How Can I Get Subutex Not Suboxone? (Page 19) (Top voted first)


I don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug.

390 Replies (20 Pages)

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Every person who thinks naloxone\narcan is the blocker is under educated on the matter. I mean damn read about the f***ing Dru people!!!!! It pisses me off to no end. bupe itself is the blocker end of story. I've used every version of the drug and I by no means condone that whatsoever and was at an idiotic time in my life. You cannot do other opiates before or after either versions as well.

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Does any body know of a subutex doctor in Broward County?

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So this doctor will prescribe Xanax or klotapin as well, I live in ky and thinking very seriously about trying this the subutex covered by Obama care, how many does he write.?

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People misunderstand addicts all the time it pisses me off beyond belief!!!! If you have never dealt with addiction then frankly I do not believe your opinions matter much here. We have a disease that is in remission. We strive everyday to beat it another day. I personally ask how I could possibly obtain subutex over suboxone because strips give me the worst migraine!!!! No we do not feel high!!!! This is just like a diabetic taking insulin everyday. Dude you nailed it in your message. I wish people whom never dealt with addiction, and wanna throw in there two sense should do some research on addition. I can't stand because addicts have a past there not entitled to have a great future.

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I had a huge tolerance to opiates and I assure you they will let you dose at a level where you are high. You will be nodding in and out all day. Then you have methadone patients whom take Dramamine to intensify the effects of Methadone. So many Methadone patients die all the time because if your using a local Methadone clinic the doctor all the way down to your counselor doesn't give a crap if your stable on your dose at all. During the time I was still in the Methadone clinic back in 2010-2011 I lost both of my parents. I got to where I was taking so many xanax's and failed every drug panel given to me and was never clinically detoxed. Everyone knows those two drugs taken together can be fatal. Thank god he carried me while I was being so reckless!!!!! Thanks to my husband for getting me out of that place. I would never suggest a Methadone clinic to anyone struggling with kicking the habit.

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Omg why are you people referring addicts to the Methadone clinics??? Its the worst possible solution!!! You think the withdrawals from those pain killers are bad??? Methadone is 100 worse and can last months. Methadone Set's up in your bones and fat cells. It ruins your teeth. I prefer Subutex or Suboxen please at least do research on all three of them before choosing.

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They saved mine to because the Methadone clinic don't actually care about there patients!!!! Its all about the Benjamin's to them!!!

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If u want to get off sub's eat tramodol/ultram it worked for me I ate tramado for a week and a half and was totally off them with no withdrawl gaurañteed tramadol is a non narcotic pain pill that actually feels like a prescription pain pill or subox

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why do you think someone who "wants to be sober" would have to take suboxone over subutex? they both do the same thing. what on EARTH are you talking about? "have your cake and eat it too"? please explain yourself, and maybe do some research before making such bold statements that dont really make sense.

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If you took four oxy 80s at once you'd be dead. Get the suboxone, it helps. Only reason you want subutex is so you can still use other drugs cause it doesn't have blocker. Grow up geez, your whinning is getting on my nerves.

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Hey where are u from? I have hep c and subs make me sicker than a dog and Tex don't make me sick. I'm in middle Tennessee and last year they passed that law about pregos and breast feeding woman can only be prescribed Tex.

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What if you are a person, like myself, who has never taken illicit drugs or abused an opiate tablet, and has been on suboxone for over 5 years and just do not feel the same benefit/efficacy from it any longer? I have wanted to try subutex for a few years now. Also, since being on Medicaid, I am no longer able to take the generic tablet, which I definitely preferred to the film which I now have to take. I asked my subox doc (who I had for 5 years) about switching to, or at least trying the subutex, and he lightheartedly told me No. I take my recovery pretty damn seriously, have regular therapy, and take a few other medications to treat my depression and anxiety diagnoses. I am not looking to throw away my almost 6 years of being full-agonist opioid free so I can get subutex to misuse it and experiment with things I've never done before and at almost 46 years old, getting too old to even consider such sickness. Why is it that I should not be given an opportunity to try subutex when I am not at all at the risk of doing inappropriate things with this medication and it may be just what I need to feel more comfortable in my sobriety as I did before?

