How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have taken 4 1mg Xanax in the past three days. How long does it take to clear your system for a urine drug test?

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Were you clean?

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I don't know for sure abt habitual users but im in treatment so I get tested once a month.. I have taken 1 mg of Xanax 7 days away once and 5 days once, from my screen and passed. passed the cup instant test and they send them to the lab. I am an opiate addict and used to occasionally use Xanax for 12 years. I am average height and weight, not a ton of exercise and I didn't flood my system with water (hardly drink any) I know everyones different but hope that helps

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6 weeks is a lie it's a very fast acting drug with a short half life. 3-4 days and you'll be good that's the same with OxyContin also

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PLEASE HELP?? does nebody know if benzodiazepines is in suboxone??? i can not find info. newhere…???? my boyfriend gets drug tested and he was recently let out of jail on friday, he took a very small piece of suboxone on thuresday, he was drug tested today and everything was negative except benzo’s they told him it was faintly shown in his urine…. he hasent taken benzo’s in 3 weeks, and he only took one 10 mg valum….. What could be the problem???

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Yes they will still take u ...u just have to be clean for 2-3 days prior to your appt. Thats just my experiance!! good luck!

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I do the same thing lol. stay a step ahead with buying the test at Walmart.

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Hey my name is Nicole and I too am on the program and am really interested in. The kit u have I never check my email but ur email can come as a text if u don't want to just text me {edited for privacy} oh and I'm 26 and a female. Thank you so much

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I'm not 100 percent but I go to a suboxine docband last month pot showed up Nd I don't smoke it I wonder if it was Xanax instated cant b sure but don't take anything u don't have a script for cause they will kick u off the clinic!!!

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I have done research which I haven't found very helpful.
Basicly Xanax can be in you system for form 3 days to 6 weeks , it depends on a lot of factors , the general opinion is 3 days - 7 days
And that is what is expected

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I called Walgreens and the pharmacist told me 55 hours. I have taken .5 a day for 2 weeks, before that I took 6-7 mg a month for a couple of years.

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Subs don't have benzos in them. That's why you need a pre auth to have both meds. If you have two seperate drs for subs then benzos, they both need too kno. That's why they do a pre auth

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Wow Beth you sound like a ball of fun, what crime(s) did you commit ? The only thing that comes to mind and I know you have done it repeatedly and then stopped, but Xanax has a way of biting you in the butt when playing with it?

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Need information on kit. I'm a male 185 lbs 5'7 trying ti over come xanax and oxycodone

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Yeah. If the Titanic had hit the iceberg full on instead of steering left. Do you think it would of sunk.

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You'll be fine. If that is all you have taken.

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Zeus I am currently in an IOP and they urine test at least once per week Usually on Mondays. I have tapered down from 6-8 mgs of xanax a day to 2mgs of Klonopin for about 2.5 weeks then I did a one week taper of 1/4 mgs per week. When I hit 1 mg a day I came up clean. I told them i was t still taking it and they tested me again. Still clean. Depending upon what the level is they are looking for will depend on if your urine comes up clean . they perform a very expensive drug test looking for anything in your system I mean anything Cough syrup will show up. They don't consider 1 mg of Benzos abuse Trust there is no one in that room who did 1 mg a day. Well Last night i decided to jump since they told me it really was no longer in my system. Im at about 22 hours since my last dose and fine. The half life is 36 hours and then another 6 more half lives after that so Im not out of the woods yet but.... i'm well on my way If i can go an entire day without any. If im not there it has to be right around the corner for me Good Luck & try to get off them You dont need them ..i was on them for about 12 years.

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I took 5 pills 1mg xanax the other day . Two hours later I was given a urine test . I have a prescription for it , take 1 every 8 hours . Will they know I had 5 in one Shot with a urine test ?

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I took 2 MG of Xanax on sat last time I used 6 months ago I have urine test 7 days from now will I pass

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The valium 4 me on 2 different occaisions i was dirty highly dirty after being clean for 2 weeks. Now on xanax ive past after being clean 1week remember they are 2 different benzo to get out of system drink warm drinks quickly alot like coffee or hot tea dnt eat alot and get up and do stuff that will make u sweat drink room temp water and alot of it just the hot drinks open up pores inside ur body and help the toxins release also theres a vitamin called niacin it flushes toxins

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Drink plenty of water and gatorade

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