How Can I Get Subutex Not Suboxone? (Page 15)


I don't know how to go about this as I am shaking and can barely focus, I need help! Please. I fear that my life is going to end from my abuse of opiates. I am currently taking 250 mgs of oxycontin per day. I have a loving fiance and a stepdaughter that I want to be here for. I sit here with cold sweats, and fear going out just because I may make the fearful turn to the meds. Any and all info on how to obtain Subutex would be much appreciated. This wasn't what I wanted my life to be, and I can not let it end this way..Please help me. I am not a religious man but I pray for help as I am at my wits end with this drug.

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Jackie. We aren't judgemental here. Please if you have an answer to a question that's cool, but please no talking down to someone because of your morals. For you this may be dope but it's not these medications along with methadone (which I am on) gives many of us our lives back

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If herbs worked for you then that's wonderful but we aren't here to tell people what to take. We are here to lend an empathetic ear and to answer the persons question

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I don't know if what I am telling is still right, but many years ago I went on a trial taking suboxone to get off opiates. This was in 2000 so things may have changed so if I am not right please correct me. When we were chosen for the study I was given a Hep C and pregnancy evaluation. At that time if a patient was pregnant or infected with HIV or Hep C, we were sent to the methadone program. Suboxone was at that time not given to pregnant women or people sick with Hep C or HIV.

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PATTY: I can't find this "Jackie" person you are responding to. Maybe he/she took her reply down??? I went back a few pages and I can't see anyone named "Jackie". I was just wondering what he/she had said that was a problem. ANYWAY>>>

I see they keep advertising this "Withdrawal Ease" product on here...I was wondering if anyone who uses this page had ever taken it, and how it worked. Please, if anyone has any experience with this product, let me know. Thanks.

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Dani. it doesn't surprise me that the Sub helps with your depression better than the actual anti depressants. Opiates gives people a false sense of well being, and when an addict stop taking opiates most of us get a condition known as PAWS which is post acute withdrawal syndrome. For most people PAWS goes away but for a few of us PAWS never goes away because at least in my case, my endorphins are gone and I dneed an opiate in my body to feel normal. Many years ago doctors found that methadone was an excellent anti depressant. However it wasn't used for very long because of how addicting methadone is

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PATTY: Yep, as a 30year+ opioid addict, I know ALL ABOUT that pesky PAWS. You get over the worst of the physical symptoms of withdrawal in about a week, but with PAWS, they just drag and drag and drag on. I NEVER feel right without opioids. I was off of all opioids for 90 days, STILL felt horrible, and ended up using again. My addiction specialists say that I will probably have to be on some sort of ORT for the rest of my life, even if it's just a small amount. I am currently on 80mgs of tablet Methadone a day, and am attempting to lower my dose 5mgs, once every 4 to 6 weeks or so. I would like to be on at least a lower dose of Methadone, but probably won't be able to go completely off.

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Have any of you tried this "Withdrawal Ease" product that is constantly being advertised on this forum? Let me know if any of you have experience with it. Thanks.

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Patty, I completely agree with you. I am so glad to be at the point where I no longer feel the need to defend myself to people, including my own family, as to why I am still taking suboxone. Sure, the physical symtoms were gone in a week or so, but mentally, emotionally, psychologically, or however else one can put it, I am sure that at least for now, I will continue to be on suboxone indefinitely. I do not feel like a failure for this. It is really no different then hypertensive and diabetic people taking THEIR daily med or meds. Even if I so desired to wean off of suboxone, I would be miserable and it just wouldn't be worth it. It would only be a matter of time before I found something else to fill the void. I think that void created by the opiates is a void that just doesn't go away for some people. If people want to call sub and methadone the lesser of 2 evils, so be it. Until they've walked a block or 2 in our shoes, they just don't know - and they should be grateful they don't!

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DANI: Amen to that. My doc says to look at it like a diabetic that has to take insulin for the rest of their life. No different. We have screwed up our brain chemistry with these opioids, and our opiate receptors are a mess. They just aren't going to work the way they used to. My doc says if I were to go completely off of all ORT, I would "struggle". For some people, the old opiate receptors come back quickly, and for others they don't come back at all! Life is tough enough without an additional "struggle". Do what you have to do!

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You are correct! 4 years later :/ my friend went through the same process and her doc switched her to subutex. These Dr's writing it have to be mindful that we're still learning about this medicine. Germany has the most research, if you can find the www from there. Blessings!