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CHOOKYGIRL: Why do you think you can take opioids along with Subutex and not Suboxone? Let me guess....because the Naloxone is an "opiate blocker", correct? Well, please stop dispensing mis-information because you are wrong. The Bupenorphine is a partial-agonist, partial-antagonist opioid, which means the BUPE ITSELF is a "blocker". You can not "abuse opioids along with Subutex", unless you consider hard-core precipitated withdrawals to be part of the fun. I sincerely hope no one listens to what you just wrote, because you are going to send someone into a bad rattle.

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thanks, James, i appreciate your saying so....i have the unfortunate perfect case-in-point this very uncomfortable sunday night of Mischief, 10/30, as i am starting to go into withdrawal from not getting my suboxone due to the ongoing bulls*** games i play with both my doctors office, as well as blue cross blue shield of de...i love my suboxone doctor, but let's be honest, a doctor is as good as his or her office staff, and this office is straight out of HELL as they are so insanely incompetent and after having 6 years of success on suboxone this past 9/30, in the last 2 months i have been forced into precipitated withdrawals 3 or 4 times now. it's been a real nightmare and just when i have battled through all of the crap and think i got all of the bases covered, they up the game. unfortunately, i have had to temporarily go on medicaid in delaware the last 9 months. when i was on suboxone the first 5 years, i had private AETNA insurance thru my employer. thank GOD i was able to have it that way for 5 years!! 5 solid years of total success, no relapsing back on full opiates and never even thought about it, totally returned to having a normal and mostly rewarding life and took sub as prescribed. i am not ashamed to say at this time, even after 6 years, if i remain on it longer and/or indefinitely, so what I don't care and people who have an issue with that haven't walked in my shoes, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? Yeah well tell government paid health care that!!! they want to continually go on & on & on about the huge crisis and epidemic of opiate-related addictions and overdoses, accidental or otherwise, yet i know i am not the only good person out there who is using the necessary evil of medicaid right now, and why not? i paid into it all of my adult tax paying life, so now here it is for me when i really need it, only i am getting the feeling they WANT ME TO SCREW UP because they do NOT like having to pay for these expensive suboxone films. they are total a**holes and i took the pills for 5 years and never liked the film, and i even adjusted to the generic pill, which is cheaper of course, but NO, they don't like the tablet because they say it is easier for the F*** UPS who abuse this system, to give them to each other and sell and cash & carry them around, which is just completely INSANE to me. i mean come on, it's this very small thin foil packet barely thicker than paper, do they really think the films aren't being sold on the streets as well as the tabs? no, what it REALLY is, is that they are getting the expensive brand name film for FREE from the drug manufacturer, which is why it is the only kind we are allowed to get. I never went through withdrawal from sub during my first 5 years and i never ran out. in my 6th year of suboxone, quite honestly, i don't know how I have made it this far, other then for the fact to go in any other direction clearly is not an option for me at this stage in the game. sorry, i am venting. just very upset & frustrated and feel like doing harm to the evil entity i have to go thru to keep my sobriety.

