How Can I Get Subutex Not Suboxone? (Page 18)
UpdatedI don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug.
BOBBY: If you are talking about the "highs" from Suboxone/Subutex...I hear ya. Any legit opioid addict with an ACTUAL habit won't feel high from Subutex. And all these people trying to figure out how to keep using their drug of choice while on Subutex/Suboxone....why are you even ON this stuff? Do it right or don't waste my time.
Its the same thing so not sure where u got that from just saying
MALEAKE: Not sure where WHO got WHAT from? Unfortunately when you hit "REPLY" on here, it just posts the comment on the forum in general, not to anyone specific.
I think it is absolutely necessary to take, and manage my own inventory not everyone else's. Its so important (for myself) that I dont look outside the box otherwise I will set myself to fail. These drugs are mind altering and very tricky. For me I follow all the suggestions that apply to recovery not failure. I fought, bounced around did all I could to micro manage this medication when the anwser is on the outside of the bottle. All I needed was to follow the instructions, and I'll be damned its been 3years plus plus and I have not picked up. So for that I am so very thankful. Please hang in there all it will work for you as well. : )
To anyone who has questions regarding subutex vs. suboxone, I can tell you what I went through and the drastic difference between the two medications. A lot of doctors will tell you that the naloxone component to suboxone has little to no side effects and "most people" do not notice a difference. When I was on suboxone, I told my doctor that it made me depressed as hell, I mean damn near suicidal, and he would try to justify keeping me on it. I began my research on the Internet, and of course, there were hundreds and hundreds of people saying the exact same thing. Armed with this information, I went to my next appointment and showed my doctor what I had printed out on the topic. He finally agreed to give me a trial of buprenorphine 8mg 3 times daily, and within 24 hrs I was a new man. My depression was gone, my stomach no longer felt chronically empty, it was life-changing for me! DO NOT LET YOUR DOCTOR TELL YOU THAT NALOXONE HAS VERY FEW SIDE EFFECTS OR THAT YOU HAVE TO STAY ON SUBOXONE, IT'S ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE, IT'S WELL DOCUMENTED, AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO SUFFER! IF YOUR CURRENT DOCTOR IS UNWILLING TO SWITCH YOU TO SUBUTEX/BUPRENORPHINE, FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR!
EKIDROCKS: When I started on Bupe, I started on Suboxone, not Subutex. My migraines increased and I was nauseous 24-7. After a week, I was switched to Subutex, and the horrible side effects went away. Turns out I am allergic to the Naloxone in the Subutex. So there can most definitely be bad side effects from a very small amount of Naloxone (it has less than 10% bioavailability when taken sublingually). But those things have nothing to do with the intended effects of the Naloxone on the addicted brain. People think that the Naloxone is the "blocker" in Suboxone, but it was only put into Bupe to keep people from taking it intravenously, where the bioavailability is 100%.
Anyone who is needing Subutex instead of Suboxone because of having a bad reaction to Naloxone needs to get documentation from their physician or an ER doctor stating what is going on. My records state that I am allergic to Naloxone.
Very well stated,I can't take exception to anything you shared regarding the validity of rx ing subutex as opposed to suboxone.I differ in the suggestion to seek a new prescriber since realistically speaking access to specialized professionals,Financial considerations and availability of pharmacies willing to fill them creates a true DILEMA for the patient being treated with suboxone . I'm pleased you found an alternative and wish everyone could, AS IT SHOULD BE.
How long did it take you to finally get them to actually believe it was a true allergy? Did you have a hard time finding a pharmacy to fill it for you? Was the cost for this a consideration for you? You seem to be very knowledgable in this protocol
THEKINGPIN: When I started Bupe in 2009, I didn't know anything about this drug. I didn't know there was a difference between the two, etc. I was already a migraine sufferer at the time. I was on the Suboxone for about a week-10 days, and had a migraine almost every day while on it. (at the time, I was getting migraines about once a week, so this was unusal) I also had extreme, chronic nausea while on the Suboxone. I was miserable to the point of not even being able to work. The doctor wanted to see me back in his office to see how I was doing and I told him I was having all these problems. He switched me immediately to Subutex, and within a day or two, the migraines and nausea went away. So when I saw him the next month to get my refill, he noted in my file that I had a "extreme sensitivity/allergy" to the Naloxone.
As far as how much the Suboxone cost, I don't remember since it has been almost 7 years ago, and I was only on it for a week or so. I do remember that it was a little more than the Subutex, but I have United insurance, so my co-pay for a month's worth of Subutex was only about 30 bucks. I am fortunate that my spouse has good insurance, as I am a part time research assistant, part time fly fishing guide, and as you may know, part time usually equals "no insurance". As far as the pharmacy, I remember that when I first switched over, it took them a day to get a supply of the Subutex, since all they had was Suboxone. After that, it was never a problem. Since they had to "order" the Subutex, I have a feeling I was the only customer at that particular Walgreens who was on Subutex, and they kept some in stock for me.
