How Late Into Pregnancy Is It Safe To Stop Taking Suboxone? (Page 3)
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I am almost 14 weeks pregnant. I want to stop taking my Suboxone completely, but have heard it can cause premature labor if stopped too far into pregnancy. My doctor also said that withdrawals can not cause miscarriage or hurt the unborn baby in any lasting ways. I have been taking 2mg of subutex (now Suboxone) for the past week. Am I okay to cease all Suboxone use, or should I wait another week or so?

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Be sure to ween down to next to nothing before you quit for the little one, it's system is incredibly sensitive in the 2nd trimester. He/she will go through physical anxiety too if you haven't weened yourself down enough.. My doc said to, when you get there, take it every 36 hours, then 48, then 60.. This ensures it leaves your system enough so it doesn't compile the next dose again. Hope this helps.

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Don't feel like the worst person at all because you're not. Don't let others, or yourself, bring you down because it makes stopping that much worse. I stayed on it (subutex) throughout the pregnancy, just a very small dose at the end. So, you're doing very good. when I did quit, after my son was born, I had terrible anxiety but I think it was from stress of a new baby too. Even now, after not taking it for weeks, I still get anxious when thinking about it. Take it day by day. That's all you can do. Just make sure to do what's best for your baby at this point. Does your doctor know you're on it?

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I have about 5 days off coming up next week. My last dose will be this coming monday and i dont have to return to work till the following monday. Ive read that days 3 thru 5 are pretty much the worst as far as physical symptoms go. I refuse to give birth to my baby while on this medication. At this point it doesnt even feel like the dose is affecting me anymore. I dont even feel it. Probably the stress of just wanting to be off more than anything. Again id love to hear how things went for u. Any kind of reassurance and not feeling like the worst person on earth would be so helpful. Thank you.

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Thank you for your reply. Could u tell me more about how things went for u once u quit? Having terrible anxiety. I dont think its from coming off the sub but more from just wanting to be off it and have the stress off of me.

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At 26 weeks and that small of a dose, I would stop now if I were you. You don't want to be on it during the 3rd trimester. That's what my doc told me. I cut down that far and stopped around 24 weeks. It's not even that bad at that point.

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From my situation, if you're 26 weeks pregnant and have been taking suboxone the entire time then I wouldn't stop. However, I would ask to be switched to subutex (just bupenorphine) instead because the naloxone in the suboxone can hurt the baby more, developmentally that is. I wouldn't increase the amount you're taking, unless just feeling awful or not feeling your baby as active as when you were taking more. It is much better for the baby to withdrawal outside of the womb and for he/she to be monitored by a doctor--this is what my doctor told me. My son was fussy the first few weeks due to withdrawal I'm sure but after that he was fine and is the happiest little 4 month old you could ever see. If your doctor is saying it should be ok to stop taking it now, then do that but I'm just telling you, from experience, what I was told and what I learned. It is amazing to see this community of women coming together to talk about things that are very real. Don't ever beat yourself up over this. It's good you've cut back so much. That's a positive thing. You just don't want your baby going through withdrawals knowing there's not a lot you can do because he/she isn't born yet. Just talk to your doctor but definitely get on the subutex though if you plan on staying on anything. Don't just stop without informing your doctor because they may want to schedule NST's to make sure baby is handling withdrawals ok.

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I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant. I found out i was pregnant and already on sub. Around 2mg then went down to 1mg then a half of a mg and currently on .125 mg every other day. Would it be ok for me to stop now and not hurt the baby?

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I can only answer one question for you. If the suboxone is also buprenorphine then it takes 72 hours to leave your system. And then the slight withdrawls will begin. I'm sorry I can't answer more. First time mom here too sitting at 6 months right now, and this is the first I have seen of anyone being in my exact situation. Thank you for being brave. It gives me hope!

