How Late Into Pregnancy Is It Safe To Stop Taking Suboxone? (Page 5)
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I am almost 14 weeks pregnant. I want to stop taking my Suboxone completely, but have heard it can cause premature labor if stopped too far into pregnancy. My doctor also said that withdrawals can not cause miscarriage or hurt the unborn baby in any lasting ways. I have been taking 2mg of subutex (now Suboxone) for the past week. Am I okay to cease all Suboxone use, or should I wait another week or so?

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OK, so at 8mg and 13 weeks, you have to cut down 1mg every week and a half. Do you take it all at once or a couple times a day? When I got lower, I was taking some 2 or 3 times a day because it doesn't feel like it lasts. I would recommend it, at least when you get down to 4mg. So you've been taking 8, that's a whole strip. Fold it in half, then half again, then half again. One 8th is 1mg. Drop to 7mg right away. It's a small change and you won't feel it much. You'll need more time for the smaller changes. Go 1 week at 7, 1 week at 6, 1 week at 5, 1 week at 4. 4mg is easy because it's half. At 4mg, start taking 2mg twice a day. After a week of that, cut down by half a miligram increments every 5 days. So 5 days at 3.5mg (2mg in morning, 1.5mg in the afternoon or evening), 5 days at 3mg (1.5mg at both doses), 5 days at 2.5mg (1.5mg morning, 1mg evening). This part is hard! You'll be getting chills and hot flashes, headaches, trouble sleeping... But you'll have a bit of that because if the baby, too. Once you drop to 2mg, you can actually just stay there and the baby should be fine. But if you want to go lower, I would continue at .5mg increments every 5 days. I dropped below .5mg a day trying to wean slowly but I think that was too much. I was experiencing mild withdrawals from about .75mg and below. It was better to just quit completely and deal with it. I still didn't feel totally "right" for almost a month... But I was also pregnant and that throws things off. Good luck with this! If you need to go faster or slower, doc said dropping every 4 days is the fastest. Dropping every 2 weeks would be really slow but if you need to, do that. Babies usually don't go through withdrawals at 2mg a day so keep that in mind. It's a hard road but you can do it! Let me know how you're doing in a few weeks.

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Debra, I hope you can advice me. Im currently 13 weeks pregnant with a miracle baby. I've been on suboxone for almost 9 months now and I take 8 milligrams a day. I did tell my doctor and I have been going to a high-risk clinic they both advised me that I should just continue on the medication and not wean off of it, they say it's more dangerous than staying on but honestly I need to get off and so I'm wondering if you can advise me on a taper schedule? the main reason is because my husband has no idea I'm on this medication he has very strong ideas and opinions on people that abused pills and so he would be disgusted with me especially allowing our child to be born addicted to something it would probably destroy our marriage... so my plan is to be off completely by the third trimester I figure I have 3 months to slowly wean down and do it the right way. I also canceled my last suboxone doctors appointment last month so I just have whatever is left over because I'm prescribed 16 but only use 8 so I have enough leftover if I start weaning down asap.

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Sounds like you're off to a good start! You have to taper slow or you can lose the baby. Maybe continue 3x a day but cut one dose in half. Set a schedule and stick to it. Good luck!

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I am 5 wks pregnant and have been tampering off suboxone. I have been taking a 1/4 strip 3x a day for the past 4 days. Today I am trying 1/4 strip 2x a day. I plan to do that for 3 or 4 days and go down again. I just worry because I hear you should switch to subutex. Since I am so early and have been tampering, I don't see why I should change prescriptions. I am presribed. To subs so its all legal. Any advice would be great. I'm just so scared since I had a miscarriage Feb 2014 while I wad taking pain killers. After that tragic event I started subs and in Aug 2014 I went to Dr and started taking them to right way under a drs care. I am prescribed 2 strips a day but I was only taking 1 a day until I discovered I was pregnant this past Monday and since I went down even more.

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Half a mg or half an 8mg strip? It's a big difference. If you're taking half a strip, the baby probably will have withdrawals. If you're taking .5mg, then you can actually stop taking it altogether (I had withdrawal symptoms at .5mg so it wasn't really worth it to keep taking so little). Anything around 2mg and under, I've heard the baby won't have withdrawals. But I have no experience, I quit before the 3rd trimester and I was under the care of a doctor. You should tell your doctor.

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I know this is a older post but am in the exact same position I'm 38 weeks and on .5 mgs of subs and no one knows, I'm curious to know how it turned out? Did back you detox at all? I heard at that lil amount they don't.

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This is my second child taking suboxone I am 22 weeks and trying to Come down I just been taking a half the hole time but I worry this one might withdraw for some reason my 2 year old done great he never withdrawal ed at all but I don't know really what to do I do anything to keep him from withdrawal but I don't know if I am ready to come off the suboxone......what should I do

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I tapered down incredibly slowly. It's best to be off prior to the 3rd trimester. So make a tapper schedule that works for you. I dropped by a tiny bit every 4 days. From 1mg to 7/8mg to 3/4mg to 5/8mg to 1/2mg to 3/8mg to 1/4mg to 1/8mg. By the end, I felt the suboxone was making me sicker than just stopping would be. So I just stopped (after a day at 1/8mg) and it sucked for a couple days but then was fine. I have a happy, healthy, strong 7 month old now. He's already sitting, crawling, and standing. He's hit all his milestones and has spent no time in the nicu or needing extra care.

