How Long After You Stop Suboxone Do You Have Withdrawal Symptoms? (Page 27)


My 63y/o mother survived chemo and radiation for throat cancer but was unable to stop the morphine 15mg twice a day without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Her MD put her on Suboxone 8mg/2mg once a day in June. She even took half the strip on most days and the doctor was very pleased and anticipated that she would be able to stop altogether in November. She unfortunately had a stroke 14 days ago and has been in the hospital. The first 7 days she was confused from the stroke but now she is weak and forgetful but is no longer disoriented. She told me tonight that she thought she needed her Suboxone. She said she thought she was going thru withdrawal. I was floored. She is not having any outward signs of withdrawal: no back/stomach pain, no nausea/vomiting, no sweating or tremors. Isn't 14 days long enough for the Suboxone to be completely out of your system and for withdrawal symptoms to have come and gone??? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

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Congrats to both of you for getting/wanting to get clean! What an accomplishment. I know it's not easy. Pfan, sounds like you were determined to rid yourself of your suboxone dependency...and you did successfully!!!! That's wonderful. 2mgs is also a very big jump. I can see why you struggled. In terms of PAWS, I didn't really experience any lingering mental consequences from the suboxone withdrawal/detox. At first, I couldn't picture myself being totally clean off of opiates and subs. But after a week or so, I came to terms with being completely drug free. Because I was pregnant, I aldo had to quit smoking and cut down on my caffiene intake. It was a nearly impossible situation. I thought it was impractical to stop everything at once, but it turns out that I did have the strength to go through with it. If I had to do it again, I probably would have tapered my dose to 0.25, or even less so that the suffering wasn't as intense. I think after quitting I was just so determined and relieved to feel better physically, that I had a positive attitude toward anything else that followed, including PAWS. Did you experience PAWS? How did you deal with it??

Brandie--you can do it. I won't is scary and it will be somewhat painful. However, once you get underway, you won't look back and you'll feel truly accomplished. The good totally outweighs the bad. I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times, but it's so true: everyone is different. You may feel 100% in a matter of weeks. Some people don't ever experience RLS, or only have trouble sleeping for a night or two. After this whole experience, I realized that I'm stronger than I thought. If you can do this, you can do anything. And you've done it before!! You do have the willpower. Let me know how it goes! Good luck!

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I totally agree, that was well put. I just want to add the fact that if u want to REALLY succeed u will build your relationship with JEHOVAH and know that everything will be fine and that pain will be no more and that life u dream about will finally be reality. If u have the chance to get clean (we all know not everyone has that chance) make the best of it. U have nothing to loose because u already know what it's like to be sick and tired of being sick so it's all a matter of when u really get sick and tired of being sick. I can guarantee u nothing other than PEACE AND HAPPINESS.

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I was on suboxone 8 milligram for almost 8 years. In actuality, I tended to split the tablets and little to manage on less than a half a tab a day. Recently my addiction specialist said that it was advisable To stop the suboxone because recent studies have determined that it is not the nine medication that doctors once thought it was.

Needless to say I was very resistant and considered trying to find another prescriber. Instead I decided to take my positions advice and he began reducing my dosage until I was constantly taking 1 milligram per day. To that point we agreed that I would stop altogether. However, in order to assist me with the withdrawal symptoms he prescribed and anticonvulsive medication Called gabapentin. For a while The gabapentin helped a lot with the anxiety and the discomfort of the withdrawal. Eventually, I was able to convince the doctor prescribed klonopin which it helped in the past when attempting to withdraw. I'm now in my third week free of suboxone and I'm still taking drug cocktail of gabapentin and klonopin.

My physician has told me that the withdrawal symptoms will subside after 3 weeks and I would be feeling fine. After reading some of the information available on web sites I'm beginning to wonder if he was not being completely honest. I'm scheduled to see him on Thursday and I intend to discuss this matter with him.

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Me too! I've been on suboxone 8/2 two times a day for seven years. I'm worried that i need to stop but was a heavy opate addict for 20+ years.