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I have read through all these threads and it has helped me so much I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant have been on suboxone for a year after a horrible pain pill addiction I went to treatment 18 months ago used suboxone for yhe withdrawls and stopped it after 6 weeks at 4 mil I went through horrible withdrawls for about 2 weeks than one month out of treatment I relapsed and got back on suboxone and after being on it for 9 months I tapered from 16 mil to 3 mil than found out I was pregnant my sub doc said he will taper me completely off before 3rd trimester I was lowering 1/2 miligram every 2 weeks and was constantly feeling stressed and withdrawls and wasn't making it through my script so at 1 1/2 mil I ran out 1 weeks early my doc is very strict with prescribing and won't prescribe early only maybe 3 days at the most so I knew I would have to go 4 days without and decided nows the time to stop so I stoppedal at 1 1/2 mil cold turkey I'm on day 11 now and this has been so horrible the withdrawls restless legs diariah hot cold flashes days without sleep at time feels unbearable some days I just lay their and cry feeling like I'm hurting the baby so much it's never gonna be OK bUT at this point theirs no way I'm going back I've made it 11 days and feel like I'm through the worst part of it I've researched everything I read if you have to withdrawal than its a safest to do it between 14 and 20 weeks so I'm just praying it will be OK I feel the baby move a lot so hopefully that's a good sign I did have a sub doc bit I was too scared to tell my ob doc so she doesn't know she has delivered my last 2 and I didn't take pills or anything with them so to tell her I was on this made me feel so embarrassed I hope I did the right thing I feel iny heart I have

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Same thing is happening to me. I'm only on 1 or 2 mg an im 35 weeks. I want to stop today but it is hard. I have 7 children already and i have never done any drugs with them. I feel really crappy an i am worried about my baby. I stopped opiates but at first was afraid of the withdrawal sending me into labor. Well that didnt happen i was In pain for two days then someone gave me a sub. I have been I them for two months now an i am ready to stop. I dont know how long it will take to get the subs out my system but i dont want my baby to have any withdrawal Symptoms.. Also someone said that docs do drug panels on newborns via their 1st poop. i dont know if its true or not i Just read it online. The evaluation goes back to about 20 weeks so they will see everything your baby was given. I just wanted to help give some info i had read about and also get this off my chest cause no one knows but me. And it is hard for me. Thanks. Hope this helps a Lil.

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Maya Marie,
I read your post about your situation. It's a good thing you're on subutex rather than suboxone. Before I was taking subutex, I was taking suboxone. I read that subutex was a bit healthier for the unborn baby because it doesn't have naloxone in it. I was the same as you though--telling myself I would stop and beating myself up about taking anything while pregnant. It wasn't until I quit telling myself I was this awful person that I was able to taper down successfully (that, and my husband helped as well) but it is much harder to even cut back when you are feeling so low about yourself. As you are aware, subutex not only helps you physically but mentally and emotionally as well. So, in my case, the more i heard from others or told myself how horrible I was, the more subutex I would take because I felt like it made me happier and forget the emotional pain I was feeling. It's a vicious cycle. I know you feel horrible but try not to. We are human. First start by just telling yourself you aren't a horrible person; that you're an addict. Then, if you have someone around that would support you both in this pregnancy and your addiction, tell them you want some help. Like I said, my husband took mine from me and gave me my dose everyday because I got to where I was going overboard with it. Once I told myself I wasn't a horrible person and that I needed help, it was much easier to taper down. I could have very well taken more but I wanted to prove to myself that I could taper down and I really wanted to make sure my baby wouldn't experience withdrawal or as little as possible. Bottom line, don't beat yourself up because it won't help you reach your goal of tapering down; You'll always want more to try and ease the emotional pain you're feeling. I wish the best for you. Please keep me posted. Oh, I've read stopping altogether could cause a miscarriage or premature birth and, by the way,I was on 6-8mg of suboxone up until my third month. I know you'll succeed--just keep your head up.

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My situation is the exact same as yours. I feel horrible and such an awful person. First thing I think about in the morning and last when I go to bed I also tell me self everyday I'm going to cut back and do a smaller dose but every day is the same doing the same amount and times I do everyday. And then searching the Internet trying to find simalar story's of mine I wanna rapper down but don't know if it's safe. I'm a lot sooner just prego only 5 weeks. I don't know what to do!! Hope to hear from you!

