How Long After Taking A Suboxone Can You Take An Opiate? (Page 3)
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I have been on 8 mg/2mg Suboxone strips for 1 year. I am having a tooth (back molar) extraction in the morning. I used my Suboxone strip this morning & the tooth extraction is at 9:30 am tomorrow. If I don't use another Suboxone strip before the extraction, would I be able to take Hydrocodone after my surgery? I don't want to get sick, but I am terrified of going through this surgery with no pain meds. Please help.

237 Replies (12 Pages)

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I had the same situation... I took last Suboxone
The night before,. Went through dental work and the Dentist told me that the 1st dose may not work if the dose of opiod isn't high enough..
He gave me 10mg of oxycodone and told me to take it after Novocaine wore off... If it didn't help, I could take another, but no more than 2 every 6 hrs!
Hope This helps...
I got relief after talking the 2nd oxycodone! Good luck

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TONY: Ask me whatever you want, and I will answer if I can.

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Kkh. I guess they took out my email problem I just had a few questions for you is all.

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TONY: Whatever you want to know. But whatever personal info you posted, they removed.

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kkh. That's pretty amazing. Our stories are similar. I'm also 48 years old. I would like to talk to you more. {edited for privacy}. Thanks.

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ABNORMALKEVIN: I have to say that I don't completely agree with your comment. Actually, some people NEVER go back to "normal" after opioid addiction. While many people bounce back from the physical part of opioid addiction, that isn't the case for many of us. ESPECIALLY if we are talking long term opioid addiction or an addiction that started at a very young age. The first opioid I ever had was Promethazine cough syrup with Codeine at the age of 9-10 years old, for childhood asthma. That pretty much sealed it. Those opioid molecules fit into my receptors like a glove and I was hooked. Why on earth would a 10-year old child sneak into the medicine chest in order to take an "extra swig" of cough syrup?

My first opioid use was at 16. Again, it was like a puzzle piece was missing from my brain, and the opioid was the missing piece. I am now 48, and have struggled with opioid addiction ever since. My doctors and specialists say that some people's brain function/chemistry will NEVER go back to normal. Some people's brains never quite make natural endorphin's they way they used to after a long term addiction such as mine, and those people will need to be on an ORT for life. There is no way to know who will return to "normal" and who won't. There is a syndrome called PAWS that stands for Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. And indeed, some of those symptoms can last a year and even more. There are just too many variables to put any of this down to an actual time frame. But I know that I may be one of those people who's brain does NOT "bounce back". My specialists say that if I was to go off of my ORT completely, I would likely struggle.

The last time I was on absolutely NO opioids, I went 45 days, and STILL felt like I was in pretty active withdrawal. I couldn't eat much and ended up losing 15 lbs in those 45 days, I couldn't get more than a couple hours of sleep at a time, broke out into cold sweats every 5 friggin minutes, had aches and pains all over, was constantly nauseous, and just basically still felt like I was in full-on withdrawal. I couldn't even work. And of course, I ended up using. That was the last time I even TRIED to be off of all opioids. Right now I am in the middle of titrating down from a fairly high dose of tablet Methadone, and I have been successful so far. I have gone from 90 mgs to 70 so far, going down 5 mgs at a time. I am getting ready to go down to 65mgs soon. But I also fully realize that I will likely not be completely getting OFF of the Methadone, and would love to just get down to a lower maintenance dose, maybe somewhere around 30 or 40 mgs. Getting completely off of the Methadone is probably not in the cards for me. I can only WISH that I would go back to "normal" within a year, but that just isn't going to happen for me, nor for a LOT of us. And that's ok; taking a very low maintenance dose of Methadone for the rest of my life in order to stay healthy and clean is just fine with me.

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One year is a foolish answer..and is not realistic. I mean, yes, it could take a year to resume your sleep schedule, but no way in heck does it take a year for anybody body to recover to its normal release of chemicals and functions. This has been studied, and the best professionals never mention a year for your brain chemicals to recover to their normal range. Your personality, mood, sleep and physical functions may be altered for a very long time, but a year is almost like saying "once you eat a narcotic, you might never recover". The one year post was removed as inaccurate for a reason. Maybe one person in 50 million, but that does not pertain to any of us. We like to think we are all on a somewhat "normal" human composition. Although the scale can swing quite a bit either direction, a year is not realistic or a realistic answer. There are people that feel no pain ever, even if you cut their arm off,... but to tell people they "might" not feel any pain if their arm is cut off is "unrealistic" also. You can die from eating corn or carrots, but I have never heard of a warning for such.

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Very bad and stupid information.why even say anything if you don't really know. And apparently you don't. You have it backwards.

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IKNOWWHATIMSAYIN: You have it backwards, so apparently you DON'T know what you are saying. You get sick if you take Subutex/Suboxone/Zubsolv too soon AFTER taking full agonist opioids. You are dispensing incorrect information, which is just NOT needed here.

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You do not get pracipitory withdrawls going from Suboxone to an opiate!

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First part of your reply is not quite accurate. Your brain start producimg less not more...
Ome year is still b.s.
2 days, it works between 60 to 8p percent
3 days it'll work good.
I also knew a guy who used 0.5ml of sub daily and used opioid weekly.
However the best part you said is that taking off subaxone is one the hardest I've ever had. Methadone ain't that bad but sub was a killer and i was on it for 3.5 years. It simply doesn't finish!

