How To Clean Out Your System Before A Drug Test (Top voted first)


what is the best and fastest way to rid cocaine out of your system?

21 Replies (2 Pages)

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Having surgery on the 16th of June. Took cocaine on June 10th into the 11th around 1:30 am. I probably took less than a 20$ bag. I also drank liquor; less than a pint. Will I be clean?

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How do I get cocaine out of my system before monday?

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Hi Tracey,

Whether or not the substance is cocaine, the most effective way to clean out and detox your system (in my opinion) is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, stay hydrated (consistently pee clear), exercise at least an hour a day (rebounding, dancing, swimming, or breath work) to get your lymphatic system flowing, along with getting plenty of rest each night. Consistency is key here...

I hope this information helps!

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Hi would I be clean by tomorrow cuz I did cocaine yesterday and today in day morning and like at 12 i took sum water pills and I've been drinking lots of water

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That was great advice straight to point..but does the same go for crystal meth?

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meth is only in your system for 3 days. you cant clean it out. you sweat it out.

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Has anyone tried efferdent to pass a drug test here? My fri3nd swears it worked whole time he was on probation except once ad that's bc he said u can't do any drugs 24 b4 test and he did but 3veey other time he passed. He says don't do anything for 24 hours then b4 your test drink it with water and make sure u pee once b4 test then give them your s3cond I'm scared to try it but if I have tim3 v4 my next onentry I may try with home test see if it 2orks anyone heard or tried this

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I took one dose of methamphetamine yesterday around 4. Today, which would be the next day, I drug test at 5:30. Will I be clean or should I drink baking soda?

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Im prescribed Valium but have been taking extras how can I make sure my levels stay low ?? Just drink water.. I drank golden seal tea also

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How can methamphetamine get out of my system for a urine test in 4 days?

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On the 4th day your body will be clean from it. From your last use.

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Cocaine is tricky because the test is for benzyethcognine which is a metabolite produced by cocaine use by the liver, and the only way it can show up in a drug test is from invitro use. Also three days is typically not enough time for lab screening after normal use. The best bet is a lot of water, avoid alcohol and caffeine, and use a diuretic. I've also read the zinc supplements can cause a false negative but that was more hearsay than supported by actual clinical research. It was more anecdotally supported by scientific research of another hypothesis. Crack cocaine also has a longer detection period too.

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My best friend has been using methcathione (cat) for about 3 weeks straight.. sometimes off for a day and sometimes off for two days @ most... furthermore everyday...
he works for my family bushiness , i tried everything to make sure he misses the test as he is a good friend and a great worker..
Turns out drug test is inevidable so the most i can do is postpone it.. i just need to know how long i have to keep avoiding him being tested ..? He has stoped today...

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I haven't but it makes alot of sense i hear water pills (diabetic pills) can help and zinc suppliments can cause fake negative results

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I took crack cocaine on friday and have a urine screen for probation tuesday. I weigh 140lbs. How can i be sure to pass? I've been drinking lots of water.

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hello I have to be at MY PO in bout 30 mins is there any way I can pass a pee test

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On Friday I took two 2mg xanax and on Saturday it was two 2mg doses as well. My drug test is Monday. What can I buy to clean out my system for xanax and lortabs without the cleaning thing showing up?

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Re: BadMax (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Does eating pickles and drinking the juice ? For a drug test I get one done Tuesday

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Please help I did two bags of herion on Wednesday night at 6pm and have a drug test Friday morning at 9 what can I do to pass please help I have kids and I know I really messed up

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i take 7.5 lortab a day and have been taking (3) 10/500 a day ,if i start back taking (1) 7.5 a day for a month will the level be okay for a drug test if 7.5 is what I'm prescribed?

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