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Not judging but headaches upset bellies or "yuckie" tastes? Come one guys, I'm in a sub program it saved my life, please only take up space in these clinics if your serious. I'll take a headache, yuckie taste, or upset belly over full blown addiction any day. People are "dying" to get in these sub programs if your just seating don't cost someone a life thanks n god bless

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Are there any of the legislators that are working feverishly to have ALL PATIENTS prescriptions for opioids taken away reading these discussions? I am truly wondering how these heart breaking stories can be read without feelings of empathy for those suffering. I am a chronic pain sufferer from multiple car wrecks (2 of which was from being a victim of drunk drivers) and I sometimes want to cry from the calls for help here. The agony is palpable.

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kkh, yes I tried Withdrawal Ease for 89.95 and it did absolutely nothing. I was so upset that I spent all that money and no help. I've talked with you before, I was on suboxone for about a year before my money ran out. There was a man who posted a rather lengthy post on how he got off, with the help of God. Well, I did exactly what he said, taper, taper, taper. I finally got down to 1/8 of a strip for about 3 weeks and jumped. It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done, but I wanted off of everything. I was sick for a while physically and mentally but now a year later I'm doing fine. I just pray for everyone who wants off suboxone can do it. It's hard, but it can be done. My dr. did give clonodine, I didn't take any supplments or anything, but I'm free now. God Bless all of you who are suffering.

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Dude you need to get into a detox center. If there isn't one near you find one somewhere else. most pain clinics prescribe the withdrawl meds. also so you can most likely get those from the same place the pain needs are coming from or if you go to your primary dr in withdrawal they should be able to write you a prescription for withdrawal meds. If no primary dr go to the emergency room, but in order for any of these places to give you something your gonna have to be in complete withdrawal. don't lie to them cuz it's only gonna hurt you. If you think your sick now then you surely don't want to have precipitated withdrawal, yes it can get worse if you take the withdrawal meds while your still on pain meds or "H" it sucks bro I'm not gona lie but you got to tell the dr's the truth if they are gonna be able to help you and you got to want it. The withdrawal meds are more addicting than the best opiates so you have to be careful. you shouldn't take the withdrawal meds for no more than a week or two. if you get them from a pain clinic they are gonna tell you you'll be taking fire as long as it takes. they want your money, not for you to get off them. they will try to have you take too many. i went from taking 20 blues a day, they wanted me to take 3 8mg suboxone a day. in a month i tried to stop taking the suboxone and got much sicker and it didn't start till 3 days after and in 2 weeks i was still sick at a detox facility. 2 x's per day 8mg's suboxone for the first 2 or 3 days, that is worst case if your abusing opiates a lot. the idea is too take as little as possible for the least amount of time. this will get you through the physical sickness of withdrawal but won't help with the mental part. it does very little for pain not associated with the withdrawal. the withdrawal meds only help through the sickness of the withdrawal. you have to do something after that but the dosage should look like this (I'm not a dr but much more of these meds and you'll be right back where you are now chemically dependent on these meds):

8mg once a day for the first 2 days
Then 4mg twice a day for 3 days
Then 4mg once a day for 2 days
Then 1mg twice a day for 2 days

Now depending on how bad you are, you said 250mg of oxy a day. If there is pain or injury you need a dr but if it's just the addiction don't let them give you much more than the scale i provided as that is just guidelines. a Dr will know what to prescribe and the proper dosage. just from my experience it was harder to stop taking the withdrawal meds the way they were prescribed. my Dr wasn't worried about my health just his money they could make off me. you can look up all the stuff you'll need on the internet for sleep cuz insomnia is a common side effect from coming off pain meds or opiates. see i don't like the being labled as a drug addict because I wasn't taking them to feel high. I hurt my self and took them for pain but the end result was still the same. if at all get into a church don't know if you know Jesus personally but now would be a good time to meet him, he is the only reason that i am still here and alive. the married father of four. if you can't get into a dr's office find a church. tell them the truth and ask for help. pray and ask GOD for the strength and knowledge to get through this.

