How Do You Take Subutex? Swallow Or Put Under Tongue To Dissolve? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have a friend who takes suboxone & recently got a subutex given to him. I take suboxone myself but ive never heard of subutex until couple days ago. I would like to know how is subutex supposed to be taken? Under your tongue or do u swallow it? I am worried about my friend & i have searched every site possible on information on subutex but none of these sites say how it is suppose to be taken. what are the side effects of subutex? why do doctors give pregnant women subutex & not suboxone during pregnancy? i need to know any & all information on subutex. i have hidden the pill from my friend until i can try 2 find some information on it & he has been sick but i dont want anything bad to happen to him.also is subutex a small white round pill with number 8 on one side & an arrow on the other & does it come in any other forms or colors etc.? I'm desperate for answers!!!!!

148 Replies (8 Pages)

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if a person has been on subs for years,,I mean over whatever dose, sniffing 2mgs isnt going to make on differnce whatsoever..more than likely its just gona drain into your throat and nothing will happen at all. to get the best bang for your buck and most out of your MEDS, brush your teeth, rinse with antiseptic mouth wash (Listerine) and hold it tightly under ur tounge for as long as possible without swallowing.. its easier to break pill in half and put one on each side of under ur togue..All that will asborb into the blood system and DONT eat or drink anything for about 30mins after you dose..I like to do it while im in bed, before i get up for the day, brush lay down then i can have my dose under for over an hour and i feel it all day long thats for somone who been on 12mgs of Subs for 8yrs.. Dont sniff, its not worth it, really..

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Amen, Hockey Mom 2004. That is ridiculous he calls others ignorant. Especially, like you said, when he can't spell s*** or punctuate or anything. I'm no grammatical expert or anything, but I'm definitely not going to call someone ignorant if I couldn't spell 3rd grade level words. The only one who seems to be ignorant is L33t with that long ass response. Although, I will admit, some points are valid and correct, but others are just pure speculation and opinion being expressed as "scientific fact". First off the thing you say about 30mg of morphine, roxy, or oxy being the equivalent to 8mg of subutex/suboxone is just ludicrous. I think it really is not able to be compared due to the fact that everyone's tolerance is different. For instance, When I first tried suboxone, I took a 16th of a pill. Was gone all day long and even half of the next day, I mean higher than a roxy/oxy/morphine combined. Now when I take 8mg of suboxone I don't hardly even get any relief, but taking 8mg of suboxone is way too much anyways. I can take a 16th of Subutex on the other hand, and snort it, and feel great the entire day .. 12 hours. And yes despite what L33t says, I definitely recommend subutex ... f*** suboxone, do not snort, I mean you can, but from experience I wouldn't. If you or your friend has never taken subutex but take suboxone, i would start out with a very small amount, like an 8th of a pill or less (break it in half, break that half in half [left with quarters] and break that half in half and you will have an 8th, you can even break that or cut that 8th in half and have 16ths) and use that, give it about 15 20 minutes and you should be good to go. Also from my experience after snorting subutex for a few days then moving back to suboxone, if you are like me, the suboxone will no longer work like it did before. So if you can not readily get subutex or a script then it *could* be risky. Also, ** L33t ** says he does not get any type of buzz/high off his subutex/suboxone, but seemed to feel pretty great to type out that 9 1/2 page response, so I don't believe that for one second either. Get real with yourself.. Yes my response is long, but I'm not going to lie and say that I just didn't snort some subutex before typing this and that I do not feel great. Thank you very much for your time folks, I hope this response helps anyone looking for HONEST advice. Won't be the best advice for someone trying to get clean, but then again someone trying to get clean, shouldn't be taking subutex/suboxone, because that's not being clean.

PS: Again, ***L33t ***, saying that someone could die from opiate withdrawal is a little inaccurate, and the fact that you have the audacity to call others ignorant when you act like you are the most knowledgeable pill popper on the forum (haha) .. You can't die from an opiate withdrawal, you could die from a heart attack that was onset by opiate withdrawals but not from the withdrawal itself. So keep saying you're clean when you're still getting high ... That's as ignorant as it comes.

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Wat sucks is peaple get stung out subs. If U take for 5 or 6 days U won't get strung out. Good luck everyone.

