How Long Does Valium Remain In Your Urine (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I took 2 5mg diazepam on 10/8 and 2 5mg diazepam on 10/5. I am scheduled for a urinalysis on 10/22 at 1pm. Will the diazepam be out of my system?

103 Replies (6 Pages)

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Valium is a tricky bastard. It tends to stay in urine atleast two weeks. You will probably test very low amounts. My recommendation is to drink enormous amounts of water/green tea before the test. Pray it comes up negative or so low they don't mention it. If they do, lie lie lie and demand a retest, stall stall stall..then take another. Never admit. Blame it on the tester, yada. I worked in a testing facility and trust me they make mistakes, a lot...and they know it. Good luck man, let us know what happened and next time, take a Xanax! It's out of my system in 5-7days.

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If this is the case then how do I take em three days a week quit on Friday and pass a drug screen every Monday I'm am curious not.being a smartass

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It is true it's been 4weeks exactly and I brought a self urine test and still showed positive.

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I'm on probation and urine test every month on my report date. I have scripts for fentanyl patch 100 mcg, Ritalin 20 mg 2x a day seroquel 100 to 300 mg for sleep and Hydroxyzine 1 to 2 25 mg caps every 6 hrs as needed yet I still feel the need to dabble in benzos. I like them, they help my anxiety and panic better than any drug I've taken. I can't get a script for them because of the opiate and stimulant I take. Apparently tossing a frank in the mix creates some kind of hyper addiction-speed ball effect so say the Docs. I get it but I still dabble. My point is for all the questions about drug tests, I abstain from all benzos about 12 to 14 days like clockwork before my report date and have passed every test so far (6 months) I know, and I don't need any ass chewing preachers on my case I am aware of my short comings and make no excuses. I honestly wish it were easier done than said. I have made headway I took 6 to 10- 10 mg Valium or just as many 1 mg Xanax a day for over 3 years then had to quit abruptly for legal reasons. Withdrawal should have killed me, I felt I would die as well. Obviously I did not. Luck? Divine intervention? Anyone's guess. What it did do for me is give me the will power to use little enough to avoid physical dependence but it helps my nasty anxiety and panic too much to quit completely. If I didn't benefit so much from Ritalin I'd give it up for a benzo script but then I'd be taking more than I am now. Oh, decisions, addictions, drugs are all evil to me scripts and otherwise. All b****ing aside 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and I pass. Do with the info what you will.

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Re: Cynthia (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Cynthia. Did you test clean? I’ve probably got a test in two weeks from now and took 20mg Valium last night.

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I'd say 2-3 weeks so you're right about it.

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I took one 2 milligram Valium on 12/28 today is 1/4 will it still show in urine test this week? It's the only one I took.

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Yo momma a snitch and hecka ugly for having u

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Yes it will be gone. Drink a ton of water and exercise just to be sure.

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I'd like to know the four stages before a heart attack

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hello i get 4 mg diludid 4 times a day and oxycodone 15 mg 3 times a day and now valium 5 4 a day i used to have xanax 3 times a day valium is no replacement for my Xanax for anxiety it sucks i have a herniated disk in my back compressing my siatic nerve and all this and i still am in pain standing more then 5 min at a time any one know of any other drug combos that are better? for nerve pain that lasts

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Yes i am prescribed valium and I took my last one March 29 and I went today to suboxone clinic and he said valium showed up and accused me of taking it and I have not so goota go back in 7 days before he will write the suboxone and I thik it's still gonna show up I took 30 mg a day I dont want to waste money and not get my meds will IT sti 'll show up

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How long 5 D10.s stay in urine not a daily user maybe once every two weeks b will go longer,

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because if you do a urine test and have a prescription then they won't fail you.

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No, it will be flushed out by then. There is also another trick I found about, if you drink tea with a tablespoon of Cream of Tartar. Make sure you drink enough water to pee twice before the test.

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Maybe someone could help me because I feel like I'm going in circles. I had went to the er on two separate occasions 12 days apart. At that time they gave me a 5mg dose of diazepam on each visit. On day 22 they said the metabolite oaxepam was still there and took me out of my pm. They tested me again on day 30 it was negative. Here is my problem. ....they said nothing should be in my system after 5 days. I didn't take it but those two times. I don't understand what is going on. I AM TOTALLY CONFUSED!

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For whatever reason it stayed in my system that long. I have no explanation for it. I didn't take it but those two times 12 days apart from each other.

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Over one day I had half a box of 5 mg Valium 2 weeks ago, and about a month b4 the same, how long b4 my urine will be clean. Also on methadone.

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You rock !! Your reply saved me a lot of future trouble.. thanks for that

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