How Do You Take Subutex? Swallow Or Put Under Tongue To Dissolve? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have a friend who takes suboxone & recently got a subutex given to him. I take suboxone myself but ive never heard of subutex until couple days ago. I would like to know how is subutex supposed to be taken? Under your tongue or do u swallow it? I am worried about my friend & i have searched every site possible on information on subutex but none of these sites say how it is suppose to be taken. what are the side effects of subutex? why do doctors give pregnant women subutex & not suboxone during pregnancy? i need to know any & all information on subutex. i have hidden the pill from my friend until i can try 2 find some information on it & he has been sick but i dont want anything bad to happen to him.also is subutex a small white round pill with number 8 on one side & an arrow on the other & does it come in any other forms or colors etc.? I'm desperate for answers!!!!!

148 Replies (8 Pages)

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Hi, please I need your advice. What other medication can be used with Subutex to prevet the withdrawal, itching,stomach cramp and body pais.

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No, this is why I take subutex as opposed to suboxone. I also can't stand the orange taste.

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Ok no I have been off opiates for 6 months now iam so much happier life is so much smoother a couple of months back I could not see my self drug free but I do admit it was rocky at first I am human an my Dr understood I had a problem with opiates so I could not hide that I was using I have to pee every time I go in now I don't use at all an I am proud of my self an my family is to I had friends die an family die from overdoses an I did not won't to be the next in line I am the daughter of a famous t.v actor an I did not won't to hurt my father by dieing from drugs it would not have been good so subtex is good for this kind of problem it is a blessing I cont believe how it works an it changes your life dramatically

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Lol did you really have to share your entire life story of which you repeated about 20 times and I only got halfway thru your non sense before I stopped reading. Stop crying like a damn school girl you went to rehab and abused vicodin of course you are going to be "red flagged" at the ER.

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You sound so dumb when you say sh*t like that. If you had any brains or common sense you would look past the technicality of the spelling and comprehend the info that he took time to answer... I do believe my friend..your the stupid one and probably in denial. Now you better go check my spelling and make sure I put my commas and period dots in the right place. Your such a genius I'd hate to annoy you for bad grammar.

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I took suboxone for two years at 24mg a day. Getting off of the stuff was the most miserable experience in my entire withdrawal career. I have come off of heavy benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opiates, the hardest kick was suboxone. I did a rapid 7 day taper from 24mg to 0mg. I experienced withdrawal symptoms in some form or another for two months. I thought at one point I would never get better or recover. It is a terrible drug for abusers as a maintenance plan.... Too hard to get off of.

The naloxone in my suboxone never prevented me from getting high on other opiates/opioids while I was on the suboxone regularly at 24mg a day. You simply end up having to take more of the opiate/opioid on top of the suboxone to get the effects you want.

For example you can be on suboxone, high dose, and go to an ER for an injury, tell them you are on suboxone, and if they treat you with pain medication they will simply give you a much larger dose of the pain medication because of the naloxone. The naloxone is not an effective drug imo.

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Hey I really agreed with ur post about subutex. How ya doin?

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Give your friend their meds! How dare you play with someones life you claim to care about. Control freak!

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Herbie, I'm not trying to call you out but you are giving lots of incorrect information. buprenorphine the active ingredient in Suboxone and Subutex is only absorbed sublingually. If you swallowed them you would get no benefits. It is not absorbed in the stomach. Additionally naloxone does NOT have the action of keeping you from feeling high. It is in the medication to deter IV drug users from injecting it. If injected it is supposed to act as a reversal for opiates. It is what they give a person in the ER if the have overdosed. I don't think it works like the manufacturer planned because I've been in groups with people that have injected the suboxone tablets and films.

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Mate believe me swallowing subutex does not work, the stomach acid absorbs it faster than it can get in your blood stream. I'm an addict. I'm absent from both crack and herion and worse, methadone... thank f***. but I am on subutex and under the tounge is the most affective and medically approved way... but like me when I got chucked in jail I had to do a raw rattle off £2000 a day crack and herion addiction, mostly crack and methadone benzos and psychotics. my point is when I was a month clean my fellow lifers were taking subutex, so I tried it. Tolerance builds up and you do it to stop rattling (w.d). my most valid point try not to use any drugs ANY as if you don't already know it f***s your health but you don't feel it as any opiates are painkillers so you mask any underlining illnesses you have. be safe people. be aware of what and how you put in your body. In England there's an old skool saying YOU WEREN'T BORN WITH CHEMICALS IN YOU SO WHY DIE WITH CHEMICALS IN YOU!!!!