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You'll feel a whole lot better once you stop. Initially it's hard but once the withdraws symptoms dissipate you'll be SO good that you've kicked it. It's only a habit at this point. Can't take it forever so just get it over with :)

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Hi Steve,

I don't know if you have seen your doctor again, yet, but I wanted to give you some more news that you.are probably not going to like but at least you can talk to him and/ or at be prepared. Gabapentin and kolonopin cannot just be stopped abruptly either. You will find that with gabapentin especially you will have to taper down just like the suboxone. It is not completely uncomfortable but most importantly it's dangerous to just stop taking it. I'm sure your Doc will explain. Good luck and keep posting. :)

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That was some scary post!i stayed on oxys 2 yrs longer than i shuda,bc i was terrified of sub wd.i stopped 4 days ago from taking 8mg subutexfor 6mo.i got v sick from the my dr told e to take 3 30'soxy a day,with some clonal,etc,and 4 days later…nothing.i don't even think i began wd ,yet,'tho I'm not so weak and i feel like eating and bathing.i wonder if the oxys are helping?when you said 6-8 wks wd!!getting off oxys will be a piece of cake.don't even know what stage i'm in!thks

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I feel your pain, TRUST ME. But there is something you can possibly buy from smoke shops (the ones that normally sell pipes and used to sell that awful legal marijuana substitute before it was banned) and it's called "Kratom". You can for sure buy it on the internet if not in your town anywhere. It's 100% natural, coming from a certain tree grown out of the country. It IS NOT an opiate or opioid, but it has the same alkaloids and will hit the same dopamine receptors in your brain like any other pain killer. To say it takes the edge off withdrawals is a huge understatement: You will be able to get sleep that is restful, and it helps so much with the mental anguish that is usually by far the worst part. Read up on it, and I urge you to at least five it a try. There is no withdrawal, no being sneaky and unlawful (so all that shame that can quickly justify a nasty misery-filled relapse of which you may never return, it finds victims elsewhere.) The only thing to let you know is that if you don't order the Kratom in capsule form, it will be in leaf form, and ingesting that is very no bueno on the taste buds. Like if the color green had a taste, that would undoubtedly be it. Give it a try. It's cheaper than suboxone, not a controlled substance you could get in trouble for having, and has a fraction of the abuse issue as anything our wonderful FDA stamps with approval. You will not be sorry you tried it.

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I am reading through your story as I am about to stop suboxone. I've been on it for almost 8 years, 8mg twice a day. Lately it's been of no help and I find myself not making it through the month. You know the rest of the story.. I can't and won't be chained to something anymore. I am scared to death of the withdrawals, but even more afraid of being forever under its grasp. Day 1 will be in 3 days as I don't have the option of tapering down. I have 3 left and will take one a day. Please tell me there's light at the other end of this nightmare!!

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It ends when you get fed up with not thinking normally. Your withdrawals may last up to a year. Seems long and painful but worth being clean and having feelings again.

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I cant believe a doctor prescribed suboxone for a tramadol addiction! Wtf?! Tramadol is nothing compared to suboxone. Whoever that doctor is should be in prison!

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I think its different for everyone. My god if she needs it give it to her!

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Yup. My Dr prescribed me suboxone for tramadol. I wish I had known then what I know now. I've been off of suboxone now for about 10 months but compared to suboxone the tramadol was a piece of cake. The WDs from tramadol were very intense and painful but they only lasted 1 week. The suboxone wds were not too far behind the intensity level as tramadol but after 1 week my wds hadn't even peaked yet. It took almost 3 months for the physical wds to subside and I'm STILL dealing with lingering PAWS! I really wish that had been explained to me from the beginning because I would have hunkered down and kicked the tram and been back to normal within a couple weeks. It was 2 1/2 years of hell trying to get off the subs and I had even tapered down to 1mg a day! That stuff is a wolf in Sherpa clothing!