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You have a really big habit you are suffering. There is a God. I've been on Suboxone. I live in Massachusetts and I know that only pregnant women get Subutex. Suboxone works if you are not around anybody that does drugs. it didn't work for me because my family member was still using. I have heard that kicking pills is worse than kicking dope. Pharmaceuticals seem to be more potent. They stay in your body longer. You really need to get yourself some help. You will look back after you get on either Suboxone or Subutex or even Methadone which you probably hate the idea of... But, I swear your life is going to improve and you will look back and say oh my God I can't believe I was doing that to myself. You know you can get an ulcer from pills? You're lucky you never use the needle. Because if you were to go to a Methadone clinic there are plenty of people there that are only there for Oxycontin addiction not just people that abuse drugs. A lot of people that go there end up failing miserably because they are addicted to the needle and they end up using coke. I'm not telling you to get on a Methadone clinic. But I am going to tell you that Suboxone does work. In your case you would probably get a large dose of it but the thing is, if you are on any opiates you go into immediate withdrawal if you take Suboxone because the ingredient in it is called Naltrexone...which is an opiate antagonist. That is not good. With the methadone, you will start feeling better in 4 days. You would probably want to take pills still until you got to maybe a dose of 60. You would not have any withdrawal symptoms because it's a synthetic opiate that does not make you feel high at all despite what people think. If people mix it with benzos or other depressants then they Drool on themselves and make people that are doing well on the clinic look terrible as a whole. I hope that you can be able to get on Subutex. Sometimes we need a little assistance and there is no way that you could kick that much without major mental and physical agony. You are in need of help like I said and I will pray for you. There's nothing worse than being tied to opiates or even alcohol or even benzos or cigarettes you name it, it just completely sucks. You have to wrap your entire life around whatever the drug is, especially opiates though because you can't go to certain places that you promised to go to because you might end up sick. It is a life robber and a liar just like the devil. it doesn't mean that you will be on Subutex are any of the medications I mention forever, but imagine having to live the life you are living forever? It's the lesser of two evils... Getting on medication and off the pills. You will have so much more money to spend on your fiance and you will be proud of yourself because you sought out help and you can provide even better than you did before. There was a time when I thought I was a better mother when I was on opiates... And I also thought what the hell I cannot take care of my baby if I do not have the ability to stay unsick. Right now you are in a cage with a very hungry lioness that needs to feed her babies...and she is ready to attack you if you don't get help, you could be arrested too and then really be in trouble. I understand you're not thinking of that because you're too afraid to get sick. That's the most important thing staying unsick. I wish you the best of luck and I'm an addict too.

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Hi LIZ, Congratulations on being Subx free.. It could have been my post you read because I remember someone asking if they have done it so I posted how I did. My post was quite a while back. I also saw that you jumped after an eighth of a dose which sounds like the way I did it too. I don't know why you got sick unless you did not give the eighth of a dose enough time. Of course all of our bodies are different too. Did you mean mentally sick like just wanting it for depression? The only thing I felt when I jumped off an eighth was fatigue but I took the last of it for 2 weeks. Glad to see it worked for you. I've also weaned off Morphine too. I'm a chronic pain patient but take periods of being off my meds just to give my body a break. I have to spend most of my time in bed when I am off of it but it's a give and take situation. But please don't get back on it just because I can go on and off it. I can quit when I want to. Many get addicted and can't stop or have hell of a time trying. So keep up the good work.

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Sophronia...Pretty soon these *****s will have us all out in the streets looking for pain relief. We need to get many petitions with many signs to Washington because even though Marijuana is almost legal and working in the positive direction, Opiates and other pain relief meds are going the other way. That is just the way government is..SO DAMN BACKWARDS. Just another thing to do to get control of the people. I'm ready to paint up my sign and go in front of the White house. Since when did the government become experts in the medical field? I think they should be in the mentally challenged association. They can't even run government much less the medical field.

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Yes, they do have a lot of renowned "EXPERTS" on this site and some of their advise is ridiculous. But there are some that have pretty good insight and can give decent advice. But no matter what advice they give, they should always follow up with them posting to have a medical professional's advice and that is what I always tell them.

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KKh....Withdrawal Ease??? C'mon. When has anyone ever detoxed off opiates with vitamins and herbs? Whoever put out this product should be sued for false advertisement. This could kill a very heavy opiate or benzo addict if it hasn't already. This product is probably made by a greedy money grubbing scammer trying to get rich off of people's misfortunes of having addiction disease. I haven't read the whole label but there should be a warning stating that it should only be used as a supplement along with detox meds and to consult with an addictionologist before attempting to use this as the only treatment of withdrawal detoxification. If someone hasn't already reported this i**** to the medical board, I will see to it that it is.

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KKh....I also wanted to tell you that you can look up the "Withdrawal Ease" online. It will tell you basically what is in it. Just vitamins and herbs. If you think you can detox off of this, than just go out and get a bottle of Centrum at the grocery store because basically that is all it is and cheaper. Unless you are a very light drug user it may help a little but you shouldn't trust it. It would be just as bad as going cold turkey. If you are not sure, ask your addiction doctor. Good luck hun.

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