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My Daughter was prescribed Subutex. She used to abuse pills. She called and asked if she could snort them. Please let me know what info anyone may have on this subject since I'm worried for her health.

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Subutex is buprenorphine which is an opioid derivative. Suboxone is buprenorphine PLUS naloxone which is an opiate blocker.naloxone can be dangerous for a fetus which is why pregnant women are given subutex.

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Subutex and saboxone are pretty much exactly the same apart from saboxone has neltraxon in it which is a blocker so you would take it and treat it the same way the reason they swap saboxone for subutex is because they have done more testing on pregnant people whilst on subutex and they are not sure about the saboxone on pregnant ladies as their has been very limited testing regarding the neltraxon that has been put in the saboxone but please give your friend their medication as they will be very ill threw withdrawing from the bupermorphine in it and subutex comes in loads of different shapes depending on the manufacturing company hope this helps :-)

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They give pregnant women suburex instead of suboxone because of the opioid blocker in it. Subutex does not have the blocker. The blocker is what is harmful to pur liver and baby

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Yes, it has an 8 on one side and an arrow on the other

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there are so many diffrent shapes stuff for subutex. google it and it will tell you the shapes and colors and stuff. just not how to take it. If anything suboxen is the best thing cuz even if u take something wit suboxen its a blocker it wont work. subutex isnt a blocker. I put both the subutex and suboxen under my tounge it tastes a lil gross what not as bad as u would think. swallowing them for me has not been such a good idea it dont work for me. if someone is sick and you have a suboxen or subutex then give it to them. it will help them feel better.

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Just for you're information, you can swallow subutex, and it works rather efficiently. Also, if you snort subutex, you get around twice as much of the Bupe as say putting under your tongue. And lol at the xanax + alcohol, dick in your hand HAHA

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Yes, the small white pill is a subutex and there is also a brand that is larger, white, and has the numbers 411 on it. It is the same as suboxone but does not contain naloxone (bupe only with cornstarch and other fillers). It should be taken under the tongue, however it is often abused by snorting or even injecting it. Injecting is very dangerous and can cause deep vein thrombosis which can lead to vein hardening and amputation, and possibly even death. If your friend is sick he should be getting his own prescription and not have only one pill that you are hiding. I'm not judging but thinking maybe it was purchased on the street...get him to a suboxone doctor for help. The subutex is usually only prescribed to pregnant women because of possible negative side effects from the naloxone that is found in suboxone.

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If you had gotten the meds legally you would know this but since you must need them n since they should be OTC for all to use when needed Ill explain.Suboxin has a blocker in it so you dont get high if you shoot up.NEVER swallow subs.Cut into 8 pieces.Put 1 piece under your tounge. DO NOT DRINK EAT OR TALK.for no less than 5 min it needs to disove there.At 10 min SPIT IT OUT.It is not meant to be in your stomach.Its like toothpaste.If you do not feel 1000 times better take 1 more n repeat,no drink ,smoke,eat,talk.SPIT at 15 min.then brush teeth n rince mouth at the least.this should keep most people well 12 to 48 hours depending on your system.this leaves you w 6 pieces left.Wait as long as you can inbetween doses n you will have a better time weaning off.Do AA classes just to get a support person .Without support this is a hard battle.Hope this helped.

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Thank u for ur service to this country.I was checkn this site out because Ive been taking subtex almost a year now,& I've been considering quitting.So I'm googling around the topics on the net.You, I'm sure, hav amazing control as to mind over matter & I respect that ability as well as ur sacrifice 4those of us that couldn't or sadly those that careless and wouldn't stand & fight 4our freedom & safety.I didn't really understand the context or content of the posts between u & the "conspiracy guy" sorry this chick is late 2the table it seems.But once I read ur post I just felt (& im sorry 2 every1 for this off topic post) the need 2tell u that I appreciate u.I appreciate ur service.I truly appreciate ur sacrifice 4me.& Im glad that even thru the the receipt of multiple,varied & severe wounds,still dealt with 2day,& possibly the rest of ur days,that u hav been blessed w/the ability to maintain & positively affect ur physical pain.I unfortunately don't share the ability tho I truly wish I did,but I will continue searching for a way 2manage my pain,control the tendency toward addiction & hopefully still find my way off the subutex.I do admit I find the prospect of not taking it anymore disconcerting,& I've only just started the consideration.I hope I havnt offended ne1 going so far off topic I hav yet 2finish exploring this thread of posts but as I said I just felt the need 2stop here & express my gratitude 2this man 4 his sacrifice & deeds done n service 2us all.

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