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Please someone help me! I have read many woman who have tapered off and been fine by the end of their pregnancy! This is not a debate for me, I must get off. I am ashamed, my husband nor doctor know. I am only on 1mg and have weened down a lot! I was prescribed oxycodone for pinched nerve pain for a year, and when found out I was pregnant started taking small amounts of Suboxone instead of the oxycodone that was prescribed. Please only comment to me, if you have tapered off. Please no judgement, I am a great mother of a six year old boy and I just want to get off of this before my baby girl is here. It is so hard! Someone please please help me :"(

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I am the same way I need help!

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Did this work for you???? I'm down to 1mg a day and only have two months before my baby girl is here! I need to get off :"(

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Hey im 33 weeks pregnant and ive beendoing opopanas off and on the whole time do u think if I got one subutex and quit everything my baby will be okay when I have her at 40 weeks

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I'm a mom of two wonderful little boys.. I was on suboxone for a year.. This past October I found out I was pregnant with baby number three. I was imitadately terrified when I saw that I was pregnant while on this medication. I went through my first two pregnancys on nothing! Tylenol at the very end of both as I was nearing my due dates and became extremely uncomfortable . But that's it! Now this time I feel horrible! So I slowly went down in dose until I was cutting the films so they were no bigger then the tip of my pinky.. Making one film last almost a month! I am now 5 days with out anything and it wasn't as hard as I thought.. I'm entering into my fifth month of pregnancy so of course I'm monitoring baby kicks.. And to my surprise I'm still feeling them at lest 6-7 times a day.. I'm feeling like I have a stomach virus with bad bad daihrra.. And a little restlessness at night. However, for the first time in the last 18 weeks I'm hopeful!! I can feel the daihrra getting more managable. And really now all that's left is mental. But what keeps me from going back is the thought of my innocent baby going through withdraw because of me. That breaks my heart! So I'm sticking it out! I can do this! I had no idea how powerful this medication is. I was prescribed this medication orinally for back pain.. But it's dangerous! As moms we do what we have to do for our children but if it wasn't for this baby id still be taking that crap. I still have the urg to take them as I know it will take away my stomach discomfort and give me back my engergy. But 5 days in and not feeling nearly as bad as I thought I would feel.. Just waiting for this daihrra to go and I'll be a happy mama! Hang in there ladies! It will be ok! I hope this helped.

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Do not taking any meds that are not prescribed to u while pregnant bc it will be in the baby's cord blood and also they will call social services in. They give drug panels and anything u have took will be in there and the hospital will get u in trouble.

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Congrats Debra on tour beautiful baby. It's amazing how quickly we will stop doing something harmful to protect our babies. Now let me first say that I think Suboxone is a great drug and even helps with pain some. Now with that said what people don't realize when they first start is that it is still addictive and will control your life. Examples is this are 1. I would jump out of bed everyday to make sure that filmtab got under my tongue. 2. If I went out if town even for a day trip and forgot my sub I would literally turn around and come back home.3 Constantly obsessing over if I can ever get off the stuff...etc etc. The good things with subs is they are a great alternative for especially opiads, the bad news is they make you feel normal so why get off them. Kind of a double edge sword. Anyway, he has to start a taper method. I would suggest a slow one maybe 3-4 months depending how high is dose is. I was on a low dose to start with so my taper only took 6 days with the first 2 days having no symptoms. Please don't listen to all the horror stories out there. Those people went cold turkey off of huge doses. Let me know if you want me to give you a taper schedule that will keep hum comfortable. God bless

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I had my son on Sept 30th. He's healthy, no complications. I stopped taking Suboxone completely before the 3rd trimester started. That's what the doctors were really pushing for. Now i just need to get my fiance off. After 2.5 years, he still takes 8mg a day and doesn't have the self control to take less. Frustrating!

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I'm 18 weeks pregnant and have been taking between 2-4 mg of suboxone a day for about 2 years now. I have a healthy 10 month old little girl and went through the same anxiety I am going through with this baby. Yes I know I should have learned the first time but my husband and I did not intend to have another baby. During the previous pregnancy I took no more than 2 mgs a day and would skip a day every ao often, as i was always trying and wanting to quit. By the grave of god the baby was born healthy with no signs of withdrawals. I am still scared with this pregnancy that I may not be so lucky. This is my 3rd day without any but i think I'm about to cave because I'm feeling very sick and i can't lay in bed all day since i have a young child to care for. I know what I need to do and that is quit which I'm trying so hard. I'm so dissapointed and upset with myself at this point

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I honestly would tell your OB..u don't want any complications or secrets if anything does come up..i started taking subs that weren't prescribed so i know where u r coming from. I now have a sub doctor and am 32 wks and feel so much better because they r aware and there are no secrets so they know what to look for if any concerns happened to come up..

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I was wondering how everything went for you. How is your baby? Are you and yoyr family doing well?

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FYI it took about 2-3 weeks to feel ok again after stopping the Subs. So I think it takes about that long to get out of your system. I would try stopping ASAP!

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