How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 5)
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I just took two ten mg methadone pills. Will they be out by Thursday? I drink a lot of water. Please let me know soon as possible.

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yes it will be clean i 7-10 days

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40 is very hard dose to stop from. u should go down 5mg a week. that is the way clinicians do it. that way it works. xanax or marijuana will help when u feel like s***. but it is hard to stop when u get arrested. so u were doing something wrong?

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2-4 days should be the amount of time dones will stay in your urine after a single use. Although this can vary that is usually the case for a single use. If you use it daily it will take up to a month to leave your body as it stres in the fat cells of your body.

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keep cutting back until you get to 5-1 that is easy. this part is in our mind. u will have min of time that u will feel some discomfort. the way i do it. i am on 30 mg a day. at the end of the month when my presp ends, i stop taking it for at least three days. this way i clean myself out and dont have to worry about being addicted. My wife lost her brother to drugs and is down on them even if they help she fights me tooth and nail about taking anything.

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I took 40 mgs of methadone 7 days ago. Will I be safe to pass a urine test?

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I have been on methadone for 14 years and I will say without a doubt it is the best drug for pain out there. I only do 20 milligrams a day but I break them up and have them take a 5 half a pill every 4 hours. Since the oxycodone does not help you, see if your doctor will prescribe you Xanax in combination with the methadone it will relieve you of anxiety sleeping problems and mood disorders. The two of them together work wonders good luck

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Why are you even on this site then?

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Does the quality of h matter on how long it stays in your system for a urine screen

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It's the WORST withdrawl to go thru; I did a 40 day stint in 'max' (jail). Tried telling a Deputy I hadn't slept in 17 days & she said it was "clinically impossible".. Uhhh Noooooo; it's not! I hope you're off the benzo's~ the kick is hideous!!

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If I take 37mg. Of Methedone Thursday will it be gone from a urine test on Monday?

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I took a 10 mil of methadone last Friday and my appointment for my doctor is Wednesday which is tomorrow how long will it stay in my urine and I've drank a lot of water also for 3 days and other other stuff

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Methadone has a Half life. Duh. Not like other opiates. It stays twice as long atleast.

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Raven how long did it take for you to get off methadone at f it's without withdrawal?

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There is no blocker in methadone that's is a blocker in suboxen not methadone! Imy on methadone I'm able to do opiates not that I want to but depending on how high the dose your on would depend how much you would have to do...

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How long did they taper him down? I'm on 80mgs eight now and I hear that the withdrawal is HORRIBLE, I want to successfully get off this without relapsing on something I shouldn't!!! I'm tired of being on this stuff I got to get off this! Your absolutely Rochford it is a demon drug and they should NEVER put anyone on it! Tell your husband: Congratulations getting off of methadone!! Everyone says it's very hard!

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Heard that it's a while I would go get my own test from the drug store, cause you Def don't want to cause yourself to get sick (idk if the vivatrol works like subs, will it make you sick if u take it when somethings still in your system?)

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How did he not withdrawal from 10 mgs? How long was he on it for?

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They took me off xanex abruptly and the withdra_ls rrom that was outrageous it took me three minths to finally sleep and not a gooe sle3p either i wss up every 3 hours still to this day i have p4obl3ms sleep I ng.

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From what I've heard and seen (my mother went through withdrawal for months from methadone) anyone with any sense should stay away from it at all costs it is the worst drug to withdraw from. Hope this helps lots of luck.

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If you really took it only once it should be out in a week...if you have taken it more or longer, it can be in your system for two husband has been on it for ten years.

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