That doctor has since retired from seeing patients (I actually work with him now though) and my current doctor also noted in my file that I have a Naloxone allergy. I am currently on tablet Methadone instead of Subutex, and am titrating down slowly, having gone from a starting dose of 90 mgs, down to 70mgs. Will be going down to 65 mgs in the next week or so. Methadone just works better for me, Subs work better for others. Let me know if you have any more questions.
Hi kkh, this is dani. I think we have chatted before on here...Sorry if I just don't remember your particulars, but I am wondering how long altogether, between your short time on suboxone and then taking subutex, were you on bupe altogether? How did you make the switch from subutex to methadone? Did you have nasty side effects with the subutex, as well? I have posed the question on here a few times now & haven't gotten an answer to date, asking in what is the difference between suboxone & subutex, to be hopefully answered by someone with a history similar to mine, in that I have only ever had suboxone (in both pill & film form), and have never had heroin or methadone. I started taking suboxone october 2010 for opiate addiction, and for me that was just your standard myriad of percocet, vicodin, oxycodone, oxycontin, & any other med in that arena. I have not had a relapse at all since taking suboxone, as prescribed all this time, never got it by any shady means & even had the same doc my first 5 years on it, but just the same, even though it's helped, I find more & more I just have too many days where I am getting nasty headaches & have a nauseous stomach. Sometimes chewing on a tums or alka seltzer chewable takes the edge off of the nausea. I have always loved eating & been a pretty fit gal, but my appetite has gone to hell in a hand basket the last 3 years or so, where eating is just more of a necessity then something to be enjoyed, ya know? Also, isn't methadone a full agonist opioid, though perhaps not one of the stronger and more addictive ones? I don't want to come off ignorant in any way and have lots of reading over the years but come across conflicting info at best. For whatever reasons, it seems since suboxone was fda approved, methadone was no longer the drug of choice for opiate addiction, though I guess it is still the main "Go to drug" for heroin addiction - is this correct? Or maybe is it that you are a chronic pain sufferer & this is why you take methadone now? Just curious. Always trying to remain open to other therapies, especially since more & more I am not as comfortable with suboxone as I used to be. Maybe this is because I can no longer take the tablet & only get the film, not sure.
DANI: Yes I remember talking to you a while ago. Let me see if I can at least answer MOST of your questions.
So I was on Bupe from 2009 to 2014, and now just over two years on the Methadone, 2015-present. I was always on the tablet Subutex, and never did the film, as Subutex only comes in tablets. Now I am on tablet Methadone that I get from a doctor, so I don't go to the Methadone clinic. I have done the Methadone clinics in the past though. I am currently on 70mgs of Methadone, and have titrated down from a starting dose of 90mgs. I am getting ready to go down another 5mgs to 65mgs in the next week or two. I go down to 5mgs, wait until I am FULLY adjusted (usually about 4 to 6 weeks) and then I go down another 5mgs.
When I switched from Bupe to Methadone, the doctor I was working with was retiring from seeing patients. We talked about the fact that I would probably do better on the Methadone, but since he was getting ready to retire, he needed to find me a doctor that would prescribe it for me, which he did. I also suffer from fibromyalgia, and that is "technically" what it is prescribed for. If you are on Methadone purely for addiction/recovery, it is very hard to find a private doctor to prescribe it, and you end up at the clinic. With my work, I can not do the clinic system. (I am often gone for days or weeks at a time, in remote places that don't have Methadone clinics)
Physically, making the switch from Bupe to Methadone is easy, It's switching from Methadone to Bupe that can be a problem, since Methadone is so long acting. It is recommended that you be on 30mgs or lower before switching to Bupe, and you need to stop the Methadone AT LEAST 48 hours before. The more you are on, the longer you have to wait. I recently worked with someone who was on a fairly high dose of Methadone, 75mgs, and they went into precipitated withdrawals EVEN AFTER 6 DAYS OFF THE Methadone! But I just stopped taking the Subs and started the Methadone the next day, no problem. It took a few days to figure out what the proper dose was though, so I felt pretty crappy for a day or two as my doctor started me on a low dose and then went up.
I never had any "nasty side effects" from the Subutex, only from the Suboxone because of the Naloxone. You may indeed have a Naloxone sensitivity or even an allergy. Have you been taking it without problems, and just NOW are feeling side effects? That one has me a bit puzzled. People's body's change though, and as we get older, we can actually develop allergies to things that were never a problem before.
Yes, Methadone is a full-agonist opioid, just like Vicodin, Oxycodone and Morphine. Bupe is a partial-agonist, partial-antagonist opioid, which makes it a bit trickier to deal with. Methadone it is just as physically addictive as any other opioids, and tough to get off of. That's why I have to titrate down VERY SLOWLY. I may have to be on a small dose of Methadone for life, but I would like to TRY to get off of it, or at least come down to a lower dose. My doctors say that people with long term or "stubborn" addictions (like me) seem to do better on Methadone, since it is full-agonist. He also says I need to look at it like a diabetic who needs to take insulin in order to be healthy. There are some of us who would really struggle without some sort of ORT, and if I can't completely come off of the Methadone, then so be it.
