How Much Is Too Much Oxycodone For A Male At Weight Of 225 Lbs (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I would like to know what would cause an overdose in a male who is 225 lbs. in weight using oxycodone. I have over 220 5 mg. tabs.

78 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: pain2long (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I hear ya brother. But I found that eating foods that help with muscle and bone , drinking plenty of fluids help with easing the pain. I was a 20-30 pill a day 15mg oxy, yes I felt great but it was the come down and dehydration that goes into effect that makes you take more. I've been through hell and back. Surgery after surgery and nothing. Still have the pain but manage it better........

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Re: WheelWatcher (# 10) Expand Referenced Message
I would suggest you go to a pain management specialist as they are much better than your PCP for controlling pain. They are up to date on the latest information on the management of pain and usually are more comfortable writing Rx for higher doses of drugs and usually know which works best together. Some drugs work well together and will significantly lower your pain, but others can actually cause both drugs to work less than if either were taken alone.

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Bodies react differently. It's more if your body could tolerate any amount size doesn't make a difference it's your biochemistry

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Re: pain2long (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is very late reply, but oxycodone is the only opioid to provide me with any relief. I too took many of the same meds as you with absolutely no luck. I was very close to killing myself. 1 surgery and some oxycodone for post operative pain qualms pain free. I am currently taking oxycodone again, post heart surgery, and I am so lucky to have the pain well managed. It's unfortunate that a bunch of drug addict pill heads make it so hard for people who actually need these meds to get them.

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Re: pain2long (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Have you tried marijuana for your pain. I have 5 TORN disc's in my neck and 3 in my lower back and I have had 2 back surgeries. The CBD helps me with my pain more so than pain pills.

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Re: pain2long (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hysingla ER - Wonder drug! Even 20 mg taken at the same time daily will do wonders. Please ask your doctor about it. You've got to give it time to get into your system but one morning you'll wake up & feel absolutely amazing

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Since my last post I had to have hip replacement,still have spinal stenosis,I only sleep a few hours a night because of the pain.had to go .back to my pain management dr.yesterday.the Dr. That was treating me left for a another job.had a new Dr. And cut out some of my pain meds.I The Dr. that I Need The Med.if Some The Folks That Dont Need This Pain Med. It would Be easery For The Ones That Needs It.asking Each one Knows The Power Of Prayer To Please Pray For Me God Bless. Merry Christmas

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Re: Blade (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

No it does not. Do some research before you go about giving your opinion. I have been on 30mg oxycodone 6x per day and methadone 10mg 3 in am and 2 in evening (5 per day). Methadone is my long-acting and oxy is my breakthrough. Yea methadone is given for example to treat opiate addiction, but it is indeed an opioid used in treatment of long-term servere chronic pain. I’m sorry if I came off in a d***ish manner, that was not my intention. I just wanted to enlighten you to the uses of methadone.

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I am a 67yo male, 150 pounds. I have severe pain from an accident. My doctor prescribe Oxycodone 10-350. It isn't working at prescribed levels. I know I can't take too many tabs because of the apap toxity. I am planning on doing cold water extraction of the opiates from 50 10mg tabs. Will that dosage help relieve the pain?

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Re: Protectyaneck (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Ive used methadone as a pain medication when I was in patient

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Re: pain2long (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I am not sure if I stumbled onto your post by fate or what but I just typed into the Web the same question, only for a woman. Sadly the medication also is not helping me but as I read the 1st few responses I knew your question wasn't being answered, but I myself have been on all that u listed pretty much and after 22 yrs of no life, feeling as if my living was hurting everyone around me. Oh, after the 1st 10 yrs it wasn't near what it has become but I really believe being a certain person gives you reasons or whatever to fight or not. But I saw u said 30yrs u have had pain so bad and believe me I understand. But it eventually gets to a point..... if u want to talk more feel free to reach out, but I don't know if I know how these blogs work. But keep fighting as they say.....yes I hate that saying too??

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The pain meds no longer work! You name, I've taken it in the past, am taking it now, and will be if I choose to have a future......but everyday it gets harder and harder to keep from putting a bullet in my mouth! Does anyone know of any new, possibly better pain meds in the clinical research phase yet that are promising? The severe trauma to my body from two accidents that entailed 5 surgeries just has gotten too bad (painful) to deal with anymore!!!!

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I am in the same predicament. There was a new pain med that came out this year. It is suppose to be 10 or 20 times stronger than dilaudid. My pharmacist 8 months ago knew about it so I am sure your doctor and/or pharmacist will also know. It begins with a "Z" I believe. You may want to try a combination of medications. Predisone (a steroid) an anti-inflammatory and two different pain medications might be the cocktail that will work for you. Do not lose how and I am glad you are not in the space I am in, but I also suffer from extreme traumas and several horrific PTSDs. I wrote on here about a month ago which explains my situation a bit further and also answered someone else's questions (15 & 16). I sincerely wish you the best.

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To Brooke,

If someone is talking about breakthrough pain or medication for breakthrough, they are the ones with neurological pain. All others are looking for a high. In a perfect world these others would not jeopardize the ones that have to take this medicine to survive each day. I pray for them and the survivors to have a "perfect day" always.

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You would overdose on the tylenyol in it before u would the oxy.

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I've been getting pain management from my PCP which is rare, and I love him for doing it for me, but I feel like I'm not getting enough and therefore I'm at a 7+ in pain throughout the day trying to take care of a family of five. I, like to go in every other month and I feel like he gets annoyed with me because it's always a med review appt. Anyway, I'm allotted 15mg every 4 hours but my script is only 150 so it makes for a 25 day script because he said to try only 5 a day. He's added fentanyl patches and oxycotin and I brought both scripts back to him after finding no results from either one. Without pissing him off, how do I ask for more without sounding desperate? I am very dependent on pills to get me up but I also do things to show I'm working my best to try to reduce pain naturally. I've had no success and the extent of my injuries are more than the two other people I know that have pain management. They get 7 30mgs a day plus methadone and they're half my size! And they don't have tl medical issues as bad as I do and they also abuse them by insufflating them or smoking them. I don't do that. I take them orally like directed. Any suggestions?

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Oxycodone contains no tylenol. You are referring to percocet.

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