's a tough thing to do, but as each minute passes, you start to understand the universe does not revolve around you.
Stay busy, stay active, stay vigilant. But DO NOT stay in your house. Go to meetings or talk to friends about your struggle. Thank your ----- that you were born with strength. Try to right your wrongs. Try to do things you used to love. After 8 years of this hell ride, I'm no longer numb to pain and suffering. I no longer have to hurt my family and most of all, my wife, by being "absent". I no longer have to hide under this shroud of a falsified, self-serving reiteration of my former self. I no longer live with the fear that I may die of an overdose. That is the fear that will snatch you right into the light. This is a long process. You have hurt others without knowing it. You now have to live with the consequences. Look in the mirror and tell your reflection how weak you are, you're still lying to yourself. The good thing about your reflection? It is always true! Start now. Tell the truth. Tell yourself how strong the human mind and body can be. This festering s*** inside of you will pass. You just need to look this demon in the face and say, it's over!
It gets better I'm off now for a year n a half. I got on cloanazepam after 6 months no subs, wouldn't recommend that unless you have to, for the racing heart. Clonadine low pressure med just break off a crumb at a time use benadryl as needed. I tapered off the clonazepam starting feb and finally off it now and getting great, what an accomplishment i think. Getting off subs for me was harder then being stabbed ten times by my ex husband and getting my lungs punctured and almost dying. That's why I got on pain meds in the first place. Truth is you won't feel normal for a long time but you will someday, the brain can take awhile to repair itself. I got a job where I could be active and walk because the times when you're either tired or have a racing heart, it helped a lot and i was good at it, something to think about.
If her doctor will prescribe tramadol and clonadine it will make things much easier for her.
I was and am good at it! Find your true self!! It really is worth it after everything, even the small trouble I have going to bed at night ave knowing that I am no longer a slave to these pills, amazing couldn't say that there's anything better then knowing and feeling that because there was a time when i was throwing up in a trash beside my bed. God is graceful everyone and you can be free. It's up to you and what you're willing to go thru to get to the goods.
I've been taking Suboxone 8mg twice a day for three months as a deterrent to Tramadol withdrawal. I haven't taken a sub for more than 24 hours now and I'm wondering when should I expect the horrible withdrawal I hear about? After 8 hours of no Tramadol I felt really bad. This is cake compared to that so far. Any ideas?
For me, about three days until I felt bad. But, I forced myself to stay busy throughout the day. I'm at 32 days off, still have stomachs issues and sleep issues. Though, afyer around day 14 I was able to fall asleep with meds. I was on 12 mg/day for 2 years, and jumped off. I have some PAWS BUT it's manageable. Exercise as much as you can!!!!
I Am 63 years old also. And I take 2- 8mg suboxon a day and I am ok so why is it so important that she stop taking sub. I mean if it makes her feel better then why stop. At 63 years of age we don't have a lot of time left anyway. So let her have it and don't worry so much. Tell your mom hi and enjoy her life
It was ruining my life mentally and physically. I was mentally numb and physically useless. I started the sub carousel in October of 2009, tried several times to quit. It affected me in strange ways that was hindering my life, and if you feel somewhat normal, godspeed. I didn't feel like myself the last 2 years, so i made the decision to jump at 12 mg a day, which was stupid. But, my mindset was this is not going to ruin me anymore. And after a couple weeks, i started back into my routine from over a decade ago, living without any opiates. Seriously, some people can manage suboxone just fine. I could not, hence my 32 days. Hope this helps.
Amen! I think if you are mentally prepared that this is it, makes it easier to deal with, instead of compartmentalizing it. I know that even the 4 to 6 hours a night I get, is much better than 15 days ago, when nothing would knock me out. That is called progress! Also, infrared saunas and cryo therapy are wonderful. Exercise is as well, though harder to force yourself into.
It seems that the longer you are on suboxone the more difficult to get off of. My son was trying to get off of opiates and his doctor put him on suboxone and he was on it a couple of yrs, maybe not that long, but anyway getting off of it was a nightmare!! He and his wife both were on it and it literally put them out of commission could not take care of the kids or anything else. He said it was worse than any opiate he had ever taken. He would do fine on the cut-back until he got to the very last dose, very small dose, and then it took an unbelievable turn for the worse. His doctor never told him anything about this, and gave him nothing to help him get thru it. Who would think that something prescribed to get off of medication could be this horrible? So sorry for any of you trying to get off this stuff. It's not just you, so don't feel like you are a weener, this is extremely difficult to come off of. Ask you dr to help you with this.
I was on about 8mg or more a day for a couple years and just recently (6 days ago)
had no choice but to quit this suboxone. im not going cold turkey because i have to
be at work, but i did start to heavily decrease my dose and frequency of doses to
about 2mg every other day for a week and then planned on dropping that to 1mg
for a week, then .5 for the rest of what i have in stock. im on day 6 and have taken a total of 4mg within that week space and im definitely feeling like garbage. i dont have the means or want to get anymore subs so is it smarter to take take 1mg everyday now for a few days and go down to .5 for a few days and so on until im out. or should i just suffer through and cut right down to .5mg a day and jump from there after its all gone?
Re: Jacqueline (# 1038)
What do you think you were getting into with a doctor who only takes cash? Did you not research suboxone before deciding to take it?
Re: Jacqueline (# 1038)
They should be sued, really? Suboxone has saved millions of people from chasing the monkey. If taken as prescribed, your doctor will tell you how to taper off. Many people took opiates the way they wanted and take Suboxone how they want to also. People need to get with the program! 1mg is equivalent to about 15mg of morphine...yet people cry for more.
Re: william (# 4)
Could you let me know how you are doing now? I'm on day 4 of nothing..wo seeing what the future holds..if you could give me some insight that would be no e I wasn't on it long either and it was stupid that I started in the first place, never had a full opiate addiction.
Re: Deb E (# 9)
Talk about clueless! Why on earth would anyone take Subutex for 6 YEARS when the original goal is to get off of whatever. Your "specialist" is obviously bleeding you dry for his/her income to keep you on the medicine that long and his/her pockets full.
Re: Deb E (# 9)
I'm on my 6th day now and feeling much better. How long realistically though will it be out of my system you think? I pray I stay strong. I've been taking 5yrs 8mg/2mg thanks for story. I know I'm very late
Re: Deb E (# 9)
Do you remember sleep meds doc gave you? On day 7 going ?? my biggest thing is not being able to sleep restless leg. Any help I know I'm late
Re: Jenny1988 (# 1056)
Hi! Suboxone is a really different medication as far as it's "supposedly" a short-acting med from what I understand yet when you go off of it, it seems to take quite awhile before you have symptoms. I'm newly on it for CHRONIC PAIN & a couple of times have run out before my next refill. Seems like it was 4 days (sometimes longer) before I started having stomach/head pain...however I bet that varies from person to person. I NOW know that I'm going to take the VERY least dose needed daily for my pain. Good luck.
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