How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your System For A Urine Test (Page 6)
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I just took two ten mg methadone pills. Will they be out by Thursday? I drink a lot of water. Please let me know soon as possible.

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Methadone stays in your system a long time after your last dose. My husband weaned down and jumped off at ten milligrams, twelve days later it still showed on his drug test at his doc appoint. Im not sure when this question was posted but I hope all goes well for you!

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I took methadone last week Tuesday one time will I be OK 4 days later or no?

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Please help I really need to know

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How long does the liquid methadone stay in your system. If you take a dose everyday

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I have been taking done for over a year now. I dosed out of the clinic like 5 days ago. I have to know if I'm going to be clean from done because I'm going to the vivitral shot. I can't have any opiets in my system. Help??? Please

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I took 2 methondone pill 5mg 6 days ago when will be out my system urine test

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My husband had been on that demon drug methadone for eight years from a failed spine fusion. One day, he had enough and wanted off, so his doc helped him taper from 80mgs a day to 10mgs a day, then he skipped some days here and there. After a few weeks he was done enough to go off it. He went and took a drug test at his doc office cause he wanted everyone to see his clean drug screen, he was proud of himself. It had been 11 days, he had no opiates or methadone in his urine, but they sent it out for the blood test and it still showed a small amount of methadone in his blood. So methadone does stay in your system for more than five or six days...but it probably varies from person to person.

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That 60 hour rule is wrong . Benzodiazepines, for example, especially lipid soluble forms can stay in the urine for weeks.

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Methadone Is to help get off opiates mainly. . It also has a blocker in it to block getting any high from any opiate so your prescription wouldn't help you just because of the blocker in the methadone

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I submitted a UA on 12/8 after cleaning my son's apt of his personal belongs on 12/5, 12/6 & 12/7. He's in jail from drug relapse. I tested positive for methadone. I don't use any methamphetamine or methadone. Could i have been exposed from his bedding/clothes? He had xmas lights taped all over the apt. I pulled all that down. If they were cooking methamphetamine, could i have absorbed it while being in his apt? Im sure my probation officer doesn't believe me. Had a perfect record of clean UA's for past year till this happened.

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Methadone half life depending on what article you read is 72 hours. That means if you took 10 mg of methadone in 72 hours there will be half of it left in your system, 5 mg. 72 hours after that there will be half of that left which is 2.5 mg in 72 more hours there will be half of that left which will be 1.25 mg and on and on until it's gone. If you have a fast metabolism are active and drink a lot of water you could probably cut those numbers in half. So if you figure 36 hour half life it still takes six days for ten mg to clear your system.

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SWIM has been taking 70 mg of methadone daily without script for 2 years.. SWIM went 11 days without using methadone and used H instead and passed ua at methadone clinic today.. H was the only thing that showed up

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I took four 5 mg.met pills on Saturday will they b out by thursday

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I agree, i see so many young people come into my clinic who are allready on high doses of Schedule II & III Narcotics, while im a compassionate advocate for pain control, we as a society need to look and notice that the mortality rate worldwide in industrialized countries Canada, Aus, England etc, the US is the only one whos death rate is rising at an alarming rate. For example the places ive mentioned the long life span on Average has increased 2% almost yearly, the death rate of 19-49 has tripled on average since 2007, use of Opiotes is part, also folks are more unhappy due to the work force. 20-25 years ago most people could grad H.S. and get a good paying job w-healthcare, now even B.A and Higher have employment problems, people are in alot more mental pain which can increase pain in general, im in the profession and im not sure how we get out of our problem. We have addicted our youth, its the quick fix, i got into Medicine to help people, i honestly did but i found out its very little about helping, medicine in the USA is really about money. I wish they would in a way cap our wages, and close the incentive based pay we get from the Pharma Ind. I wanted to make a living but Drs dont need to be filthy rich, im not, i live very nicely but not with anything near some of the vulgar displays of wealth of some of us, keep safe, be smart, that was good advice to stay away from Methadone i.e, Good job sir!!

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Yes you'll feel then right away I've been on it for 6 years and got taken off when I got cancer and put on hydro and worked right away but I'm back on methadone now because it ended up giving me heart issues stopping so sudden

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I took 50 Mgs today I will be going on methadone by October 30 I was told if there was any methadone in my urine they will fail me and I don't want this to happen I have been waiting long enough and j don't want to screw if up asking for advise thanks

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Wrong!!!! You left out Benzos which have a long shelf life. 1, 1 mg Xanax stayed in my system 14 days. People like u shouldn't be advising others when it comes to such a serious subject.

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Hi Myss, Methadone is not used for treatment for migraines. It's used for physical pain and heroin users who want a productive life. Your story is a sign your doctor doesn't know what he's doing. They're many drugs that aren't addictive for your problem. Advising people not to take methadone for pain is wrong. Withdrawal symptoms can be very mild if given the right medicine. It sounds to me with all respect you liked the high and abused it. If you take medicine responsibly to reduce pain you don't feel the high. I hope your child was born healthy and beautiful.

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Billy young people die because they abuse it. If used responsibly it can improve the quality of your life. I'm 55 and this political BS is effecting my life. Should I just stop and roll over and lie in bed all day. I want to enjoy the short time I have left. If you can't control your medication - don't use it. But if you can, go out and enjoy the time you have left. Ying and yang....for everything that has productive effects can also have negative. But it's by choice.

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I don't think it's totally that way, it all depends on how our immune system works, because some have a quick body metabolism in there urine. Now if you have been having a clear urine every time they test you and you use one methadone pill that can be no longer than a week now if you have been using it for a while than it will be from 45 days and up.....

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