I only had insurance pay for my prescription the 1st five years - I DID have to pay for the monthly doc visit, yes, he was a greedy guy, but i still liked him enough to pay him lots of money from 2010-2015 and it was worth it because i had a good job and thought nothing of the money after a while because it was so much better then the pathetic way I was living prior to this!
Ok so Medicaid has no idea of my 5 years before them and that i was a shining example of what a suboxone patient is supposed to be, so i get treated like a junkie 3 days out of free rehab and every appt i have to give them urin, which i will never get used to. my other doctor asked me for urin maybe 2 or 3 times in 5 years. he knew i was working a program. so i gave urin on 9/21 and health insurance decided on 10/27 that it wasn't RECENT ENOUGH URIN??? so i go in friday 10/28 and piss in the cup and now i do what? wait for the results? how long does this take? does anybody know? i have asked anybody i can ask in my line of fire, and either they are incompetent *****s working at my doctors office, which of course they really are, or they bounce me back to "THE OTHER GUY". i love my new suboxone doctor, she is a wonderful lady and i truly like her, but the reality is is that she is only as good as her staff, and her staff is HORRIBLE and they don't give a s*** that I have been forced into withdrawal 3 different times now since AUGUST due to their lazy, half assed, slow, incorrectly filled out paperwork and pre authorizations to be faxed, or sending things too late in day, or flat out forgetting and lying to me that they did, as if i cant found out. and what is even more upsetting is that i am a sissy with stuff like this, even when i know i am right and within reason to feel as i do, i will have to call doctors office tomorrow to inquire about this whole u/a process, as i have a majorly vested interest in it seeing as i am in withdrawal and feel like DEATH BREAD. the office b**** is mean to me and talks to me like garbage and resents that i am trying to make her do her freakin job. lazy lazy lazy and unbelievable unprofessional. she is missing her front teeth and wears fake hair that is beyond obvious and looks awful, and she answers the phone of a doctors office as though she has just rolled out of bed. but this is what i am stuck with because so many docs around here aren't taking new patients. what does one have to do to get one of the good doctors? or at least, good office staff? i have to be careful of what i tell my doctor, because if i complain about her awful help from circus hell, they will be even meaner to me and probably start tainting my urin samples. i just would like to know, when one has provided a sample on a friday and are told the samples get picked up every day, then what happens? is it possible that my urin will be evaluated monday and i can get my suboxone monday if its early enough? oh no, i have to wait for the pre auth to be faxed by the toothless office pig who doesnt like to be told she has to do things for patients in order for them to not keep going in withdrawal. i can't wait to find a new doctor, God willing, and look forward to the day i get to finally post a real legitimate review on their website. i am going to destroy this woman as she is now destroying me with her negligence.

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hi kkh, thanks for your 11/21 message, a definite LOL on appropriate "bs" username remark, and finally, yes agreed on that people mostly do NOT suck, lmao...soooo not like me to spout off like that & major reinforcement on my "just read but do not post comments" policy when i am in a completely sideways state of mind and/or in suboxone withdrawal due to error & incompetency on behalf of the 'establishment'....dani

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I get bad sweats and compulsive behavior from suboxone. Subutex is a better alternative. But if u plan on just getting high. Well you will ruin it for everyone else. There is a federal movement to ban this drug completely. It will happen it's just a matter of time,when no one can get it.

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Re: sunshine (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I know that here in tn if you have hep c and the Dr refuses to give you suboxone he will write you subutex, mainly due to it affecting your liver and kidneys. But tn has some dumb ass rules in order to get subutex. Either u have to be pregnant or breastfeeding (they cut u off when the baby is 6 months to a year old), u have to have a Dr statement saying that you are allergic to the blocker in the suboxone, or have hep c. I've been on subutex for 2 almost 3 years and here in tn no doctor will take me and give me subutex bc I'm not pregnant any longer. I can not take suboxone due to it swelling my throat up, causing stomachaches, and headaches. Good luck to you honey.

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Re: Ryleigh (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is super old but I switch between subutex, suboxone and Methadone every few days. I never get sick. Just relief. It is just what I can get my hands on every few days. I wish I could go to rehab and get my s*** together but I have a baby (miraculously not born addicted because I tapered down as much as possible for the last 6 months of my pregnancy and only took subutex), not really sure if that matters. I’m currently on a waiting list for the nearest sub doc. I’ve had my husband take away all of my access to cash because I’m still a sick junkie. A functional one but still. I’m glad I came across this old post. I pray my daughter never ends up like me. A closet junkie. It sucks.

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Re: nicky24 (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever find one? I'm close to morristown and I'm looking for one also. Thanks for any info

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Re: swiss (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Very critical and that's YOUR experience. I came off 180mlg of methadone miraclesly survived after 4 months in detox.Ive been addicted to opiates 4decades. Subs saved my life!!!

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