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You get sick when you take Suboxone THEN pain pill***

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BABSY: So why are you even on Suboxone? Why bother? If you really don't want to be clean, just take the Opana. And maybe give up your Suboxone "slot" to someone who actually WANTS to be in recovery.

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You are one of the few people who hit this nail right on the head. I 100%percent agree with you been in a program 10years and on box for 12 yrs. U don't get sick right away, and you do stay sick much longer. Your answer was right on the money! Fabulous! Thank you.

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SHORTY: Sorry, but your "one size fits all" formula isn't going to work for that many people. And one certainly doesn't need to be on "hundreds of $ worth of dope a day" to need WELL over 1 and 2mgs if Suboxone to get relief. That amount, 1 or 2mgs of Bupe, wouldn't have even TOUCHED me, and I was never on HUNDREDS of dollars worth of dope. And I don't see how that formula even worked for YOU, since Opana is one of the stronger pain killers out there. Most of the addicts I know and have worked with (including myself) would be left in bad shape from this "formula".

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I have taken 1/4 Suboxone strip merely like five hours before taking an opana. I still feel the opana working. So when you want to get wasted and your on Suboxone all you have to do is just take a very little tiny bit of Suboxone to get you through the morning and then late at night you can get f***** up

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A year? Seriously? There are 365 days in a year and you are 363 days off from being correct. depending on how much and how often you take suboxone you may feel a slight effect 24hr later but 48hr is better to wait. I have been on opiate pain meds since late 80's first time but regularly since mid 90's. I have serious arthritis, severe spinal (neck and back) issues, hip, shoulder, knee problems which are hereditary but I also chose construction at age 15 and now at 50yrs old my body is so painful that ive laid there praying as tears flow from pain n just being fed up n frustrated from dealing w it. ive had surgery n 6 more are lining up now. I take 4 30mg percocet (oxycodone) and 2 30mg opana (oxymorphone) per day. still not enough. well.........back to beginning.......I usually run out just a day or two or up to a week early as the pain can be so sharp n severe that when it pinches which is many times a day I actually piss myself so I take 1-2 extra here n there. Well that if more than a day turned into bad withdraws so ive learned to buy 4-5 subs when around to have so thats how I know this guys one year crap is crap. If I only take 1/8th or 1/4 of an 8mg sub I can slightly feel an opiate 24-30hr later. At 48hr I feel full effect. For those taking 1/2-whole or even more per day of subs it will take 3-5 days. Just for thought.......depends on how much n long you take it, weight, metabolism, liquid intake, taking a multi vitamin, sweating. I have low body fat n high metabolism. I am a full charge battery. Fast paced. I took my last 1/4 of a 12mg sub at about 6:30am yesterday feb 8th. I just took 2 15mg percs n feel at least 50-70% of it. Not all but better if I had waited until tomorrow. dr appt sat so another 120 30mg percs n 60 30mg opana. I only take suboxone by the 1/8th of an 8mg to stop or prevent withdrawls. I wait and if needing more I take just a very small piece n wait again. The most at once is a half of an 8mg which stopped the serious withdrawls dead in 20-30min. energy. alive. alert. wanting to do something. happy. I dont suggest for anyone to take for anything but for withdrawls and getting off pills or dope and DO NOT OVERDO IT.they take more n more also n then u r just chasing that ghost n hooked on another drug. sub wdrawl can be VERY nasty n worse then the original perc withdrawl. ONLY WHAT YOU NEED TO NOT FEEL BAD N GET THROUGH WORK N YOUR DAY. Week off that s***. seriously. after 5-7 days you should b able to cut dose in half or more as the worst of your opiate wdrawls are over. example: taking a quarter or half of an 8mg sub on wednesday will still completely mask any withdrawls on thurs n poss fri depending on severity of your addiction n wdrawls. One using hundreds of $ of dope a day obviously wont make it on such a small dose of sub. often they need at least 2 whole 8mg subs a day. Most are to weak to say ok my worst wdrawls are over n its been a week or two so im gonna start weening down. drs need to start weening patients. my best advise.....just say no but if so then only what u need n then ween yourself. wtf is the point of taking subs n beating wdrawls n having control over it to only go back? Be strong. think. be safe. GOD bless. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. withdrawls are effed up!!!!

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Sorry, but I'm gonna have to call BS on someone going down that rapidly from Subs and being "just fine" during the process. Especially after being on a steady amount for two years. Heck, you really wouldn't even FEEL the drop much for a couple of days. So.... sorry if I offend any of you, but I'm not buying that one at all.

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Scotty lass,

So you were taking subs everyday x 2 years and successfully titrated down to zero sub in a 15 day period?? That seems unbelievably rapid for such a substantial dose and for a considerable length of time?? That's beyond awesome have you any withdrawal effects at all since being drug free?? Just curious... Good for you..

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I was on it for 2 years also and Dr. Titrated me down...I went from 2 to 1/12,then 1,1/2.. I was on each dose for 3 days and I'm fine... Glad to be off them.Good luck

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