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I'm on day 3 of withdrawal since my last dose but was having withdrawal symptoms before my last dose I dropped Down to .25 mg. doc asked if I wanted more to make me comfortable before I took the jump and I said no! I'm actually doing pretty good on day 3 speaking of how the week before I stopped the withdrawals were worse! I was agitated and depressed now going through without I just have restless legs, stomach cramps, hot and cold chills very tired, stand up no energy, don't feel like doing s***! But I'm able to drink and eat food. Zofran helps with that, Valium at night does nothing so I stopped taking that. Gabapentin kinda helps with restless legs and clonidine twice at night. Although clonidine was prescribed for me 2 years ago for anxiety and sleep now it just makes me awake but does help with chills and restless legs. Trying melatonin and other vitamins to build back up protein in my body as well as b vitamins for energy! I'm off of work for 2 weeks and have no choice but to go back, but I'm my own boss and can set my own hours so I think I'll start by working 4 hours a day.

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I'm on day 4 and starting to feel quite crappy but I'm in this for the long haul. I have nothing to help with the withdrawals at this point. Even called to go into a detox program but no one is "equipped" to handle this detox! What the heck is that?!? So I know it's gonna be hell soon. Hopefully I can get a script for colonadine (spelling!) just not sure how to do that either at this point. So here I go to the depths of hell. One last time!

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I'm on day 4 as well! Do you think it's going to get worse from here on out and I mean like this is tolerable and I'm terrified it's going to get worse! I'm actually in good spirits no depression but taking l-tyrosine and 5htp and b-6 just incase. I make myself go for a walk no matter how tired my legs are! It actually feels better once I'm out in the fresh air building natural endorphins! I'm hoping that helps as the days go on! I've gained 5lbs rather than losing ? Kinda odd. I don't have the nauseous and diarrhea . Could be the zofran it helps me eat but side effect is constipation so I'm taking stool softeners to help. I just feel like the nights are the worse for me ! As much meds as I could take at night nothing puts me to sleep! But somehow I can manage naps during the day ! Anyone know why nights are worse??? Please any help would be appreciated! I'm very positive on doing this otherwise I wouldn't have done it in first place! I did not need to be on suboxone for 5 years only after using painkillers for one year because of a surgery ! Yea I abused them since I was depressed , lost a baby ! But from only being on painkillers for one year did I really need to be on suboxone for 5! It was finally a new doctor that came into the clinic that helped me taper down and prepare me ! The Other doc always increased dose and never cut down! I owe this new doctor my life! When I'm done with this I'd like to send him something for his help! What do you send male doctors !??

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It will get worse. Just be ready. I've made it 10 days before and ended up going back on, but not this time. I've been on this crap for 8 years and I'm sick of the rollercoaster and everything that comes with it. My dad passed away recently and I was so damn numb I couldn't really grieve like I should have. Enough is enough. I am contacting my doctor to get some help hopefully. Just colonadine and something to help sleep through the leg pain-which is awful about day 7-10. Trying to stay positive- and upright as much as possible. Good luck and let me know how you are doing!! We can lean on each other!! Emotional support is important and I definitely am empathetic to what you're going through

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Umm everyone goes through this differently not everyone is going to have the same effects so for you to call someone is clueless shame on you! That can really scare a person ! Everyone's body chemistry is different depending on your mood and motivation ! The drive to want to stop! Most is mental ! After the physical of course! Everyone will have sowm physical! But not everyone takes 13 days! It could depend on how fast your body metabolizes how active you are how well you eat ! The right nutrients you put back in your body ! The right vitamins to take during ! And having the proper support system ! So instead of being negative just be supportive and say way to go ! Glad your feeling good at day 6! That's all for now

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Can I ask did you have withdrawl symptoms from the start and I can handle leg pain I've actually built up pretty high pain tolerance! I mean your talking to a girl who has had major dental work with no pain meds and was on the lowest dose of suboxone at the time ! I went through alot with pain! I've built up a strong mindset! So all this is minor to me! I mean it sucks a bunch and I feel like I have the flu constantly! But I know it's gonna be a long haul!

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What are some of the tips for getting off subs I'm on day 4 and everyday gets worse an worse! Sleep gets worse and worse, I sometimes wonder why I try to sleep at all! I have to go back to work by Aug 20th so I'm hoping I'm at least functional by then. I really have no choice but to go back or lose my job and I can't afford to lose my job

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