It sounds like Bupe is working for you, but the Naloxone is messing with your body. You may want to bring this up to your doctor, and see if you can get Subutex instead. You have been clean this whole time, and are not someone who uses needles, so hopefully your doctor (or another doctor) can help you. The only reason that Naloxone is even in Suboxone is to keep addicts from taking the pure Bupe intravenously. Very little of the Naloxone is absorbed when taken sublingually (less than 10%) but it is of course 100% absorbed when taken intravenously. This is called the bioavailability of a drug. So if an addict takes the Suboxone intravenously, they get a big whammy of that horrible Naloxone, and you don't want that. But taking Subutex intravenously is a joke anyway. Anyone with a legit opioid habit isn't going to feel "high" from Subutex, no matter how they do it, or how much. That's how it's designed to work.
I am a long time, 30 year+ opioid addict, and I never got into the pills at all, or any other drugs for that matter. In fact, there is a bottle of Vicodin in the medicine chest right now from my spouse having a fractured shoulder. I'm not even tempted.
If I was you, I would do what I can to get Subutex instead of Suboxone. That Naloxone had me so messed up, I couldn't even work. Life is too short to walk around with headaches and nausea. And as a gourmet cook, I agree that eating good food is one of our best pleasures, so you need to do something about that. Just have a talk with your doctor, and if he/she won't help you, go on that Suboxone website and find another one who will. Call around and explain your situation. Let me know if you have any more questions.
I've done this twice now. Go on the Suboxone website, click on near me, enter zip code. Boom 20+ suboxone doctors at your disposal. They really do care about you if it's a small clinic. Alain don't take any op's the day of or 12 hours before or they will not let you start the outpatient treatment that day. It has literally turned my life around in 6 months.
I currently have an opiate habit. I'm a 5.7, 150lb male. How can I get subutex?
Search to find a doctor who is able to prescribe Subutex/Suboxone in your area. Good luck!
Where are you located? Might be able to help you find a place. I go to a pretty good doctor. He's a nice guy and isn't completely over stocked with patients like most doctors
I'm in Hampton Roads VA / VA Beach and I have no problem getting it filled. Almost every pharmacy here either has it or will order it just for you. And you can download prescription discount apps to use for a discount to get it even cheaper if your insurance doesn't cover or if you have no insurance
I'm going thru seboxin withdrawals it made me sick give me headaches is there a subutex Dr in my area mooresville nc 28115?
Bro don't be scared. I was taking 40 5mg percocet everyday. Stacking it with 40 t1s a day. I was in the same situation. 2 years everyday. Never and I mean never did I miss a day. I was so scared of withdrawing. I went thru it before cold turkey. The worst thing in my life. I had to quit my job. You need to ask yourself do u want to die?? Or be on dialysis for the rest of your life. You seem to be ready to quit cuz u want to. So go on suboxone. I swear it was the easiest thing to do. I have 2 friends that got off with it. They told me how easy it was. I didn't believe them for a year. Then finally I knew I had to get off the percs or die. So I stopped all the percs for 20 hours and took my first dose of subs and I was born again. Very little withdrawal for 1-2 days. My dosage was upped everyday until I reached 14 mg. Now it's not good getting hooked to subs but bro it's life and death now. No choice. The money you will save. The time with your family. The not having to worrying about scoring. I tell you you're a new person. Then once your on subs your mind will clear then you can start thinking normal and taking your life back. Then gradually you will taper the subs. Don't wait bro. U will be kicking yourself after wondering why did it take me so long to go on the subs. Please go.
MICHELLE: You need to go on and put in your zipcode. You will get a list of Suboxone doctors in your area. Call them and ask if it would be possible to go onto Subutex instead of Suboxone. Tell them you have a Naloxone allergy. Do you have any documentation that shows you have a Naloxone sensitivity or allergy? Like in your medical files? You may need to go to the ER with some "bad symptoms" like migraines and extreme nausea (if you get what I'm saying) in order to get documentation that you can't take Naloxone. I am actually allergic to Naloxone, so I understand what you are going through. When I first started Bupe, I felt HORRIBLE... migraines almost daily and nausea so bad I couldn't see straight. My Dr. switched me to Subutex, and all that went away. So now it's in my file that I am allergic to Naloxone. Good luck!
I have been on the subutex for 3 years and my life has totally turned around for the better and not every one abuses the tablets! I think if ur serious about your recovery then u don't abuse any meds that u take, I certainly never have!!! So before u say people want the subutex to abuse it over suboxone, think again. It's because the naloxone makes people's bellys hurt n gives me migraines! There lots of reasons why people want subutex over suboxone, simply because it's a better drug than any other to get u clean n stay that way without major withdrawals and side effects!! Thanks.
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