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The best way is to snort em the white ones with the 8 on one side and an arrow on the other side are definitely Buprenorphine (subutex) 8mg. The white pills will make you feel very high if you have little to no tolerance. If so try to just do half and try not to let it drain to much. Do it enough to where it barely drains and lay down for 30 minutes til it dissolves in your nasal cavity. But the arrow ones suck the bigger white ones that have 54 411 on them are way better

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these meds are to be taken to get clean, they are not supposed to be snorted or injected like a f***ing junkie!!!! everyone on here taking that s*** needs to get their head clear. I am a recovering addict of 15 years and I am getting clean, all I can say is u all need help and I hope u get it before its to late.

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Stop playing God and doctor. Give your friend the dam Subutex before he overdoses on street drugs! Where did you get the entitlement? Ask yourself this.

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I have taken SUBUTEX for a little over 6 years now. Subutex is usually given in an impatient environment, and when you're discharged, you then go on Suboxone. I had a lot of bad side effects with the Suboxone and my Dr. Trusted me enough to prescribe Subutex to me as an out patient. I still see my Dr. Once a month and also go thru a counseling program which is required if you're in Subutex or Suboxone. They are BOTH (Subutex & Suboxone) suppose to be taken sublingualy. (Dissolve under your tongue). Suboxone contains Buprenorphine & Naloxone. Subutex is Bulrenorphine alone. Meaning....Naloxone blocks the opiate receptors in the brain and it is present in Suboxone to prevent misuse of the drug. If injected, the Naloxone will create a withdrawal feeling over the patient and it feels like the worst flu and sickness you could imagine. Subutex has Buprenorphine alone which can lead to misuse of the that's why Suboxobe is given in an outpatient setting and Subutex in an impatient setting.

But to answer your question. The safest and best way....and prescribed way to take both (Subutex & Suboxone), is to dissolve under your tongue.

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You couldn't of said it better. We all in the same muhfuccin game. Suboxene saved my life tho!

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I know I'm a little late but first off, who cares if this person is talking about themselves, they're probably still in denial, which is part of this least they're trying to get familiar with this Med. Second, stop judging because she's keeping this pill away from him. It clearly says that he was GIVEN the pill, no prescribed so he kinda has no right to have the pill. The difference between Suboxone and subutex is the naloxone. I was on Suboxone and just found out I am pregnant so I got switched to subutex because the naloxone is harmful to baby and I, plus when I have the baby, epidural wont work (which i wont have an epidural) im having a c-section so the med they give to numb and for pain wont work on me. Shame on all of u judging this person who is clearly just trying to get info to either help themselves or her friend whatever the case. If y'all are actually working a program, u would know that we do not judge our fellow addicts. If ur just taking subs and not working a program, Congrats for getting clean but ur not really sober. It takes more to be clean and sober then just taking a medication. One day at a time ladies and gentlemen. I hope y'all find ur peace.

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Suboxone and Subutex both contain the opiate Buprenorphine, the difference between them is the Suboxone also contains Naloxone, to help prevent the abuse of other drugs, while using it.

That is also the reason that Subutex is given to pregnant women, rather than Suboxone. To use Suboxone, since it contains Naloxone, you already have to be in withdawals, or it can put you into very severe ones. Withdrawals are very dangerous to a fetus, so it isn't used when a woman is pregnant.

And yes, Subutex is a sublingual tablet, so it is meant to be dissolved under the tongue.

As to your question on the tablet, yes, that is one of the 8mg ones, but it can also look different, because it is now available as a generic.

The side effects are basically the same as they are for other narcotics: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth.

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Dude....your info was greatly appreciated. I am trying to kick the subs out of my life completely. Was on Suboxone and now was just switched to subutex. I was only on 2 mg. of suboxone a day when I jumped off. Now the subutes. How do I take it and can I taper with out the side effects and withdrawl symptoms? I hate this evil cycle. thanks for your info.

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just so you know the amount of naloxone present in suboxone, oral or IV is too little to be active- the bupe is the real blocker not the naloxone, and is the reason why you did not feel the Vicodin.