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I wanted to update everyone on my delivery. As some of you know from previous posts of mine, I was taking subutex for the last 6 months of my pregnancy--a 4 mg dose. Towards the end, my husband took my script from me and had me taper down so, when my son was born on October 19th, I was down to 1/2 mg to 1 mg per day. I had been on that amount for approximately 6 weeks. Going down, especially from 2mg to 1 mg, was super hard but it was mostly mental--in fact, I did not have any physical pain at all. My anxiety level shot through the roof, though, and I would get more irritable with others. Anyway, that subsided after a couple weeks of just getting used to the small amount. Anyway, I went in for blood work on October 19th. My blood pressure was too high so I stayed to get monitored for a bit--I didn't think I would end up having my son that day until they told me I was in labor and would need to stay. After my doctor broke my water--she noticed the cord coming out along with my sons head--his head was pushing on it causing oxygen loss--so I was rushed to the OR for an emergency c section. My husband wasn't even allowed in the OR because they had to move quickly and, by the way, our relationship has really grown and we are much stronger because of this pregnancy--he's been amazing. My son was born at 9lbs 1oz. We stayed in the hospital for 5 days because, in Texas, a newborn has to stay in the hospital for at least 5 days in order to monitor them for withdrawal symptoms, if any. The pediatric nurses go by a NAS scoring sheet (neonatal abstinence syndrome I think is the name--

My son scored very low each time they did their scoring which is a great thing--otherwise, he would have had to get put on medication to help with the subutex withdrawal and his stay in the hospital would have doubled, maybe tripled. Thankfully, my insurance is awesome and allowed me to stay an extra day as I was scheduled for discharge one day before my baby was supposed to leave. Word of advice to any woman who is pregnant and taking suboxone or subutex-- try to get down to as low of a dose as possible before your baby is born. It may be mentally uncomfortable for you but it will be worth it when you're in the hospital and your baby has little to no withdrawal symptoms--just as my baby did; he actually showed no signs at all but they're required, by state law, to keep them a minimum of 5 days to observe--withdrawal sets in for a newborn at around 46 hours of life; that's what i was told--so basically, two days old is when they will start exhibiting withdrawal symptoms and if they haven't had any by day 5, then they probably won't at experience it at all. Like I said, my son was cleared to go home on day 5 and, if you have a c-section then your insurance may be more understanding and will let you stay at the hospital with your baby so you don't have to leave them there alone. I wish all the best to all the mothers out there, especially those that suffer with addiction like I do. It has been so helpful for me to be a part of this group--I feel like I have so much support from everyone and hope I can do the same for those that might need it. We are all beautiful!!

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I am 16 weeks pregnant and i am taking subutex on a 2mg dose and it's making me sick very lightheaded and dizzy I want to stop taking it also I can't even go out food shopping without feeling like I'm going to pass out I have to go sit in the car until my moms done her shopping this is very annoying I see my doctor on Tuesday hopefully I am able to stop taking it with her approval...

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After my husband seen how healthy my son was even born 5 weeks early he understood why I didn't stop. We have our problems now but not because of that. I think when your child is born and he sees that you have a healthy baby he'll be ok. It will all work out. In 2012 if they knew to took Suboxone they would give the baby codeine or methadone without even waiting for any withdrawal symptoms. The nurses and Dr. that work at the hospital don't know what to do, they treat it the same as Methadone (in 2012). In Ohio they evaluate all babies, I love my kids more than myself and would tell them if they noticed any signs of withdrawal. They kept a close eye on my son because he was born so early. They were very surprised how healthy he was because I had high blood pressure. Withdrawal can last months even withdrawing from .05 of suboxone. Withdrawal is hard on your baby because what your body goes through, it's not your baby withdrawing. They are doing studies now on pregnant women taking Subutex.

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All OBs do an evaluation for drugs, your on such a low dose it may have not reached the levels on the diagnostic. I had a healthy baby on 160mgs on methadone. When I delivered it didn't come up on the u/a they gave us. They had to use blood work BUT it was because I was prescribed methadone. If suboxone does come up when you have your delivery, you may run into some problems with DHS. I had a csection, and could not be numb on spinal block but they gave me shots it my belly and no I did not feel the shots or delivery. Your on very low dose I don't think you will have trouble getting numb. Hope this helps.

