How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have taken 4 1mg Xanax in the past three days. How long does it take to clear your system for a urine drug test?

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I think he means the pill cost him 10,000 bc that's how much money he's goin to lose when he loses his job for failing, not that he paid that much for the pill, lol. But there's no way it could be in your system that long if you only took 1/2 and only one time.

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I know someone that takes xanax from time to time and has to drug test once monthly at random times. So she basically takes the last dose on Monday morning and has not failed a Friday morning UA yet. For reference, she is 5'7,120. Runs 5 days a week 6-8 miles. Dose at a time is .25mg - .5mg in a day. Longest run is 10 days in a row taking .5mg everyday. Stopped on Monday morning and clean on Friday morning.

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I took 2 mlg of xanax Tuesday night at 8pm... Took the test Thursday at 1:30pm will I pass?? P.s. Sent to lab

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Just wanted to post an update to my above post. I passed my drug test. The type of drug test my doctors office administers is one of those cup tests with the results seen right on the test so I knew before I ever left the bathroom that everything was ok. However I will say the second line on the test looked weak, not sure if that means anything or not but they say any hint of a second line means you are negative for those drugs.

For what its worth, I have thyroid problems which means I have a slow metabolism and I didn't do anything to flush out my system. So though I know each person's body chemistry is different I would think that the average person would pass a drug test 4 days after the occasional, small dose of Xanax.

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i dont have a script for xanex but I take them from time to time Im scheduled to take a drug test for a trucking company its a urine test im just not sure how long it will take to get this out of my system and was curious if anyone knew if these companies actually test for this type of thing or is it just for weed,crack,meth or heorin

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If i take one xannax how long will it stay in my system for?

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Bullsh**. I have passed many many times in 3 days. Valium on the other hand I have failed for upto 3 weeks. Stay away from those

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You'll be fine I've passed it I'm 2-3 days every timr

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I took five small xanex last light and I have to drug test twice. Doctor and probation.will they test for xanex I didn't know it was a relevent drug until I read this board.

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I passed a urine test in 4 days after taking xanax and i've been on them since 2009, so i know that they don't stay in your system for 6 weeks.

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I posted a few weeks back about the xanax issue and wanted to update you all. So for a refresher....I took around 3 bars a day, on and off, for a few days. The last 2 were on a Friday night and my drug test was on a Tuesday. I passed.....So it would have been 4 1/2 days out from last uase before the drug test. Here is the thing....I do not take them on a reg basis. Only when my anxiety is too overwhelming!! I would say if you want to be safe, really safe, give yourself 5 days for irregular users. Also, I took someone's suggestion on here and threw together the money for the biggest panel home kit I could find. The 10-12 panels were 30 dollars at Walgreens. When I took it on that Monday it came back clear but I did not trust it completely(personal fear really)...I hope this helps someone. I am on a type of maint. program that is a huge NO BENZO policy. There is no discussion about it, your out!! I wish so much they could something non narcotic better than Buspar and (supplemental) Velarian Root. Oh 1 other thing...some folks suggested Niacin, Cranberry juice and Folic acid...I took those for 3 days prior to the home kit. I do not know if it helped but it wont hurt you!!

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no hd they will not turn you down for this they take you with a dirty urine but they donot let you have anything in your system including benzos because thyey are very serious when they say mi8xing xanex and suboxone together will kill you so be careful good luck been in a clinic goin on my second week it help so much so try and st5ay clean so you get the help you need!

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Okay I am a nurse and a recovering addict. There is NO Xanax in Suboxone. Whoever said that is WAY off! Suboxone is made up of TWO main ingredients: Buprenorphine, and Naloxone- which is the opiate blocker. Suboxone does not show up in a drug text as an opiate. It doesn't show up unless it itself is specifically tested for. Many doctors will not prescribe you Suboxone if you are currently taking Benzo's, because it can be dangerous. In most cases it's because people abuse the medications together. There are a few doctors that will allow it, but it's rare, and more and more doctors are cracking down on it because people have died from the combination, but in most of the cases that, that has happened, like I said it was because the person wasn't taking the medication properly. I have taking benzo's with Suboxone for years, but I take it the way I'm supposed to. You just have to find the right doctor. It's a pain in the butt. Most don't take insurance, and can be very expensive. You have to do your research.

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Geese, your employer won't give you a pass on an ER visit? Well, I wouldn't worry about .25. That is a tiny amount, and I am sure it would be gone in a week's time. If not, can't you get the ER docs to write you a note explaining why you had it? It's not like you were using recreationally.

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If u have prescriptions, proof that a doctor gave it to you, or went to an ER and a doctor gave it to you it should be fine. It was its LEGAL
If you have questions call a pharmacist.
Most of these questions can be answered by a pharmacist. They don't know who you are so its not like they can tattle tell on you.....just call and ask " how long can this drug stay in your system" just tell them you have an RX from another pharmacy if they ask for your info to review
Everyone's body is different. Metabolism, liver function, etc. Just because a drugs "half-life" is 11-12 hrs does not mean it is completely out of your system in 11 hours.
Here's a thought....if you know you have a test coming up, don't rake drugs that are not prescribed for you.

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I tock a x pill for the first time last night will that show up on Tuesday when I do my drug test ??

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Johnny you are correct .the other thing to keep inind is the tolerance levels the lab is using.I just had urine tests for 12 straight weeks and was taking .5 to 1 mg of clonopin daily as prescribed by my doctor. They all came back negative .they were looking to see if I took more or anything else.Perhaps a std drug screen it would have shown up.thestd 1/2 life is about 8-10 hours but then it repeats 6 times .sousing 8 hours 1mg is down to a .5 in 24 hours and will be out of system or should within 48 app.certainly after 72
If your concerned drink lots of water and pee mid stream most of your metabolites are beginning and end. Good luck &don't abuse ! I'm now 90 days + clean except an occasional clonopin which I am allowed

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Zanex is the fastest acting Benzo of all . Why it is so dangeros and habit forming .iItt basically has a half life of about 6 hours and the cuts in half every 6 hours after. You will be clean in 3-4 days. Unless they are testing for the most minutest of all traces Youre more then fine Just drink a lot of water Pee mid stream Never at beginning or end Thats where all you metabolites are. I would say your ok at 5 days with just 1 mg

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Sorry to hear about your brother, I can relate. My brother also died from a drug overdose. Good for you for being clean for so long! That is awesome! I was on Xanax for over ten years and started abusing them real bad, I am no longer on any sort of a benzo and feel so much better now. I swear they give you more anxiety when your on them. Long story short there is much much more to life than pills, you have to much to loose when it comes to this! Stay strong

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It don't take 6 weeks, if u quit taking them 4-5 days u will be clean. ..I'm a witness and over 300 lbs.

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