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MY wife died on the plane that hit the Pentagon along with my child. A cruise missile you say??? I think all the opiates are frying your brain. I agree your spot on with all the Pharmacology and I couldn't agree more that Big Businesses like the Pharmaceutical companies run this Country... But your 911 conspiracy s*** just makes you sound like uneducated white trash strung out on Pain Meds. Not surprised your a supporter of Ron Paul.... I gonna take a shot in the dark here and say your lazy ass is on disability and you complain about the same govt that sends your monthly check and pro ally pays for your section 8 housing too. I'll continue to pay my taxes soo losers like you can get your dope in a pill. I don't believe in medication. I have 3 herniated discs and shrapnel all throughout my body from 4 tours of Duty as a Ranger fighting for the freedoms of unappreciative losers like yourself. I take NO medication....its all mind over matter. Its amazing what the bodies natural testosterone and dopamine can do for pain when you learn how yo channel it properly. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up off your lazy you know what

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Bull crap methadone gets you high as the pill you use to do , it will completely keep you knocked out .. I was on methadone for 7 years come out on a financial detox , and I thought I was gonna die , my legs would ache my body would ache , I had never been dope sick in my life , until I came off the methadone , it knock me out about 45 minutes after I had taken it . I'd sleep , nod in and out .. After I came off the methadone I was so sick I thought I'd die , I started shooting up , opanas and morphine , that's the only thing that keeps you from being so sick . I became so strung out . My family finally came and put me in the suboxen clinic . In less then a year I came from 2 sublinguar films a day to a half and I've been clean now over a year .. That methadone is a joke abd a money gimmick . Please take it from some one who knows

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Please check online to make sure its subutex. But every subutex I've ever seen has been a round white pill. NEVER abuse causes horrid effects when people do that. Its ONLY to be taken sublingual. ..under the tongue. It must dissolve all the way while under the tongue. not swallowed.

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You need to do some They do make subs in 12mg strength

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Ok so i have been on subutex for 3 months now and i am trying to figure out how it works best for me, i usually swallow after about 15-20 mins but it just doesnt seem to do as i want it too. My husband takes suboxone an is like high all the time but i dont want to feel like that but i want energy an im not getting it and im feeling depressed alot, aggitated ALOT!!! But what im wondering is should i try spitting it out and how long should i keep it in my mouth before spitting out? I know i will NEVER feel like i did when i took methodone but i just NOOOOO energy anymore so can someone help me here????

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I just have to say that the use of naloxone with the bupe (AKA suboxone) to stop people from shooting (injecting) it is absurd and DOES NOT work in that way. I myself, along with many of my friends have dissolved both the strips and pills and injected them for reasons I will not go into here. However, we DID NOT experience instant withdrawal or any other bad side effects when doing this. In fact, it became our preferred method. It's been years that we have been doing this, leaving us to wonder what exactly the purpose of the naloxone is. Any doctors out there care to reply with an honest answer?

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The small round white pill that has 8 on a side and an arrow on the other is a different, less efficient form of subutex, called Buprenorphine arrow. I've been on this pill for 2 months and it's working for me. Plus, it's waay more affordable than Subutex! If any1 has more beneficial info, please text it so we can all benefit from it. Thanks

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HI i have been using subutex now for a few years and it is a sublingual tablet which means it is designed to disso;ve under the tongue. Do not swallow these tablets as they will have no effect also people have been misusing subutex by crushing the tablet and snorting it! most dont realise that you only need one milligram of the tablet crushed and snorted to have a heavy effect and snorting more than this can be fatal to someone who has no tolerence to opioid drugs!!! so be warned!!! taken the correct way they will allieviate withdrawal from heroin or methadone but you must be in the withdrawal stage to take subutex and if taken when you have other opiates in your system will only send you into a withdrawal and it is a bad place to be so make sure you are cold turkey before you administer subutex or suboxone!! suboxone is the same as subutex in the way the drug works but suboxone contains a blocker and also cant be injected like subutex! they are lemon flavoured too and its good how it works as it allieviates withdrawal but if you take heroin then the suboxone blocks the receptor site so the heroin cant attach to your receptor and give you a high and can also make you feel very ill so be careful, i hope this helps you to understand about this medication take care x

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