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I can relate to your post, as I do with most of these posts I read. I know it sounds frightening but I feel that if you are just downright honest with both your doctor and your boyfriend, then eventually quitting will be much more of a reasonable goal. I am an addict and know, from personal experience, that not being honest about what you are doing can be more detrimental not just for you and your relationship, but for your baby ultimately because it only gives you more of a reason to keep taking the drug. I am married and tried keeping my sub use a secret for the first few months of pregnancy. That is a decision i regret--it caused so many unnecessary issues than if I had just come clean about it all from the beginning, not just with my husband but with my whole family. My husband ended up finding out and was very upset, angry, and disappointed--which I don't blame him. After he found out, he encouraged me to let my doctor know so she could at least be aware. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting after I told her. She didnt know much about subutex but has gathered more information since I told her and has actually thanked me for letting her know because she is able to help other women who are taking it. I just want you to know that keeping this a secret for too much longer may not be the best idea. I totally understand that it's a scary thought for your boyfriend to find out but think about your unborn baby--if you two are committed to one another and he really loves you, he will do what he can to help you out but he can't help you if he doesn't know. Just be honest with him--especially if you're wanting to taper down and eventually quit; carrying the guilt with you will make it more difficult to quit as the sub does affect you psychologically as well. I know that when I have felt guilty or ashamed because of all the lying that has come along with the addiction to the sub, that I want to take more--it's like, the more upset I feel whether due to bringing myself down or others tearing me down emotionally, the more I want to use. That's why I'm saying just be honest so that, at the very least, you don't have to live with the secrecy and keep beating yourself up. It's important to try to move forward so that you can, eventually, stop taking it. As for your baby, from what my OB has told me, it would be best to make sure you find a doctor--not necessarily your OB because they can't prescribe subs I don't think-- in your area who deals with pregnancy and addiction. Try to find one that will prescribe you Subutex because that is better for the baby than the suboxone. Suboxone has the extra drug in it--naloxone--so it can be more harmful for the baby. If you do find a doctor who does prescribe Subutex to pregnant women, make sure you tell them how much Suboxone you were taking and be totally honest so that they can prescribe you the right dosage; tell him/her what your goal is as far as wanting to stop and make sure that the goal is something both you and the doctor know you can achieve. Setting a goal that is too unreasonable will only bring you down more thus causing more usage. Try, throughout the pregnancy, to get to as low of a dose as you can. Because you're not very far along, you can slowly taper your dose down--I've read that you can do a 10 day taper which means you decrease the dose by no more than 1 mg every 10 days so if you're taking 16 now then, in 10 days, go to 15, then in another 10 days down to 14; 10 days later go to 13 mgs, etc. I hope that some of what I've said is encouraging to you. I wish you the best with your pregnancy and I know you will do what you can to keep you and your baby safe--keep your head up. Don't beat yourself up over this. Addiction is a real problem but as long as you're committed to the recovery process then you can do the taper so that your baby is born on the least amount possible.

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I totally agree, all of you need to tell your OB about the Suboxone. They need to be aware for delivery. It will also affect any medication given to you during delivery. Tell your doctor!!! It'll be OK.

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I am in the same boat. I just found out I am a month in and have been taking 8mg a day for four plus years. I want to tapper down to none for birth but my bf doesn't know I am even on them. It I tell my doctor cps will be involved and he will find out. I live a clean and sober life just subs are the only thing im still on. I am scared and was going to just stop them until I read how dangerous that is. I need answers also and am so scared.

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You guys are all adults and can make your own decisions about how to do things, but I will say from experience, when I was pregnant, before Suboxone got so mainstream and I lived in Alabama, where all you have is the methadone clinic, that the first time I told my OB/GYN that I was on a rx, she automatically assumed that it was methadone, and said so. It wasn't, it was benzos, but I learned through that interaction that doctors are so used to seeing people on maintenance drugs, that they're all prepared for it and know how to deal with it. For you, sweetheart, who haven't told your doc yet, you must do this. It is horribly dangerous for you to be on this, and your baby is on this drug too, without the doctor knowing. I say this because once you deliver, the baby must be de-toxed and how will the hospital know if you don't tell them? Also, some states are super strict on drug panels once you deliver and you don't want to have to explain all that then. You are risking a lot. Tell your doc asap, so you'll have time to get ready for this. He/she may be a little PO'd bc you waited so long, but the stigma you are fighting is not as bad as you imagine. Please let your doc know. I can't believe they're not having you take a drug panel when you go. Do it for your baby because you know you would never forgive yourself if something happened and all you had to do was speak up. Good luck!! It will be okay!!

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